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Lord Derby to Miss Farren on her absence from church:—

"While wand' ring angels, as they look'd from high
Observed thine absence with a holy sigh
To them a bright exalted seraph said,
'Blame not the conduct of the absent maid,
Where'er she goes, her steps can never stray,
Religion walks companion of her way;
She goes, with ev'ry virtuous thought imprest,
Heav'n in her face, and heav'n within her breast!'"

In March, 1797, when Miss Farren was approaching her thirty-seventh year, the news came of the death of the Countess of Derby, whose health had been failing for some time. Her end was a sad one. With beauty and charm she died, neglected and forsaken by all her admirers, even her debts, amounting to £5,000, were paid by her own family. There was no doubt about her successor; the coveted position was at once laid at the feet of Miss Farren. In the following month, April 8th, 1797, she made her farewell appearance as Lady Teazle in "The School for Scandal." The theatre was packed to the doors, and Lady Teazle's closing words had a special significance on this occasion:—

"Let me also request. Lady Sneerwell, that you will make my respects to the scandalous college of which you are a member, and inform them that