Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/27

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Bananas, Canary and West Indian, ii. 409, 476 ;

iii. 14

Bancroft (Sir Squire), date of his birth, viii. 287 Bandy Leg Walk, Southwark, x. 390, 438 ; xi. 35 Banfi-Hunyades (Johannes), chemist, d. 1646,

vii. 310

Bang (W.) on pip, v. 156 Bangor, Archdeacons of, xii. 367 Banishment certificate, 1789, x. 230 Bank of England, suspension of specie payment,

xii. 205, 278

Bankes family of Corfe Castle, v. 289, 372, 395 Bank-note, military, 1805, x. 389, 437 Bank-note sandwich story, xi. 447, 514 Bankrupts in 1708-9, ii. 487 ; iii. 154

Banks ( ) and his horse Morocco, ii. 282

Banks (John), six times Mayor of Folkestone, yii. 7 Bannard (H. E.) on John Newbery's grave, vii. 76 Banner or flag, triangular, its name, v. 450, 493 ;

vii. 252 Banner (Parliamentary), in the Civil War, xi. 89,


Bannerman (Lady), wife of Sir Alexander Banner- man, and Thomas Carlyle, vii. 210 ; xii. 331 Bannerman (Rev. David), married Janet Turing,

iii. 167, 316

Banns, time of their publication, i. 18 ; and lame- ness, xii. 288, 498

Banquet, fifteenth-century, bill of fare, iv. 446 Banqueting Hall, Whitehall, and the execution of

Charles I., viii. 447

Banstead : races and mutton, c. 1733, x. 246 Banzai, origin of the Japanese word, ix. 405 Baptism, " sal et saliva " in, i. 368, 431, 514 ; ii.

55 ; Dickens on half -baptized, x. 29, 90, 135,

256, 294 Baptismal robe : chrisom, viii. 270, 377, 457 ;

ix. 312

Baptisms, their registration c. 1653, ix. 89 Baptist books, Angus collection, x. 459 Baptist Confessions of Faith, iii. 89, 116, 455 Baptist Minister on Temple College, Philadelphia,

i. 207

Baptistery font, Florence, Ruskin on, x. 88 Barbadoes, the verb, vii. 380. See also Barbydoy*. Barbados, Ferdinand Palseologus in, c. 1628-io,

viij. 334 Barbary on Irish girl and Barbary pirates, vii.

469 Barbary pirates and Irish girl, poem on, vii. 469 ;

viii. 13

Barbary pirates off Devonshire, x. 189 Barbers, famous, references to, i. 290, 375, 513 Barber surgeons and dentistry, x. 216 Barbey-Boissier (Madame) on Louis XVII. i. 267 Barbian, Spanish slang term, v. 149 Barbour (Richard), Westminster scholar, xii. 188 Barbydoys, manor in Carleton, co. Cambridge :

Barbadoes, vii. 30 Barclay (H. J.) on " World Turned Upside Down,"

viii. 290 Barclay (John), Theordorus Prodromus, and

Burton, xi. 101 Barclay (Capt. Robert Heriott), his portrait, iv.

28 ; vi. 388 Barclay-Allardice (R.) on Bideford Freeman Roll,

ii. 325. Dago, ii. 247. Dog-names, ii. 470.

' Get a wiggle on," ii. 28. High Peak words,

ii. 386. Lease, long, i. 32. Newspaper, first

ocean, ii. 157. Parish register to stop a rat's

hole, i. 266. Patents of precedence, iii. 90.

Police uniforms : omnibuses, iii. 76. Scotch

burial custom, iv. 76

Bardsley's ' Dictionary of Place-Names,' error in,

i. 505

Barga, Italy, its history, ii. 449, 537 Bargehouse, King's Old, its location, viii. 167,

417 ; early picture, x. 88 Barham (R. H.), in Great Queen Street, vi. 147,

253 ; allusion in ' Ingoldsby,' ix. 447 ; Cardinal

of St. Paul's, x. 173, 273 Barham arms in Ashford Church, vi. 208 Barkas (A. A.) on Edward Barnard, xi. 28 Barker (H. J.) on fame, iv. 249 Barker (H. T.) on pigmies and cranes, iv. 266 ;

St. Partick, iii. 450

Barker (Robert), priest, 1626, v. 229, 299 Barker and Killigrew families, iii. 224 Barkham (Dr. John) and Gwillim's ' Heraldry,'

ii. 416, 495 Barking, Friends' burial-ground at, x. 31, 150,

237 Barking Abbey and William the Conqueror, xi.

447 ; xii. 31, 77, 175

Barkly West, S. Africa, place-name, xi. 325 Barleybrake, obsolete English game, vii. 361 Barlow (Beatrice), m. Sir Antony Rudd, ii.

29 Barlow (C. J. P.) on the Acorn and the Gabriel,

xii. 28 Barlow (W.), two bishops of the name, x. 367,

412, 474 Barlow (W.), Bishop of Chichester, xi. 51 ;

of Rochester, 51

Barlow (William Henry), d. 1902, his burial- place, ix. 128

Barmaid, use of the word in 1732, vi. 425 Barnaby Chronicles, their name, viii. 89 Barnard (Edward), head master of Eton, his

marriage, xi. 28, 116 ; xii. 26 Barnard (G. W. G.) on Sir Thomas Browne, xi.

473 Barnard (Sir John), Lord Mayor, 1737-8, his

descendants, vii. 90, 132, 194 Barnard (Samuel), d. c. 1857, his ancestors, vn.

1 ftft

Barnard & Staples, Cornhill bankers, xi. 189, 252 "Barnard's Inn " Tavern, its history, viii. 365 Barnardiston and Little families, xii. 469 Barnes, origin of the name, v. 308, 352, 472 ;

Barnes (Barnaby), plot of ' The Devil's Charter,'

i. 467, 509

Barnes, Pikle, origin of the name, v. 409, 498 Barnet, Edward IV.'s standard-bearer at, xii.

147 Barnet (Humphrey), minister of Newton Heath,

ix. 206 Baraewell (Henry), Prebendary of Rochester,

x. 448, 516 ; xii. 495 Barnfield (R.), his 'Cynthia,' iii. 425; and the

nightingale's song, viii. 192 Barnouw (A. J.) on bodemerie, vii. 386. ^ng 11

literary almanacs, viii. 347. 'Spiritual

Quixote,' ix. 88 Barnum (P. T.), his book on his impostures,

vi. 13, 76, 114

Barometer by Marinone & Co., ii. 34c Baronet on hereditary dignities created, not

made, v. 186

Baronetcies, civic, since 1837, viii. 301, 41. Barraclough (W. H.) on J. Segalas, gunmaker,

viii. 251 Barracoon, use and meaning of the word, ix.

185,234 ,..

Barrage, introduction of the word, 11. 77