Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/111

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Folk-lore :

Baskish soul, vii. 73

" Bat Bearaway," vii. 168, 258 ; viii. 15

Bee, ii. 26 ; viii. 329 ; ix. 433

Bees in China, x. 285

Birdcage falling, vii. 105

Bird's claw, vi. 366, 518

Birdscaring, i. 340

Black cat, v. 40

Brittany, viii. 409 ; ix. 17

Building customs, i. 407, 515

Burial in walls of buildings, ix. 75

Candlemas, xi. 324

Candles, three, vi. 508 ; vii. 54

Cat, black, iv. 505 ; viii. 227

Chick-pea, ix. 282, 374

Childbirth, i. 15

Chinese bat, viii. 15

Chinese disobedient son, x. 408

Chough, viii. 388

Christmastide, i. 172

Cleaning, early, and snow, ix. 210

Clocks stopped at death, iii. 124, 175

Cobweb, xi. 378

Cobweb pills, i. 205, 273, 317

Cock, white, v. devil, x. 34

Corpse lying over Sunday, i. 127

Counting bringing ill-luck, ix. 108 ; x. 137

Creole, ix. 227, 338, 494 ; x. 36

Crooked billet, ix. 190, 452 ; x. 38, 77

Crows crying against the rain, x. 88, 136, 415

Crucifixion, i. 426

Daffodil, vi. 347, 410

Death-bird, iv. 465, 515, 530 ; v. Ill, 112,

158, 215 ; vi. 117, 156, 173 ; vii. 409 ;

viii. 57, 192, 354 Devonshire, viii. 127 ; xii. 66 Devil : Giving his supper to the Devil, ii. 427 Diamonds and goat's blood, viii. 270, 356, 456 Dog-bite, ii. 428

Dolls in magic, ix. 168 ; x. 118, 195, 272 Donkeys, measles, and whooping-cough, x.

326, 398

Dorsetshire snake-lore, i. 168, 253, 333 Eel, ii. 149, 231, 331 Elder-bush, viii. 131, 211, 314, 475 Epiphany, xi. 6, 72 Evil eye, and scarlet, i. 148, 231 ; in England,

508 ; in Sicily, 514 ; in Italy, ix. 145, 216 Fijians and their teeth, iii. 373 Fisherman, x. 330 ; xii. 483 Flail, vi. 72, 274 French, xi. 106

Glass and drowning sailor, xii. 310 Good Friday and low tides, i. 310 Greenteenth (Jenny), i. 365 Hare and Easter, v. 292 Hare forecasting fire, xi. 310, 413, 458 Hare's heart stuck with pins, ii. 273 Holly tree, v. 167

Horseshoe, iii. 9, 90, 214 ; viii. 210 ; ix. 154 India, x. 327, 428, 495 Irish, iii. 204, 313, 357 Iron, iii. 348, 397

Japanese regarded as sorcerers, i. 347 Japanese spirits, ix. 34 Keogh family, ix. 167 Lady-bird, viii. 9, 116 Legless spirits, viii. 168, 277 ; ix. 34 Leicester, vi. 509

Life-star, vii. 129, 196, 257 ; viii. 34 Lincolnshire death, iv. 465, 515 ; v. 112

Folk-lore :

Liphook, viii. 486

Lithuanian, viii. 168, 277

Lizard with two tails, viii. 328, 391

Loaf, hollow, foretelling death, xii. 88, 155

Lunar halo, vi. 265, 338, 412

Lobishome, i. 327

Maiden-Garland, xii. 327

Marriage, xii. 484 ;

May Day festivals, i. 160

Medicine, v. 129, 195

Mermaid, ix. 371

Midsummer day, iv. 27

Moon, i. 125, 175, 252, 395 ; v. 185, 252 ; xii.

406, 518 ; and hair-cutting, iv. 29, 116,

173, 234 ; and mollusca, viii. 186, 317 Moorish love -charm, viii. 486 Muffin martyr in the Holy Land, xi. 7 Mulberry and quince, iv. 386, 438 ; v. 15 Murderer, disguised, i. 266, 395 New Year, v. 45, 94 Night-hags, vii. 26, 157 Nightingale and death, vii. 409 ; viii. 57,

192, 354

Number superstition, i. 369, 457 Orkney, xii. 483

Owl, in India, x. 327 ; in Japan, 409 Passover, xi. 324

Peacocks' feathers unlucky, i. 320 Phantom ship, xi. 489 Pigeon, xii. 287, 513 Pin witchery, ii. 205, 271, 376 Pins, as a charm, iii. 106 ; crooked, vii. 447,


Piper's Hole, ix. 289, 334, 356, 378 Polar inhabitants, iii. 30

Rain caught on Holy Thursday, iv. 447, 497 Roumanian, vi. 287, 455 Rubbing with hand of a corpse, iii. 340 Sailor, xii. 310, 483 Salt, i. 514

Scarlet and the evil eye, i. 148, 231 Sea-names, xi. 107 Seaweed needing rain, viii. 388 Signatures, doctrine of, xi. 209 Snake, x. 265, 316, 335, 377, 418 ; xi. 157,


Sneezing, xi. 7, 117, 173; xii. 97 Snow-rimes, i. 392, 511 Son, disobedient, in China, x. 408 Spanish, iv. 266 Spider cures, i. 205, 273 Spittle, i. 514 Springs, healing, vii. 90 Stepping over a child, ix. 227, 338, 494 ;

x. 36

Stones with holes, vii. 26, 157 Stork, x. 368, 438 Thunder, iii. 408 Thunderstorms, xii. 327 Tiger, x. 88, 135, 358 Toads burnt alive, ii. 271, 325 Tongue, slip of, xii. 89 Toothache, ii. 446 ; x. 121, 171 Trades and callings, iii. 465 Twin calves, ii. 406 Twins, vii. 387 ; viii. 54 Virgin Mary's nut, xii. 187, 256 Walking in two parishes on same day, xii.


Water hags, i. 319, 365 Wave, largest, x. 445, 511