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Chemical Societies of London and Berlin, and of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. He received the appointment of Professor of Chemistry at the Adelaide University (the chair of which was endowed by John H. Angas, Esq.) at the end of last year, and arrived in Adelaide, February 2, 1885. For twelve months prior to his arrival Professor Rennie, who acts as Government Analyst, virtually superintended the various duties of the Government Analyst in Sydney.

George Oughton,

BORN February 20, 1842, at Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies, and is the youngest son of the late Rev. Samuel Oughton of the same place. He early evinced a talent for music, being able to play psalmody on the fine organ in his father's church. He went' to England and received his education at tho collegiate establishment at Oundle, Northamptonshire,then conducted by the late Professor Kewth; here, in addition to his classical and other studies, he devoted his attention to music, having as his tutor the organist of the parish church. Before leaving England for Australia he resided for some time in London, where he was closely associated with Mr. Ebenezer Prout, the eminent Professor and Composer. Mr. Oughton arrived in Melbourne during 1859, and whilst there studied harmony and instrumentation under Mr. Bandmaster Johnson, of the 40th Regiment, whilst he still continued his studies at the organ. Upon the breaking out of the Kew Zealand war at Taranaki in 1860, Mr. Oughton was ordered with his regiment into active service, and served till the conclusion of the Waikato contest in 1864. He was present in the principal engagements, for which he received the war medal. After leaving the army he engaged in business in Auckland with considerable success, identifying himself