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where he was Medical Officer. His ability and geniality made him a general favourite, and when he removed to Adelaide, his departure was much regretted by numerous friends. He was married in Adelaide to Miss Button, niece of the late Mr. F. S. Button, once Agent-General of this colony. In 1858, Br. Moore was appointed Colonial Surgeon (vice Dr. Gosse), and also filled the offices of Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum, President of the Medical Board, and member of the Vaccine Board. In 1869 he resigned the office of Colonial Surgeon and was succeeded by Br. Paterson. He then entered into private practice, but continued his connection with the Medical Board as its President, and with the Lunatic Asylum as an official visitor. He was associated with the Orphan Home from its commencement, and rendered valuable services to it in the capacity of consulting physician. He was a Governor of St, Peter's College, Honorary Surgeon of the Female Refuge, and a Member of the Linnæan Society. Dr. Moore was a clever botanist, and long acted as a judge at our Horticultural and Floricultural Shows. He took considerable interest in literary matters, and gathered together one of the best and most voluminous libraries in the colony. He had an excellent practice, and his thorough worth secured him the esteem of all with whom he was brought in contact.

William Gilbert, J.P., M.P.,

BORN in Bucks, England, in 1829, and educated at a boarding-school in the same county. Followed the business of his father (engineering and millering) for many years. During his residence in his native land Mr. Gilbert took an active part in political and religious matters, and since coming to this colony has interested himself in all movements having for their object the elevation of his fellowmen. He arrived here in 1869, and entered political life in