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marriage of Elizabeth and Robert Browning, both poets, and both devoted to their art? Then we have Mr. and Mrs. Cowden Clarke, the popular writers on Shakespeare, who lived and worked harmoniously together; and William and Mary Howitt; but the most remarkable instance of a united literary life is that of the Irish writers, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall. Not a cloud ever seems to have marred their complete harmony. They celebrated their golden wedding day amidst the congratulations of crowds of friends, and their many books, written in collaboration, prove how well they worked together.

Writing of his wife, Mr. S. C. Hall says in his "Retrospect of a Long Life," "We were so thoroughly one in all our pursuits, occupations, pleasures and labours, never having been separated for more than a month at a time, visiting places either for enjoyment or business, to write about them, producing our books, not in the same room, but always under the same roof, communicating one with the other, as to what should, or should not be done, our friends the same, our habits the same: that it is no wonder I find it difficult to separate her from me, or me from her."

Such was the testimony of her husband, himself a distinguished writer, editor and founder of the "Art Journal," and at one time editor of the "New Monthly Magazine."