Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/17

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Appleton (H.) on "Bearded like the pard," ii.


Apprentice books, Ipswich, discovered, i. 41, 111 Apprentices of merchant seamen, books of, i.

187, 218

Apssen counter, in Sussex will of 1583, xii. 349 Aquinas (St. Thomas), his ancestry, v. 269, 377 Arabia, Hail or Hayil in, viii. 169 ; ix. 58

  • Arabian Nights,' edition with vowel points, iv.

409, 513 ; minor stories in, vi. 312 Arabic-English, errors in, x. 284, 336 Arabic numerals, on a brass at Winchester, x. 187 ;

their present form, x. 368 ; xi. 154 Arabic vowels, their transliteration, x. 285, 335 Arabic words, their pronunciation, xi. 352 Arachne House, Strand-on-the-Green, x. 290, 373 Arago on Sir Isaac Newton, ii. 265 Aram (Eugene), Bristow on, i. 389

  • Araminta,' comic recitation, xii. 288, 338

Arbalest or cross-bow, its history, ii. 443 Arbeiter on " Right as a trivet," xii. 376 Arbuthnot family, viii. 449

Arch, Norman, largest, ii. 289 Arch of a bridge, spelling of the word, iii. 465 4 Archaeological Papers, Index of,' iii. 186, 273 Archaeologist on Earl of Egremont, i. 148, 234 Archaeology, Institute of, at Liverpool University,

iv. 308

Archbell family, ix. 469 Archbishop's imprimatur, 1752, vii. 229 Archdeacons' marks in Bedfordshire church, v.

209, 314

Archer (Daniel), his biography, i. 448 Archer (H. G.) on armorial wine-bottles, xi. 247. Braile's big well, xii. 367. Delaval (Sir Francis Blake), xii. 476. Field memorials to sportsmen, x. 509. Guard aloft, xi. 35. London statues and memorials, x. 493. Louis XIV. table- cloth, xii. 451. Statues in the British Isles, xii. 277

Archer (L.) on Archer (Daniel), i. 448. Archer of Umberslade, v. 148, 312. Guinea balances, iii. 472. ' Medley Finale to the Great Exhibition,' v. 64. Throgmorton, vi. 258 Archer (P.) on George Fall, artist, v. 273 Archer family of Umberslade, Warwick, v. 148,

195 232 312

Archibald '(B. C.) on Baltimore and " Old Mor- tality " Patersons, xi. 25, 218. Gush (William), painter, xii. 267. Patterson (Governor Walter), xi. 207 Archiepiscopal cross in Tennvson's ' Becket,'

iv. 106, 157 Architect on Embassy buildings, iii. 347. Godstone

stone used in the City, xii. 227 Architects, birds as, ix. 66

Architecture, in old times, i. 290, 333 ; and Dante, vii. 266 ; works on castles, ix. 429 ; Chinese god of, xii. 29 Arctic Circle, ball-games played on festivals in,

iv. 347 Ardagh family and the Speakership of the Irish

House of Commons, ii. 289 Ardeleroy (G.) on " Poor Dog Tray," vi. 470 Arden, Westminster scholar, xi. 129 Arden (Edward), executed 1583, ix. 184 Arden as a feminine name, ii. 368 Arden family, vi. 289, 355 ; xii. 386 Argument, Darwinian chain of, iv. 169, 237 Argyle (Duke of), 1815= Anacharsis, i. 449 Argyle (Earl of) and States-General in 1685, vi. ' 261, 351 Argyle Stone, Inverness-shire, its history, vi. 369

Ariel, masculine or feminine, v. 249, 298, 415 Ariosto, fable in Christie Murray's ' Hearts,' i. 290 Aristophanes : modern reproductions of ' The Wasps,' v. 188 ; A. Lobineau's edition, 387 ; proverb in ' The Wasps,' 510

Aristotle, and moral philosophy, i. 405, 472 ; Tommy Short on, xii. 70, 392 ; and the Golden Rule, 510 Arithmetic, old book on, iii. 50, 98 ;. " practice "

a rule of, c. 1670, viii. 67, 112

Arkle (A. H.) on aerial navigation, xi. 98. Arkle : Nielson, v. 509. Blue Coat School costume, xi. 97. Brougham Castle, iv. 373. Bumper, ii. 28. Cemetery consecration, viii. 93. Coleridge (Hartley), xi. 217. Coutts (Messrs.), their removal, ii. 293. Dover pier, iv. 451. Field memorials to sportsmen, xi. 415. ' Flowers of Lodowicke of Granada,' v. 246. ' Forget not to give," xii. 269. Frost prints, x. 433. " God called up from dreams," iii. 115. Green (Walter), M.D., of Liverpool, xii. 285. Hartley (William), i. 87; ii. 152. Hand, ii. 348; iii. 98. Incledon: Cooke, iv. 92. Jewish juror, first, vi. 346. Jordangate, ii. 537. ' Lincolnshire Family's Chequered History,' vii. 497. Liver- pool Library, ix. 414. Longmans, xi. 51. Looping the loop : centrifugal railway, iv. 176, 416. * Merchant's Magazine,' vii. 45. ' Mil- lennial Star,' xi. 116. Miller (W.), engraver, i. 336. Mirfield Book Society, i. 368. Moral . courage, viii. 296. Motto : ' In God is all," viii. 353. Nonconformist burial-grounds, ix. 297. Nonjurors : Rev. Benjamin Way, viii. 297. " O dear, what can the matter be ? " vi. 73. ' Philobiblion,' ix. 173. Photography, v. 91. Pie : tart, viii. 494. Pig : swine : hog, iv. 449. Place, v. 333. Police office, vi. 433 ; vii. 91. Preston Jubilee, vii. 417. Ripon ceremony, iv. 357. Ruth well Cross, x. 217. St. George : George as a Christian name, vii. 455. St. Mary the Egyptian, xi. 390. " Scole Inn," Norfolk, i. 394. Scott's ' Black Dwarf,' vii. 295. Semaphore signalling, xi. 211. Southcott (Joanna) and the black pig, xi. 137. Stob, iii. 14. Tournaments : Bayard's Green, vi. 154. Willme (J.), xii. 15. Arkle (John)=Grissell Neilson, 1705, v. 509 Arkwright (Mrs.), her setting of nv - 3 "

Farewell, ii. 448, 492 Armada and English poets, iv. 346, 414 Arman (Anne)= Charles FitzGeffrey, 1604, xi. 49 Armenian language and Lord Byron, v. 93 Armiger, English equivalent of the word, vii. 109 Armitage (H.) on William Bullock, on Virginia, xi.


Armorel as a Christian name, viii. 369 ; ix. 178 Armorial bearings, taxes on, ii. 328 ; iii. 392. See


Armorial visiting cards, iii. 36 Armorial wine-bottles, xi. 247 Armour, MS. inventory temp. Edward VI., vii.


Armour, parish, 16th century, xii. 422 Arms. See Heraldry.

Arms, right to, and the College of Arms, iv. 188 ; of English Roman Catholic bishops, x. 228, 316, 458 ; xi. 176 ; of Sussex, x. 230, 332 ; of married women, x. 429 ; xi. 296. Arms, Canadian College of, ix. 96 Arms, royal, in churches, ii. 500 ; v. 188, 230, 294,

336 Armstrong (Sir Thomas), two of the name, iv.


The Pirate's