Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/299

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Wade (General) and his roads, x. 83

Wade (Nathaniel), British exile in Holland, 1685,

vi. 312

Wade (Newton) on Nailsea Court, Somerset, vi. 266. Paston family, viii. 467. Rogers (Capt. Woodes), viii. 470

Wade (Dr. Walter), Dublin physician, viii. 250 Wadsworth as a Yorkshire name, vii. 308, 515 Waeg-sweord in ' Beowulf,' rendering of the word,

viii. 186

Wager, the, its wreck, i. 201, 230, 335 ; iii. 417 Waggoner's Wells, place-name, ii. 129, 214, 292 Waghorn (Thomas) and the Overland Route, vi.

156, 217

Wainewright (Harriet), Mrs. Col. Stewart, xi. 48 W T ainewright (H. L.) on ' The Oxford Sausage,' ii.


Wainewright (J. B.) on Abdul the Damned, xi. 456. Admiral Christ epitaph, vii. 475. Alvarez (Henry), S.J., iv. 126. Alvarez : Alway, vi. 13. Anne (Queen), her fifty churches, x. 37. An- traigues (Comte d'), x. 152. Archiepiscopal cross and ' Becket,' iv. 106. Aristotle's philosophy, i. 472. Arms of Roman Catholic Bishops, x. 316. " As merry as griggs," i. 276. Ascham (Roger) : schedule, iv. 275. Assassina- tion of kings, viii. 391. Atkyns (Mrs. Charlotte), ix. 343 ; xi. 457. Augustinian Cardinal : Mount Grace, x. 234. Authors of quotations wanted, ii. 476 ; vi. 414, 432 ; vii. 274, 374 ; ix. 455 ; x. 295, 454 ; xi. 32, 196 ; xii. 335. Baker (Philip), ii. 109, 258. Barnard (J.), his descendants, vii. 133. Barton (Capt.), of H.M.S. Lichfield, x. 334. Barton Grammar School, viii. 57. Bathilda, iv. 474. Beadnell, i. 17. Beauford (Dr.), Rector of Camelford, x. 412. Becket (Thomas a), iv. 278. Befana : Epiphany, xi. 72. Bell inscriptions at Siresa, -vii. 55. Benedictine, xi. 58. Birch-sap wine, i. 18. Birthmarks, ii. 516. Bishop, first English, to marry, xi. 52. Bourchier (Thomas), ix. 411. Bourne (Gilbert), vi. 165. Breedon family, ix. 453. Brewer's ' Lovesick King,' ii. 496. Bridges, a Winchester Commoner, iii. 7. Bromborough (Edward) : William Giblett, vi. 189. Burial half within a church, xi. 230. Byron's ' Don Juan,' vi. 475. Cardinals and crimson robes, i. 71, 214. Chalice inscription, x. 78. Child-murder by Jews, i. 15. ' Childe Harold,' viii. 495. Christmas Day and Lady Day, xi. 71. Cirencester Town Hall, ix. 217. Clarionett as a surname, xii. 98. Clarke (Edward), 1730-86, xi. 286. Classic and trans- lator, ii. 71. Classical quotations, v. 75. Cloisterer, ix. 94. Cole (Henry), i. 224. Colet on peace and war, v. 95, 153. Constable (William), alias Fetherston, viii. 489. Con- stance (Council of), legend, i. 397. Cooke (Sir Anthony), his wife, viii. 75. Cooke (Thomas), O.S.B.,'ix. 8. Corks, ii. 392. Cornwallis (Sir Thomas), iii. 29. Cotton family of Warbleton, xi. 382. Coutances, Winchester, and Channel Islands, ii. 68 ; iii. 134. Cowdray family, ix. 456. Creagh (Richard), ix. 182. Croppenbergh or Coppenburgh : Bucke, viii. 112. Crucified thieves, xi. 394. Crucifixion : earliest repre- sentation, v. 289. ' D.N.B.' : additions and corrections, ix. 313 ; x. 114. Danister (John), Wykehamist, iv. 289, 437 ; vi. 94. Dapifer : ostiarius, viii. 116. Dawson = Cary, ix. 318. Delafosse, Winchester Commoner, iii. 128. Dickens queries, i. 431. Docwra (Sir Henry), ix. 76, 215. Doge of Venice, i. 517. Doherty,

Winchester Commoner, iv. 107. Doncaster : image of the Blessed Virgin, vii. 56. Double- headed eagle, x. 337. Doubtful pronunciations, v. 233. Douglas (Valentine), O.S.B., xi. 90. Drury (Sir W.), his funeral executed, vii. 205. Dyer (Sir Edward), ii. 33. Easter Sepulchre, i. 398. Ellison (Henry), x. 95. English, extra- ordinary, ii. 226. English canonized saints, iii. 25 ; ix. 331. English cardinals' hats, ii. 96. Englishman, first in India, ix. 254. Ennobled animals, v. 73. Episcopal scarf or tippet, xi. 295 ; xii. 135. Epitaph at Doncaster, i. 196. Epitaphiana, iii. 23 ; iv. 526. Epitaphs : their bibliography, i. 252. Erles of Compton, viii. 448. Erra Pater, viii. 409. Erskine (Charles, Cardinal), ix. 87. Exeter College men, ix. 285. Fame, v. 49. " Familiarity breeds contempt," ix. 407. Fleetwopd (Bishop W.), ix. 232. Forman, Essex cricketer, v. 228. Foscarinus, i. 198. French refugee bishops, viii. 87, 149. Gage (John) of Firle : John Gage of Haling, vi. 468. Gage family, viii. 241. Gages of Bentley, Framfield, vii. 102. Garlic : onions for purifying water, xi. 173. German Volkslied, ii. 371. Gilbert (Sir Humphrey), his last words, xii. 391. Giles (Robert), i. 48. Giudiccioni (Cardinal Bartolommeo), ii. 7. Golden Roof at Innsbruck, v. 136. Gordon (Hon. Mrs.), her suicide, x. 38. " Gordon Case " and Pope Clement XL, ix. 13. Grave- stone, nameless, i. 173. Green (J. R.) on Free- man, i. 294. Guevara inscriptions at Stenigot, vii. 79. Gwynneth (John), iii. 247. " Hail, smiling morn !. " vii. 419. Haile (B. John), iv. 388. Hamill (Major), of Capri, vii. 114. Hanged, drawn, and quartered, i. 411. Haring- ton, (Sir John), Baron Frechvile, viii. 70. Harpsfield (John and Nicholas), i. 224. Heron (Giles), x. 74. Hertslet (William Lewis), vii. 326, 492. Hock : hog : hoga, vii. 494. Holy Grail, x. 134. Hooper : Elderton, Winchester Commoners, iii. 309. Horne-Tooke (John), viii. 92. Hove, x. 14. Hundred Courts, i. 197. Hydrophobic patients smothered, i. 65. I.H.S., ii. 191. Immurement alive of religious, i. 50. Ingram and Lingen families, ii. 487. Inscription at Constance, vi. 117. Inscriptions at Angora, vi. 418. Italian proverb, ix. 418. James I. of Scotland, his daughters, ii. 56. Jesuit, first English, viii. 437. Jew King, ix. 472. Jones (Hannah Maria), x. 298. Lake of St. Lampierre, v. 489. Lancasters of Milverton, x. 386. Latin lines on Buxton, viii. 333. Latin quotations, i. 297. " Lieblich war die Maiennacht," ix. 469. Literary pastimes, vi. 75. Localities wanted, vii. 34. Lubersac (Abb6 de), x. 410 ; xi. 135. Marshall (Sir Samuel), ix. 155. Martyrdom of St. Thomas, ii. 31, 432. Mary I. (Queen) at Wormley, Herts, viii. 114. Mass, solitary, iii. 95. Mayers' song, ii. 512 ; v. 474. Meredith (Richard), Dean of Wells, xi. 474. Michaelmas Day, its date, x. 336. Milestones, i. 195. ' Missal, The,' iv. 34. Monastic estates, x. 354. More (Sir Thomas), his descendants, vi. 291. Morgan (Thomas), ix. 183. Morton (Nicholas), ii. 206. Motherhood late in life, ix. 57. Natalese, i. 516. Neale (Thomas) : " Herber- ley," i. 509 ; ii. 135. " Nobile virtutis genus est patientia," iv. 369. Norrises of Milverton, x. 225. " Nose of wax," viii. 298. ' Oh, tell me whence Love cometh," ix. 474. ' Our Lady of the Snows," i. 393. Oxford Com-

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