Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/268

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Sheeter, mentioned in ' Tristram Shandy,' v. C8, 115

Sheffield plate, its bibliography, v. 27, 92, 214

Shelley (C.) on flint and steel, vii. 452. Play- market, Westminster, vii. 516. London and Birmingham Railway, viii. 414. ' O dear, what can the matter be ? " vi. 454. Ovoca or Avoca, x. 397

Shelley (Mary ) = George Cotton, of Warblington, iv. 55, 114

Shelley (P. B.), date of his mother's death, i. 68]; and Samuel Shelley, 227, 278 ; author of Italian lines in, ii. 208 ; Jane Clairmont's grave, 284 ; and Sir J. Lawrence's ' Empire of the Nairs,' iii. 463 ; lines in ' Sensitive Plant,' viii. 231 ; ' Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire,' x. 224 ; Persian translation by, x. 349, 438 ; xi. 178 ; and the yew, xii. 287, 336, 414

Shelley (Samuel), painter, and P. B. Shelley, i. 227, 278

Shelley (William), 1538-97, his biography, iii. 441, 492 ; iv. 55, 114, 492 ; xi. 382

Shelley family of Maplederham, Hants, and Maple Durham, Oxon, ii. 155, 457, 519

Shells, New Zealand fossil, x. 489 ; xi. 33

Shells as love-charms, ix. 510

Shelta, secret language, ix. 134

Shelton (T.), his translation of ' Don Quixote,' xii. 65

Shelvocke (Capt. G.), 1674-5-1742, his biography, iii. 61, 196

Shephard (John), of Doctors' Commons, iii. 368

Shephard ( J. P. ) on John Shephard, iii. 368

Shepherd (T.) on Jirgah, ix. 472. "Tanner" = sixpence, x. 191

Shepherd's Bush, derivation of the name, iv. 89, 236

Sheppard (Jack), his burial-place, ix. 173

Sheppard (T.) on bibliography, vi. 291

Sherborn (C. D.) on Richard Weyon, x. 249

Sherborn (G. T.) on Addison's daughter, i. 88. " Cockshut time," i. 195. Dorsetshire snake- lore, i. 253. Melancholy, i. 334

Sherborne (Lord) on A.O.R., v. 132. Balzo in ' Purgatorio,' viii. 291. Banner or flag, v. 493. " Cat in the wheel," ii. 508. Cannizaro (Duchess of), iv. 358. Cirencester Town Hall, ix. 277. Dover (Archbishop of), x. 218. Bridge Castle, vi. 371. "Famous" Chelsea, v. 174. Gimerro, i. 156. Laconic letters, v. 171. Latin pronunciation, ix. 175. Norman in- scriptions in Yorks, iii. 397 ; iv. 16. Place, v. 333. Plum : Jack Horner, vi. 171. Poonah painting, vii. 152. Pour, v. 329. Refectories, first-floor, ii. 237. Shakespeariana, iii. 426. Speech after removal of tongue, ix. 216. Swedish painters in England, xi. 514. Touching wood, vi. 174. Vastern, iii. 413

Sheridan (R. B.), the first edition of his ' Critic,' iii. 345 ; unprinted verses by, vi. 127

Sheridan (Tom), lady in novel by, iii. 188

Sheridan (T. H.) on Tintagel, x. 148 Sheriff's challenge in Domesday, iv. 290 Sheriffs of, London, dates of death, x. 167, 238 Sherlock (Dr. William), Dean of St. Paul's, i. 426 Sherlock surname, x. 265 Sherrifield, St. William of, vi. 190, 374 Sherson (E. S.) on Tuesday Night's Club, xi. 147 Sherwood (G.) on " Copy "= copyhold, i. 347.

Fettiplace, i. 396. Pedigree in 1640, i. 466 Sherwood (G-. F. T.) on Americans in English records, v. 163, 497. Bishop family of Bray, Berks, vi. 66. Catalogues of MSS., iv. 368,

415. Chamberlain of Skipton, ix. 213. Cole (W.), Cambridge antiquary, iv. 495. Cress- well of Odiham, Hants, v. 345. Day (Went- worth), Fifth-Monarchy man, ix. 117. Dummer family, iv. 315. Genealogical and Historical Society, iv. 230. Genealogy, vi. 48. Grantham of Goltho family, v. 276. Indexes, Calendars, &c., v. 406. Joliffe family of Dorset, iv. 392. Long Bredy, Dorset, iii. 450. Pedigree diffi- culties, v. 155, 186. ' Pedigree Register, The,' viii. 366. Ponica, for gardener, v. 346. Popula- tion of a country parish, iv. 495. Records, local, iii. 464. Surrey marriage licences, iii. 326. Townsend (Richard), his epitaph, v. 508. Triplicate writing, iii. 30. Tufnel family, iv. 438. Unregistered arms, v. 311. " Vizt," x. 36. Whitcombe family, iv. 352. Winch family, v. 229

Sherwood (J.) on quotations wanted, vi. 489 Sherwood family, ix. 389 Shetland and Orkney, sea-names in, xi. 107 Shibboleths, later instances, x. 408 ; xi. 36, 233,


Shicer, meaning of the word, iii. 345 Shicker, meaning of the word, iii. 345 Shields (Cuthbert), d. 1908, his writings, xi. 10, 55 Shift, marriage in a, vi. 127, 199 Shilleto (A. R.), his edition of Burton's ' Anatomy,' i. 42, 163, 203, 282 ; ii. 124, 223, 442 ; iii. 203 ; iv. 25, 523 ; v. 146 ; vi. 143 ; vii. 103, 184 ; x. 383 ; xi. 65

Shilohites, John Ward and the sect, xi. 354 Shingle berries, their identification, iv. 429 Shingles, bell-comb as cure for, viii. 37 Ship, its christening, v. 120 Shipbrook (Earl of), of Newry, co. Down, 1783,

v. 308 Shipman (Sir Abraham), his biography, iii. 127,

197 ; and the Bombay Regiment, x. 1 Shipman (Capt. John) and the Bombay Regi- ment, x. 1

Ships, spectre, xii. 32, 113 Ships, wooden, their longevity, xii. 467 Ships' periodicals, list of, xi. 328, 376, 418, 454 ;

xii. 54

Ships renamed after the Restoration, xi. 10, 73 Shipton (Mother), her birthplace, i. 406 ; refer- ences to, ii. 17 Shires : " Down in the shires," the term, viii. 329,

372 Shirley (Sir Robert), c. 1603, his biography, iii.


Shirley Churchyard, Ruskin monument in, vi. 506 Shoe, its spelling and pronunciation, xi. 66, 133 Shoe thrown at weddings, ii. 87 Shoe-cart : " Go in shoe-cart," i. 415 Shoes : taping or soleing shoos, vii. 206, 259,


Shop, used for Royal Military Academy, vii. 389 Shop fronts, old London, xi. 407, 455, 476 Shopping in 1764, ii. 445 Shore (T. W.), his death, iii. 80 Shore (T. W.) on Chiltern Hundreds, ii. 441 Shoreditch family, x. 369, 455 ; xi. 35 ; xii. 96 Short (Tommy) on Aristotle, xii. 70, 392 Short and Gordon families, x. 330 ' Short Whist,' by Major A., xii. 264, 318, 357 Shorter (Arthur), d. 17501, his biography, ii. 505 Shorter (Clement) on author wanted, xi. 334. Farmers of Aylesbury, xi. 410. High Wy combe Van Dyck, xii. 108. Johnsonians, x. 87. Johnson's ' Tropical Climates,' x. 89. Louis XVIII. 's queen and Westminster Abbey,