Carlyle and Freemasonry, xii. 13. Charnock
(R. S.), iii- 262. Christian name, addition to,
iii. 374. Church properties, viii. 466. Civic
baronetcies since 1837, viii. 413. Coke or
Cook ? iv. 78. Colenso (Bishop), iii. 374.
Colosseum v. Coliseum, iii. 353. Cooper (T.),
iii. 270. Copyright in letters, v. 176. Crosby
Hall, viii. 71. ' Don Quixote,' 1595-6, iv. 313.
Duelling, iii. 192. Dugdale's trustworthiness,
vi. 154. Engravings, i. 370. ' Experiences of a
Gaol Chaplain,' ii. 330. Flags, vi. 96. Green-
wich Palace, i. 486. Grindlay (Capt.), vi. 101.
Hatchments, vi. 350. Heath (W.), artist, ix.
385 ; x. 13. Hoek van Holland, vii. 236.
Holyoake bibliography, v. 441 ; vi. 75. ' Hugh
Trevor,' iv. 513. Hyphens after street names,
iv. 515. Indexing, vi. 166. Initial letters
instead of words, ix. 174. Inscriptions on
buildings, i. 516. ' Jack Trim, the Lawyer's
Man,' viii. 368. Jay (Isabel and Dr. John), vi.
441, 502 ; xii. 138, 498. Jay (W.), the preacher :
Cyrus Jay, xii. 444, 485. Jones (Hannah
Maria), x. 298. Juvenile Theatre, v. 25.
King's ' Classical and Foreign Quotations,'
vii. 25. ' Lawyers in Love,' vii. 174. Literary
allusions, ix. 56. London newspapers, v. 70.
London remains, viii. 338. Lyceum Theatre,
iii. 132. MacDpnogh (Felix Bryan), v. 165.
Maori names, vi. 86. Marvin (j. G.), viii. 6.
Meteyard (Miss), v. 496. Mivart's, now
Claridge's, Hotel, ix. 47. Musical family :
Miss Isabel Jay and Dr. Jay, vi. 441, 502 ; xii.
138, 498. Mussuk, ii. 268. " Neither my eye
nor my elbow," viii. 137. Nigh hand in the
' N.E.D.,' ix. 96. Nollekens (J.), his library, v.
153. ' Oxford English Dictionary,' i. 146, 255 ;
viii. 228, 482. Passive Resister, viii. 316.
Pedlar's' rest, viii. 258. Penhallow (John), iv.
507 ; v. 336. ' Penrose's Journal ' : turtle-
riding, vii. 277. Philippines, v. 287. Pierquin
(C. C.), viii. 108. Pigeon English at home, ii.
77. Post boxes, vii. 73. Post Office. 1856-
1906, vi. 251, 354. Rampini (J.), v. 4iO, 497.
' Rebecca,' a novel, iii. 293. Reeves (Boleyne),
ix. 242. Retrospective in French, viii. 206.
Rich (Anthony), v. 15. ' Ring, The,' v. 57.
' Rips and reps," ix. 249. Romilly (Sir S.), v.
386. Samuel (E.), iii. 249. Sharpe (Lancelot),
vii. 518. Spelling reform, ii. 451 ; vi. 95 ;
vii. 52. Statues of the Georges, vii. 155.
Streader (W. T.), iv. 369. Swerve, v. 426.
Talented, ii. 94. Tennyson concordances, xi.
261. ' Thaumaturgia,' vi. 110. Thrub chand-
ler, iii. 126. Trepolpen (P. W.), iv. 527.
Twins, iii. 318. Up, its barbarous misuse,
vi. 138. ' Valley of a Hundred Fires,' ix. 54.
1 Was you ? " and " You was," ii. 72. Water-
loo campaign, v. 373. Watling Street, vi. 235.
Wheatstone, iv. 386. White Ensign : National
Flag, ix. 256. ' Whitefriars,' its author, iv.
535. Williams (Samuel), draughtsman, v.
312 ; vi. 54. ! Yahoo,' xii. 275. Zornlin
family, iii. 402. Zouave uniform, v. 5
Thomas (W. Moy) on milestones, i. 7
Thomas's Hotel," Berkeley Square, its demoli- tion, i. 447
Thomas-Stanford (C.) on Hamlet, Christian name, viii. 418. French coat of arms, x. 258
[homlinson (W. Clark) on Doge of Venice, i. 469
Thompson (C. H.) on Attorney-General to the Queen, x. 217. Edward IV., v. 426. Fitz- maurice family, v. 67. Laconic letters, v. 234. Smith (Catterton), v. 517
Thompson (Capt. Edward), his poems, 1761-70,
xii. 46 Thompson (Jacob), portrait painter, 1806-79,
viii. 56, 152 Thompson (James) and Charles Lamb, iv. 306 ;
and Bubb Dodington, xii. 504 Thompson (John Hunter), portrait painter, c.
1849, vii. 469 Thompson (Mr.) of the 6th Dragoons, v. 269, 316,
354, 432 Thompson (Richard), surgeon R.N., xi. 29 ; xii.
Thompson family of Boughton, co. Kent, i. 87 Thorns (A.) on epitaphiana, iii. 24. Nonjurors : Rev. Benjamin W T ay, viii. 277. Purpose of a flaw, iv. 314. Sacred place-names, xii. 314 Thorns (W. J.), misprints in his ' Stow,' i. 205 ; and Lord Macaulay, xi. 165, 215, 293, 354 ; xii. 150
Thomson (Christopher), Vicar of Winwick, x. 170 Thomson (D. C.) on Bewickiana, ix. 394 Thomson (George), Burns's letters to, iii. 148, 213 Thomson (J. B.) on William Guild, xii. 34, 77 Thony (Lady Margaret de), c. 1209-1300, v. 269 Thoresby (Ralph), his accuracy impugned, iii. 205, 276, 393 ; and Rev. George Plaxton, x. 422 Thoresby or Thursby (Thomas), his marriage, vii.
269, 436
Thorn fish-hooks, or gorges, ix. 229 Thornburgh (M. W.) on ' Ballad of Indiscretion,'
xii. 409
Thornbury (W.) on the Civil War, iv. 148 Thorn-Drury (G.) on Bishop Corbet's poems, vi. 126. Hanging alive in chains, xi. 472. Hereditary Herb-strewer, xii. 418. Hippo- crates and the black baby, xi. 258. Jonson and Suckling, xii. 345. Man in the almanac, x. 56. Marvell's poems, 1681, vii. 423. ' Merry Thoughts,' i. 250. ' Once I was Alive,' x. 16. " St. George to save a maid," iii. 276. Shake- speare allusions, i. 44 ; xi. 305, 465 ; xii. 307, 465
Thorne Quay, its locality, v. 169, 217 Thornhill Bridge, its history, x. 286 Thornhill (Cowper), his famous ride, x. 245 Thorns, pins substituted for, xi. 508 ; xii. 158,
238 Thornton (B. R.) on Samuel Barnard, vii. 168.
Slingsby, male dancer, vii. 310 Thornton (John) and York Minster windows, vi.
Thornton (R. H.) on American place-names, ix. 297. Anthony's nose, xi. 27. Authors of quotations wanted, xii. 8. Balaam, xi. " Before one can say Jack Robinson," xi. 109, 232. Bell (James C. C.), xi. 429. Bells rung backwards, xi. 297. Bobbery, xi. 187. Bonassus, xii. 175. Bumble-puppy, a game, vii. Communion tokens, viii. 5. Davis (Lieut. J. H.), vii. 349. Dovetailing : Chicago, vii. 505. Dugdale and Thorp MSS., x. 328. Dynamo- meter, xii. 87. Elephant, first exhibited in America, xi. 467. Ennui, xii. 226. Fifth- Monarchy Men, vii. 290. Folk-lore concerning twins, vii. 387. Gingerbread (Gilt), xii. 107. " Hopping John " xii. 487. Jack-knives given to ugly men, xii. 508. Land Office : " Land Office Business," xii. 150. " Le," before trades, xii. 477. Ludwick (Christopher), xi. 86. Matthias the Impostor, vii. 164. ' Millennial Star,' xi. 69. Milton : alleged portrait, x. 447. Nicknames, temp. George IV., xii. 326. Nonesopretties, xi. 486. Omnibuses,