Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/227

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Proverbs and Phrases:

Et tu, Brute ! v. 125, 214 ; vi. 157 Eternal feminine, i. 108, 234, 335, 496 Etre ne coiff, iii. 203 Europeans have only one eye, xi. 168 Every man has his price, vii. 367, 470, 492 ;

viii. 313 ; ix. 378

Every mickle makes a muckle : misquota- tion, x. 286

Exceeding mercy, x. 282 Eyelashes of the road, vi. 69 Face of clay, viii. 508 Face upon conscience, vii. 288 Facing the music, i. 100 Facts are stubborn things, iv. 204 Faire patte de velours, v. 243 Falsehood of extremes, xi. 189, 234 Familiarity breeds contempt, ix. 407 Fat, fair, and forty, i. 460 Fate of the Tracys, iv. 128, 192, 274 Father of his Country, ix. 70, 115, 151, 236,


Fay ce que vouldras, ii. 186 February fill dyke, iii. 248, 314, 333 Feed the brute, i. 348, 416 ; ii. 257, 298 Fierce as a maggot, xii. 148, 218 Filling the cup, ix. 307 First catch your hare, i. 175, 254, 338 First kittoo, ii. 149, 296 Fish in troubled waters, xii. 386 Fit as a fiddle, x. 188 Flea in the ear, i. 34 For his bot, ix. 387 Forget not to give, but give and forget, xii.


Fortune favours ioois, ii. 365, 491 ; iii. 14 Fortune of war, ix. 387 Four regular orders of monks, xii. 167, 274,


Fourth estate, xii. 184 Free and easy, ix. 407

Full thoughts causes long parentises, x. 282 Fy gownes fy, shame gownes shame, ii. 23

Gas and gaiters, vi. 348

Get a wiggle on, ii. 28, 153, 274

Give me old Englande, x. 282

Giving the hand, ii. 126

Go anywhere and do anything, ii. 8, 32

Go for it bald-headed, i. 272

Go the way of all flesh, ix. 68

God bless the Prince of Wales, ix. 486

God rest you merry, iii. 49, 116

God yow, iii. 389

God's silly vassal, i. 17

Going the round, i. 9, 76, 158

Good cards for it, i. 104

Gospel of fatness, iii. 49

Graisser la patte, iv. 505

Greate bodies have sloe notions, x. 282

Grinning like a weasel in a trap, xii. 148

Growing down, like a cow's tail, iv. 264

Hackbut bent, xii. 36

He that hountes doth not ay rost, viii. 470

He will either make a spoon or spoil a horn, xii. 509

Hearts of oak, v. 409

Hobson's choice, v. 288

Homme roux et femme barbue, v. 244

Honest broker, ii. 369, 452

Honi soit qui mal y pense, viii. 47, 176

Hopping John, xii. 487

Hose on the head, vi. 169, 236

Proverbs and Phrases :

Huff : In a huff, v. 448, 497

Humanum est errare, i. 389, 512 ; ii. 57, 293.


Humming ale, ix. 107 Hungry forties, iii. 87 I am in Pimlico with my feet, x. 403 I care not twopence, xi. 330 I expect to pass through, v. 260, 393, 498

I wish I had our cat by the tail, xii. 148 If two and two make four, xii. 109, 231 If you wish to live and thrive, xii. 245

II a les pieds blancs, vii. 378

II est bon d'avoir des amis partout, i. 3, 485 II ne faut pas mettre tous ses oaufs dans um

panier, iv. 505

II ne se d^boutonna jamais, vi. 289 II parle Frangais comme une vache espagnole r

ii. 173

Us sont cpmme les cloches, ii. 404 In essentials, unity, viii. 347 In ore imprudentis, vi. 95 In print, ix. 447 ; xi. 176 In puris naturalibus, ii. 265 In the straw, iii. 280 In the sweat of thy brow, vi. 150 Infant phenomenon, iv. 507 It is better to marry over the mixen, ix. 227..

413 It is the Mass that matters, x. 470 ; xi. 98 ,.


It's of no consequence, x. 282 Jack Cade's chimney, xi. 48 Jolly as a sandboy, iii. 260 Jolly good fellow, i. 4 Jurymen's cup, ii. 297 Kick the bucket, i. 227, 314, 412 ; ii. 75 Kissed hand or hands, i. 135 La Heine ! . . . .Toujours la Reine, ix. 118, 172 Lapp'd in lead, xii. 346, 437 Lead his own horse, vii. 367 Liberte", Egalite", Fraternit6, x. 406 Like John-a-Duck's mare, x. 150 Like the curate's egg, good in parts, xi. 70.,

133, 356

Liquida non frangunt, xii. 227, 333 Local option, viii. 50, 196 Loci tenentes, ii. 128

Lombard Street to a China orange, viii. 7, 136 London is populated by, &c., viii. 120 Looking like a throttled earwig, xii. 148, 218 Lost tribe = the Scotch, x. 9 Lynch law, xi. 445, 515 Mad as a hatter, iii. 20 Mais on revient toujours, i. 35 Making buttons, ix. 467 ; x. 13, 158 Man in the moon, x. 518 ; xi. 53 Man in the street, v. 100, 167 ; xi. 196 Map of Ireland on his face, ix. 486 Martem quam Mercurium colere, vi. 486 May Jemmy Johnson squeeze me, x. 309 Manager la chevre et le chou, ii. 404 Merry England, x. 88 Metropolitan toe, v. 46, 357 Minerva Press, xi. 67 Minority Waiter, v. 510 Monkey on the chimney, i. 288, 396 Monmouth Street of literature, iii. 188, 252 Month's mind : To have a month's mind, ii,

487 ; iii. 54

Mony a pickle maks a mickle, vi. 388, 456 j vii. 11, 112, 215 ; ix. 338