Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/121

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language, vii. 148 ; and "local option," viii. 50, 196; his horsemanship, ix. 191, 234; his last moments, x. 68 ; Freeman on his ' Studies on Homer,' xii. 170, 217 Gladwin family, ii. 207 Glamis Castle, mystery of, x. 241, 311 Glamorgan, not Glamorganshire, xi. 306, 498 ;

xii. 118 Glanville (C. L.) on Glanville, Earl of Suffolk, iv.


Glanville, Earl of Suffolk, Camden on, v. 213 Glasgow, Provand's Lordship Dinner at, viii. 406,


  • Glasgow Herald,' its long telegram, ii. 125, 176

Glasgow University, its arms, ix. 465 Glass, old receipt for painting on, ii. 284 ; com- mandments painted on, ix. 447 Glass and drowning sailor superstition, xii. 310 Glass painters, ii. 67

Glass-breaking at Japanese weddings, i. 195 Glasse (Mrs. Hannah), ' The Art of Cookery,'

i. 338 ; her name and nationality, vii. 467 Olasse (Isaac), Westminster scholar, xi. 269 Glasses, musical, and Shakespeare, v. 128, 232 Glassmaking in 1740, i. 51, 114 Glastonbury, St. Dunstan at, i. 149, 216, 293 ;

alleged discovery of Holy Grail at, x. 17, 134 Gleek, obsolete English game, vii. 362, 512 Glegg (T.) and Sir T. Malory, 1469, vii. 88 Glen (James), Governor of South Carolina, iii. 485 Glen family, iv. 68

Glenara, origin of the word, viii. 449 ; ix. 36 Glencairn (Lord), impostor, 1869-70, xii. 248 Glencoe massacre, 1692, order for, vii. 287 ; viii. 20 Glendonwyn on William Clindenin, M.D., vii. 290 Olendonwyn of Glendonwyn, x. 210 Glenny (W. W.) on corn-rent, v. 448. Drinkings : drinking -time, v. 52. Essex fatal to women, xii. 136. Potter's Bar: Seven Kings, xi. 234. Ruckholt House, xi. 92. William the Con- queror and Barking, xii. 175 Glenshee, references to theSpital of, ii. 87, 152,


Gliddon (Anne), artist, c. 1840, her history, v. 430 Globe, Great, of Wyld's Panorama, iii. 395 Globe Theatre, Bankside, its site, xii. 307 Globetrotter, derivation of the word, viii. 485 Olose or gloss, French verse form, xi. 187, 337 Glosses of Middle English, ix. 126 Gloucester (Duchess of) and the Duke of Suffolk,

i. 209 Gloucester (Duke of) and Benjamin Bathurst, ix.

149 Gloucester (Thomas), armiger, of East Herts, c.

1435, v. 170 Gloucester (William Frederick, Duke of), " Silly

Billy," i. 184, 232

Houcester, Tolsey at, its history, x. 469 ; xi. 15 Gloucestershire, Victoria History of, corrections

and omissions, viii. 304 ; ix. 146 Gloucestershire definition of a gentleman, xi. 109, 172

Gloucestershire poll-books, x. 124

Gloucestershire worthies, xi. 168

Glover (Robert), his ' Kentish Monuments, ' ix. 9,

53 Glover (T. A.), his ' Fruits of Endowments,' vii.

308, 357

Glover and Bland families, vii. 89, 131, 191, 354 Glowworm or firefly in modern poetry, i. 47, 112

156, 193, 216

Gloyne (C. P.) on rhombus, xi. 448 Gluttony, proverb against, v. 470 ; vi. 95

Glynn (Major O.) on Blunden family, v. 468.

Pingret, Edouard, v. 448

Glynn (Richard), 1793-1838, publisher, ix. 209 Glynn (T.) on detached belfries, iv. 415. Glynn

(Richard), ix. 209. Monumental inscriptions :

St. Faith, vii. 57. Old names of apples, xii.

398. Tenth wave, x. 512 Glynne (Sir Stephen), his church notes, c. 1828-74,

x. 441

Glynnese language and W. E. Gladstone, vii. 148 Gnomon on " A shoulder of mutton," &c., ii. 292.

" Come out, 'tis now September," iv. 446 " Go for " =attack, i. 225, 272 Goadby (M.), publisher, 1779, xi. 470 Goat's blood and diamonds, viii. 270, 356, 456 Gobesius in ' Tristram Shandy,' his identification,

v. 68, 115

God, its etymology, i. 74 God of architecture, Chinese, xii. 29 ' God save the King,' and Constantino Palaeologus,

ii. 46 ; parodied, 88, 154 ; ic noble " or " gra- cious," iii. 108

Goddard (C. V.) on Vastern, iii. 413 Godfery (F.) on Carte the historian, vii. 169.

Godfery, vii. 28. Godfrey (Col.), xii. 338.

MacCartie (Daniel) or MacCarthy, xi. 347.

Seringapatam, vii. 230 Godfrey (Col. Charles), his antecedents, vi. 49,

116, 155

Godfrey (E.) on Miss Campion with her horn- book, vi. 229 Godfrey (Michael), Deputy-Governor of Bank of

England, his descendants, vii. 28 Godfrey family of Devonshire, xii. 268, 338 Godfrey of Bouillon, his ancestry, vi. 150, 213 ;

and Rashi, xii. 149 Godiva (Lady), her birthplace, iii. 9 Godman (J. D.) and poem, " Behold this ruin I

x. 408 Godmanchester and Guncaster, place-names, i.

518 ; ii. 38 Godolphin (Lord Treasurer), Kneller's picture,

viii. 210, 272 Godolphin School, Salisbury its motto, vi. 210,

251 God's Blessing Farm, derivation of the name, iv.


Godstone, the, at Formby, ix. 187 Godstone stone used in the City, xii. 227 Godwyn (Charles) and Baskology, ii. 487 Godwyn (H.) on burial-places of actresses, xn. 449 Goethe on Byron and Pope, i. 209, 336 ; pro- phecy by, 396 ; translations of ' Wilhelm Meister,' i. 489 ; ii. 57 ; and book-keeping, iii. 328, 414 ; " Bells, bugs, and Christianity, v. 270, 416, 492 ; vi. 38 ; on Shakespeare, ix. 70 ; on King Edwin's dwarfs, x. 250 ; Englishmen in his ' Conversations,' xi. 167 ; on " Ignorance in motion," xii. 88, 198 ; ' Edelknabe und Wahr- sagerin,' 508

Goettingen, inscription on Hippodrome at, 11. 528 Gofer, ringing for, at Newark-upon-Trent, i. 6 Going a-gooding, St. Thomas's Day custom, iv. 527 Gold v. silver, their quantities and values, iii. 108,


Golden (W. P.) on Lady Chantrey, i. 368 "Golden Angel," St. Paul's Churchyard, c. 1658,

vii. 470 ; viii. 33, 216

" Golden Ball," South wark, its register, i. 329 " Golden Buck," Fleet Street, its history, iii. 427,


Golden Roof at Innsbruck, its history, v. 89, 136 Golden Rule and Aristotle, xii. 510