Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/192

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Morris (Edward), M.P. for Newport, x. 350, 397,

434 Morris (Rev. Henry) of Burnley, 1640-53, xii. 388,


Morris (H. C. L.) on Baron Ward, ii. 296 Morris (J. B.) on gild churches, v. 450 Morris (M.) on Bulwer Lytton's novels, ii. 489 Morris (M. C. F.) on Nunburnholme Priory, iii. 407.

Raddidoo, iv. 68. Yorkshire spellings, iv. 104 Morris (William), his Welsh ancestry, iv. 350 ;

his use of the word " lealand," vi. 66 ; and a

Scotch verger, xi. 144 Morris Dancers' Plantation, Nottinghamshire, ii.


Morris family, 1734, i. 68 Morryoune, c. 1626, explanation of the word,

vii. 448 ; viii. 54

Mort bell, explanation of the term, i. 166 Morte, use of the term 1564-5, xii. 346, 478 Mortimer (C.) on Mortimer of Trowbridge, vi. 29 Mortimer (Ed.) = Katharine Houlton.his ancestors,

vi. 29

Mortimer (Elias), his parentage, i. 109 Mortimer (Elizabeth )= Thomas, Lord Camoys, xi.


Mortimer (Roger), his escape, ii. 225 Mortimer (T.), his polemic .against Methodists, i.

328, 491

Mortimer (W.) on John Pleydell, ii. 188 Mortimer (W. PJ on General Charles Stewart, i.

175 Mortimer ( ), his ' Die and be Damned,'

ii. 115

Morton (Nicholas), his biography, ii. 206 Morton (R. L.) on George III.'s daughters, v. 192.

Gliddon (Anne), v. 430. Hobson's choice, v.

288. ' Horace in London,' v. 369. Lettsom

(Dr.), v. 191. Party colours, v. 396. War:

ifo old pronunciation, v. 310 Morton (Walter de) and Haliwick Manor, iv. 36,


Moryson (Agnes) and the Earl of Tyrone, vi. 181,

257 Moryson (Fynes), his * Shakespeare's Europe,'

viii. 305, 412, 518

Moscow, London rubbish at, i. 208, 257 Moscow campaign, best book on, iii. 167, 212 Moseley (B. D.) on gaol literature, xi. 512. Goose with one leg, xi. 497. " Kats and kittlings on Palm Sunday," xi. 457. Lumber = trouble, mischief, xi. 386. " Stick to vour tut," xi. 307 Moser (Joseph), his ' Vestiges,' iii. 128, 195 ; and

The European Magazine,' v. 117 Mosky, use of the \vord, i. 266 Mosley (Thomas), suggested improvement for

Waterloo Bridge, iii. 105 Moss (Charles), Bishop of Oxford, ix. 473 Mot or motte, a clump of trees, x. 265, 413 Mother Christmas, use of the term, v. 48 Mother Shipton, Welshwoman or Yorkshire- woman, i. 406

Motherhood late in life, viii. 449 ; ix. 57, 96, 118, 232

Mother-in-law, used for stepmother, xii. 360 Motor index marks, ii. 468 : iii. 153 ; iv. 297 Motoralities, use of the word, iv. 186 Motor-car and King Edward VIL, iv. 7 Mott (Mrs. Lucre tia) and the Anti -Slavery Con- vention, 1840, vii. 10

Motte (De la) de la Garre", of Caen, xi. 248 Mottley (John), author and dramatist, 1692- 1750, i. 367



Mottoes :

Bookseller's : " Arise for it is day," v. 208,

255, 418

' Cala rag whethow," xii. 28, 78 ' Castigat ridendo mores," x. 126 Covenanters' banner, xi. 470 ' Crux coronae fulcrum," xii. 289 " Dieu done tout," viii. 210 ' Disce pati," i. 248, 316 ' Divide et impera," viii. 25 " Egregios cumulare libros prseclara supellex,"

xi. 366

" Fide, sed cui vide," i. 87, 154, 255 ; ix. 70 " Futura praeteritis," iii. 227 ; xii. 295 Goldolphin School, Salisbury, vi. 210, 251 Heraldic, iii. 49, 92, 111, 235 ; lady's, xi.

268, 397

" In God is all," viii. 270, 353 ; ix. 393, 438, 474

Je ne viens qu'en mourant," iii. 50 Loyall au mort," xii. 108 Mineria marra," xii. 28

Nitor in adversuin," viii. 429, 474 ; ix. 356, 451

' Nunquam non paratus," vi. 69, 117 " Omni bonum Dei donum," vi. 448 " Over fork : fork over," vi. 449 ; vii.

33, 93 ; viii. 340 " Per aspera ad ardua," ix. 288 Philippa (Queen), vi. 151, 238 St. Pancras Borough Council, x. 369, 412 " Sal sapit omnia," xii. 109 " Son confort et liesse," i. 232 " Stella Clavisque Maris Indici," viii. 446 Sundial, fourteenth-century, i. 148; in White

City, xii. 367

" Torcular conculcavi solus," iv. 109 " Ulidia,'? vii. 289, 356, 518 " Unity is strength," viii. 25 " Vis mund," viii. 89

Mottram Hall, Cheshire, its locality, vi. 150, 21 Moucharaby, etymology of the word, viii. 390,

431 Mould (R. W.) on the Syer-Cuming collection.

i. 436

Moule (H. J.), his death, i. 280 Moule (H. J.) on field -names, West Haddon, i.

156 Mound " Roman," on island in the Medway, v.

245, -296 Mounsey (John), " King of Patterdale," i. 149,

193 276 Mount "(C- B.) on ' All's Well that Ends Well,'

V. ii., vii; 144. " Born in the purple," vi. 187.

" Don't nail his ears to the pump," iv. 387.

Psalm-singing weavers, ii. 128. ' Pucelle '

in ' 1 Henry VI.,' ii. 524. Punch, the beverage,

iv. 401, 531 ; v. 71 Mount Grace de Ingelby, religious house, ix. 429 ;

x. 234 Mount Grace le Ebor', records of the monastery,

i. 149, 198, 255

Mountain, high, in Scotland, ii. 505 Mountain ash, its many names, ii. 113 Mountain Bower, Wiltshire place-name, xi. 505 ;

xii. 38

Mountain family, v. 448

Mountfort (Simon), of Gray's Inn 1710-11, iii. 4 Mountfort (Simon Smyth), matriculated at Oxford

1799, iii. 489

Mourek (Prof. V. E.), his biography, vi. 205 I Mourning rites in Persia, vii. 230, 338