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shire, who introduced Mary to their friends as "our coosin frae Ireland, that makes the bonnie verses," the peaceful life at Ballitore began again.

In June, 1791, Mary Shackleton was married, at the age of 33, to William Leadbeater, a descendant of the French Huguenot families of Le Batre and Gilliard. Being an orphan, he was placed when very young at Ballitore school, and his attachment for Mary Shackleton began from that time. Their married life—singularly peaceful and happy—lasted for 35 years. After her death he was never seen to smile, and his hair, which had been black, became white as snow.

The rebellion of '98 caused great disturbance in the Quaker community. Mary Leadbeater says "Colonel Campbell was willing to grant protections to all peaceable people, but none of the Friends applied for them, some doubt being entertained of its being consistent with their principles to apply for armed protection. We were thus exposed to the imputation of being disaffected, and the provision we had for our families was rudely taken out of our houses for the yeomen. This was an unpleasant sight for the soldiers who were with us on free quarters, and they hid our bacon for us and for themselves. Great waste was committed and unchecked robbery. One hundred cars, loaded with hay, potatoes, oats, &c., led by their poor owners, and