Page:Notes Upon The Owners Of The Sancy Diamond.djvu/15

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15661625. 16001649.

SOON after the accession of James I., the “Inventory of the Jewels in the Tower of London,” March 22, 1605, thus describes the “Mirror of Great Britain,” a famous crown jewel. “A greate and ryche Jewell of golde, called the ‘Myrror of Greate Brytayne,’ conteyninge one verie fayre table dyamonde, one verye fayre table rubye, twoe other lardge dyamondes, cut lozengewyse, the one of them called the ‘Stone of the letter H. of Scotlande,’ garnyshed wyth smalle dyamondes, twoe rounde perles, fixed, and one fayre dyamonde, cutt in fawcettis, bought of Sauncey.”—Inventories of the Treasury of the Exchequer, vol. ii., p. 305. The gem remained in the possession of the English Crown during the reign of Charles I. and possibly later.