Page:Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset v1.djvu/318

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S^CTTCZ TO CORILESPONDEXTS. z^mtiag to the Hfacotf nd at the dlanxTtay cf prdnstcnc, copies ou <3r eziTacts tim or acfaa' ^mq-Uin cnt offices, ^cm Dioccsa, g ^aiBs or dacsuBOEts.. Omrdi-baGJa* Ccoit* •iHrfhn vxxh Bio^rapiacal norifrs of CcaOj R. a -«esl JB BinuagTapitifai partumlars at xhest vcixs» "^^ ^ ~ *- '="-^- :fcc. Ther also especiiillT invite x;t ■ *■■■■ ■■!■■■ f>>^— ^BOBiii be w tiiL^ on 3oe adc of the papo^ onhr, m a egjLil e amt. -^m siLtBiiinaK :aa{iis '»*™*'*i or QfaMalats 'words, soomd be ^Trrihrf they OGcnr in the arigiaal mkhhspc appeared iaeaiikr Puts of ^FiiDiba- at the Axtsde shook! be died : of the Parts conraining tbeir jt ditfir iesire at the time their an- wBL be iSi. jd. each, post free. or ScTBBCXiFSCif ai this ^laiteriy p e ninfii-al are 5s. per anmon, 3ouKS mR BjTTSW win be .ejL^ w e ii and audc e d as opportniiiCT offers. . jvsxzTSEXSSTS vZ be ssertsti ic the izikrwin^ races, whcle pa^ ;^i, juf -uji;*::. :2&. juorter ra^. za. uL Ludt ^ace. 5^ aaif-mch, 2<$. od., whole wiutn n paupe — Aid aosc be rrecai>i. .LU 'rjannnninrfrcs :; :e =ade to cce -2- other cf the Editors, Mr. Hugh Noisus* >aui:i F'Kitfnm. Saserset, aad the Rrr. C. H. Mato, Lang Burton V:cixat;e» Siierbcrae. Zka >.3. — Ccch Reading cases for 5. f J). X. 4 Q., to hold tour asmbers, may be Jtruunci* ^usic ^ee, upon sending a Postal Order an- is. to the Somerset V»cs. i^niiTtes, or Replies, have Ixrcn received from W. D Pink, J. C. '^aji^s.-^^o-tiiU W. M. Barnes, F. J. Poynton, J. Coleman. M. ... Mather, % : ,*Aiuc!, UiTbert Smith, Arthur Mcc, H. A. Helyar, D. Jones, &c. '•1^ aid rttfc-^ogcto the First Volume of 5. f J>. X. ^ Q. are issued ,^^ -^-vy '-* -^ Snoecribcrs together with the present Part.; •s . -» Hcward, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, Kent, is anxious to ^^.^^ , , ^^ci-t**^* Armorial Book-plates.