Page:Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset v8.djvu/429

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NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All Communications to be made to one or other of the Editors, The Rev. F. W. Wbaybr, Milton Clevedon Vicarage, Evercreech, Somerset ; The Rcv.Canon Mayo, Long Burton Vicarage, Sherborne, Dorset. Foreign Correspondents should make their Postal Notes or Money Orders payable at Evercreech, or Sherborne. The Editors of < Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset* wfll wdcome, for insertion in that periodical, suitable notices relating: to the History and Antiquities of those Counties, such as records of the discovery of prehistoric, Celtic, Roman, Saxon or mediieval relics, accurate copies of, or extracts from MSS. in the Public Record, or other government offices, from Diocesan, County, Municipal, or Parish Registers or documents, Churchbooks, Court- rolls, or monumental inscriptions, together with Biographical notices of County Worthies and writers, as well as Bibliographical paiiticulars of their works, memoranda of local Dialects, Legends, Folk-lore, tec. They also especially invite queries on points of interest, in comiection with the same Counties. The Editors do not undertake to return unsuitable communications. All communications should b$ wrUtin on on$ sidi of the paper only, in a IsgibU hand; and uncommon proper names, or obsolete words, should be ifucr^ed in Roman capitals, to assist the printers. Letters rearing a reply should contain a postage stamp. Contractions should not be used except where they occur in the original documents quoted. References to books cited should be made with exactitude. The name of the contributor will be appended to his ' Note ' or ' Query,' unless where the contrary is spedally desired. When reference is made to Articles which have appeared in earlier Parts of the Magazine, the Volume, Part, and Number of the Article should be dted : thus, (I. i. 17.) would be the index to '* Catty Lane." Contributors, wishing to have spare copies of the Parts containing their communications, must inform the Editors of tnefr desire at the time their com- munications are sent in. The charge will be is. 3d. each, post free. Vol. L (Parts i-viii). Vol. II. (Parts ix-xvi). Vol. lU. (Parts xvii-xxiv), Vol. IV. (Parts xxv-xxxii). Vol. V. (Parts xxxiii-xl). Vol. VI. (Parts xli-xlviii), Vol. VII. (Parts xlix-Ivi), and Vol. VIII. (Parts IvU-lxiv). can now be supplied to Subscribers for los. each. Ts«i€S OP SuBSCUFTXON to this quarterly periodical are 5s. per annum, to be paid in advance in January, Single Copies are noi Sold. Books for Review will be received and noticed as opportunity offers. Advertisements will be inserted at the following rates, whole page ^^i, half page, las., quarter page, 6s. 6d. Inch space, 5s., half-inch, 2s« od., whole width of page. Binding Covers are not issued, the Editors being of opinion that the binding of the volumes would be best left to the individual taste of the Subscribers.