Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/126

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Grinfield (Rev. E. W.), e. 1843, his biography, iii.

330, 370 Gringo : Griengro, meaning of the words, i. 369,


Grisbet, dialectal word, x. 427 Grissell (Hartwell D.) on boar's head, v. 35.

" Gula Augusti," vi. 72. Victoria of Spain,

vii. 76, 193 Groatie Buckie, myth connected with the, iv.

530 Grone (Lieut. V.) on Polish Dragoons : Jager,

xi. 277

Grooms, hobby, 1677, their livery, v. 127 Groom's Coffee-house, its sale, xi. 145 ; xii. 57 Grosart (Dr.), his edition of Herrick, iv. 482 Grosseteste, pronunciation of the name, iv. 353 Grosvenor and Scrope controversy, vi. 328 Grosvenor and Venoix, derivation of names, v.

208 Grosvenor or Gravenor (Joane), c. 1601, her

biography, iv. 308 Grote (George), his residence in Savile Bow, vi.


Grove (Sir George) on C. H. Spurgeon's scholar- ship, iii. 206 Grove (Sir W. R.), d. 1896, his burial-place, ix.

169 Grover (J. W.), his lecture on ' Old Clapham,' v.


Groves (A.) on Groves family, iii. 269 Groves (C. H.) on ' Gospel of God's Anointed,'

ii. 8

Groves family, iii. 269

Grozer (Joseph), his remarkable will, ii. 521 Gruselier (Gregory) on Archbishop of Dover, x.

170. Caravanserai to public-house, iv. 308.

Corbet = Valle tort, x. 168. Estrege, i. 469.

Iktin, ii. 249. Jesus, the name, i. 428. Pol-

whele's ' History of Cornwall,' xii. 389. Quota- tions wanted, vi. 149. Registers of St. Kitts,

iv. 327. Tregortha (John), ii. 289 Grzymala, Polish word, its meaning, xi. 49, 338 Guard aloft on early railways, x. 487 ; xi. 35 Guardings, for gardens, iii. 429, 476 Guards, 3rd Foot, at Bayonne, 1814, xi. 69, 192,


Guarini, Lodge, and Mathew Roydon, vi. 221 ' Gude-willie waught "in ' Auld Lang Syne,'

viii. 85

Guelderland (Duke of), c. 1641, his biography,

v. 249, 313, 456

Guernsey, records of marriages in, i. 9, 75 Guernsey on ' An Excursion to Jersey,' xi. 507 Guernsey lily, its naturalization, x. 368, 412, 456 ;

xi. 55

Guest family, i. 504

Guevara inscriptions at Stenigot, Lines, vii. 6, 79 Guignol : Le grand guignol, origin of the term,

ix. 267

Guide, derivation of the word, ix. 171, 494 ; x. 13 Guidot (Roger Francis), picture by, iii. 489 Guild (William), 1586-1657, his biography, xi. 470;

xii. 34, 77

' Guildford Barge," Lambeth sign, xii. 410 Guildhall, changes at, x. 101 Guildhall Library, uncatalogued London records

in, vii. 67 ; seventeenth-century broadside

returned, xi. 505 Guilds, City, their badges and charters, vii. 347

457 Guimaraens (A. J. C.) on John Chattock, iii. 349

Farmer (Thomas), i. 428. Farmer of Hartshill

iii. 48. Portuguese pedigrees, ii. 167. Pratten

ton: Heatley: Darby, iii. 488. Prattenton or Prattington family, v. 270. Shakespeare (Mary), i. 448. Winter (Rev. Richard), ii. 348 Guinea balances, iii. 347, 413, 472 Guineas, fifteenth-century English and twelfth- century French, v. 105, 195 Guiney (L. I.) on Emmet and De Fontenay letters,

i. 52. Hall (Dr.), i. 268. la (St.), ix. 448 Guipuscoan, oldest inscription in, vi. 184 Guisers : Waits : Christmas carols, ii. 504 ; iii. 10 Guith, in old Welsh, ii. 466, 539 Gula Augusti, 1 August, v. 408, 499 ; vi. 15, 72,

135 ; vii. 257, 313, 394 ; viii. 35 Gulix holland, textile fabric, xi. 470 ; xii. 12 Gulls, weather rune on, iv. 406 Gulston (Joseph), his collection of prints, x. 6 Gulston family, x. 201, 292, 355 Gun, its meaning in 1546, ii. 169 Gun, Armstrong, its inventor, ii. 34 Gun-cases = trousers, use of the word, ix. 409 Guncaster, identification of the place-name, i.

448,518; ii. 38 Gunning (Elizabeth), Duchess of Hamilton and

Argyll, her marriage, iv. 384 Gunning (H.), "Fortunate Youth" in his

' Reminiscences,' v. 35 Gunning (Misses), engravings of, iii. 409 Gunning family and Castle Coote, v. 323, 374, 395,

436, 457 Gunpowder Plot Day celebrations in England and

America, x. 384, 434, 496 ; xii. 364, 458 Gunston (Percival), of Thorpe-on-Tees, v. 469 Guppy surname and Dickens, x. 327, 477, 517 Gupsar, a skin used in swimming, iii. 13 Gurney (J. H.) on hexameters on the Bass Rock,

ix. 288. Ray's Itineraries, i. 468 Gurney (M.) on authors of quotations, i. 428 Gurney (Dr. Robert), Rector of Omagh, c. 1720,

xi. 149, 214 Gush (William), painter, c. 1833-74, his biography,

xii. 267, 313 Gustavus Adolphus and Tycho Brahe"'s star, iii.

346 Gutenberg and the ' Incendium Divini Amoris,*

i. 2

Guthrie (A.) on " une SeVigneY' xi. 454 Gutiken (Prince), his correspondence, xii. 350 Guts Muths, his ' Gymnastics,' xi. 287 Gutta-percha, Great Seal in, ii. 528 ; iii. 32 Gutteridge or Goodridge family, viii. 28, 217 Guy (R.) on Jesuits at Mediolanum, x. 309 " Guy, Earl of Warwick," London sign, ix. 127,

455 Guy Fawkes celebrations in England and America,

x. 384, 434, 496 ; xii. 364, 458 Guydickens (Melchior), Envoy Extraordinary to

St. Petersburg, iv. 470, 537 ; v. 37, 93, 155 Guydickens (Gustavus), 1775, his military career,

v. 93 Gwillim's ' Display of Heraldrie,' its author, ii.

328, 416, 495

Gwyn (Nell), looking-glass in Brighton Museum, viii. 61 ; and orange custom at the Savoy, xii. 262

Gwyneth, its correct spelling, ii. 108, 255 Gwynne (Edward), his will, 1640, i. 466 Gwynneth (John), ' D.N.B. ' on, iii. 247 Gwyther (A.) on "In matters of commerce,"

i. 469 Gypsy on correct, iv. 189. November 5 : Guy

Fawkes celebrations, x. 434 Gypsy Lore Society, its ' Journal,' vii. 366 Gytha, mother of Harold II., iv. 168, 232