Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/23

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trivet," xii. 435. Curious Christian names, i. 214. Deaneries unattached to cathedrals, xii. 469. De St. Philibert, x. 73. Downing family, i. 113. Egypt as a place-name, xi. 94. Embroidery pictures, ix. 193. English officials under foreign Governments, iii. 129, 214. Epigram on a rose, iii. 355. February 30, vii. 216. Feet of fines: identifications, xii. 518. Fettiplace, i. 473. French anonymous biographies, x. 128. Frost and its forms, i. 116. Gun caster, i. 448. Historical MSS. discovered, xii. 497. Houses, ancient religious, iii. 69. Hubbub = disturbance, vii. 507 ; viii. 156. Initial letters instead of words, x. 176.

' James " University, v. 92. Jurisdiction, special, x. 368, 512. Leech's etchings on steel, x. 247. Literature, its perils, v. 226. Louis Philippe's landing in England, v. 391. Manor house c. 1300, xi. 18. Mareboake : viere, in old title-deeds, vii. 448. Mirage, vii. 495. Mitred abbots, x. 455 ; xi. 117. Monks of St. Ebrald at Eton, viii. 47, 111. Mother- hood late in life, ix. 232. Parcel Post in 1790, xi. 17. Partrendune, Bucks, xi. 388. ' Pen- rose's Journal ' : turtle -riding, vii. 216. Philippa (Queen), her mottoes, vi. 151. Place- names, xi. 454. Pneumatic tyres, xii. 445.

' Quid est fides ? " xi. 296. " Rattling good thing," v. 250. " Red Lion," Henley-on-

rhames, vi. 115. Rood-lofts, viii. 154. Thermometer scale, v. 174. Titles conferred by Cromwell, x. 112. Unregistered arms, v. 311. Up: its barbarous misuse, v. 245. Yew in poetry, xii. 477. Yew trees in churchyards, xi. 113

B r (R.) on Americans in English Records, v. 497. ' As such," iii. 193. Belfries, de- tached, iv. 290. Blandina, y. 517. Bourne in place-names, xi. 451. Burial half within a church, xi. 318. Carlyle's ' French Revolution,' ix. 158. Catte Street, vi. 175. Chancel arches, triple, xii. 255. ' Christmas Boys,' vii. 32. Creole folk-lore, ix. 494. Dickens and Yorkshire Schools, vi. 373. Dickens : Shake- speare : woodbine, xii. 334. Drawbridges still in use, xii. 198. Engravings, i. 336. Epi- taph in Courteenhall Church, vi. 346. Epi- taph with postscript, x. 503. Epitaphiana, ii. 323 ; viii. 227 ; xi. 504. Femmer, x. 75. Fonts desecrated, ii. 253. Gibbets, iv. 315. H, use or omission, ii. 491. Haltwhistle, xii. 507. Heraldic, iii. 94. Horse Hill, xi. 155. Jesuits at Mediolanum, x. 438. Ketty land, ix. 416. Lady -bird folk-lore, viii. 116. La Roche (Miss), Lady Echlin, xii. 38. London and Birmingham Railway, viii. 292. Martello towers, i. 356. Marylebone, xi. 356. Mereday, Christian name, iv. 248. Miners' greeting, iv. 391. Morpeth = Murderpeth, vi. 249. Motto, ' In God is all," ix. 474. Name- corruption : Mountain Bower, xii. 38. " Near the church and far from God," vi. 496. New- castle plate, v. 167. Northburgh family, ii. 377. Oak, the ash, and the ivy, i. 35. Penrith, i. 156. Pillion : flails, iii. 375. Pot-gallery, viii. 313. Pour, v. 392. Pugging tooth, vi. 434. Pulpits, old, viii. '467. Quandary, iii. 217. Romeland, vii. 58. St. David : " Taffy-on-a-stick/' xii. 118. Shakespearian vowel-sounds, vi. 395. Steel- yard, vi. 412. Stob, ii. 495. Thaw as surname, viii. 334. Tideswell and Tideslow, i. 52. Touching wood, vi. 476. Twelve surname, xii. 149. War, its old pronunciation, v. 310.

Wife Bazaar ' iii. 57

Washington's arms, iii. 36. childers, ix. 416. Yule " clog,'

B s (R.) on diabread, i. 126

B t (R.) on Hanway= umbrella, ix. 493

B. (R. B.) on Wolfe, i. 108

B. (R. E.) on blood used in building, iii. 173. Dunkeld (James, first Lord), i. 328. Garioch, v. 56. Novel wanted, viii. 168. Police uni- forms : omnibuses, iii. 137. Thackeray quota- tion, i. 216

B. (R. S.) on Mrs. Aberdein : Papyruseum, ix. 30. Addison and Col. Philip Dormer, vii. 192. Alphabetical skit, viii. 485. Arundell, Master of the Mint, x. 467. Bacon, early instance, viii. 396. " Before one can say Jack Robinson," xi. 233. Boddington family, iv. 89. Bristol and the slave trade, xi. 6. Burton (J.), J. Birkett, and St. Leonard's xii. 285. " Carrying coals to Newcastle," vii. 105. Clayton (John), xi. 396. Clayton (William), Baron Sundon, xi. 188, 317. Court Leet : Manor Court, viii. 334. ' Diary of a Modern Dandy,' vii. 243. Edwards of Halifax, x. 94, 315. Emigrants to America, x. 396. ' Enchanted Mountain,' ix. 190. Ernisius, a proper name, xi. 33. Fifth-Monarchy Men, vii. 515. Fleet Prison, x. 110. Frieze, its pro- nunciation, vii. 245. Games, obsolete English, vii. 512. Gaunox, xi. 357. Gerard (Ebenezer). x. 446. Harbours, xi. 514. Hawser, xi. 307. Horne-Tooke (John), viii. 93. Hugo (Victor), his property in England, vii. 33. Ireland, ex- pedition to, ix. 335. Jurisdiction, special, x. 418. Kelsall (John), Mayor of Chester, xii. 297. King's Silver : Lincoln College, x. 117. " Knave of Jesus Christ," xii. 338. Lick- barrow (Isabella), xi. 38. London newspapers in 1818, viii. 446. London statues and memorials, ix. 482. Manor Court terms, xi. 517. " Mar " in Mardyke, xii. 475. Mauraden, its meaning, xii. 149. Milton : engraved portraits, x. 445. Park (Lassall ), clockmaker, ix. 494. Peel (Parsley), nickname, ix. 115. " Petits Chevaux," a game, ix. 110. Poonah painting, vii. 232. Princess Royal : earliest use of title, viii. 35. Public Office = Police Office, vii. 90, 217. Restaurateur, viii. 207. Richard II. at Chester, xii. 166. St. George : George as a Christian name, vii. 455. Seacome or Seacombe family, xii. 287. ' Sobriquets and Nicknames, vii. 430. Sotby and Bleasby Manors, Lines, xii. 29. Thiggyng : Fulcenale : Warelondes, vii. 507 ; viii. 296. Totter - out : jag, viii. 493. Tower of London, ix. 296. Tristan and Isolde, vii. 151. Union Light Dragoons, 1780, x. 49

B. (R. W.) on American yarn, ii. 188. ' Bough- ten," vi. 247. Carter and Fleetwood, ii. 333. English in France, i. 253. Fleetwood (Crom- well), iii. 466. Fleetwood (George), his portrait, ix. 193. Fleetwood (Bishop W.), ix. 231. Fleet- wood arms, vi. 264, 435. Fleetwood cabinet, 11. 67. Fleetwood of Calwich, xi. 183 ; xii. 373. Fleetwood of Crawley, v. 403. Fleetwood of Madras, v. 68. Fleetwood of Penwortham, vii. 302. Fleetwood pedigree, unknown, v. 23. Fleetwoods and Milton's Cottage, i. 422. Lobis- home, ii. 15. Ravison : Scrivelloes, 11. 45J. Ropemakers' Alley Chapel, ii. 33. B. (S.) on authors of quotations, viii. 32. Charles I. : his physical characteristics, vii. 211. Ger- main (Lady Elizabeth), ii. 156. Gow (Neil and Natt), xii. 172. Lepel (Molly), her descent, iii. 172. Snakes drinking milk, x. 418