Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/32

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" Beggar's Bush " or " Badger's Bush " Inn,

vii. 209, 271 Beggearn-Huish, Somerset, etymology of the

name, vi. 409 Beggi (P. O.), book-collector, his biography,

i. 148, 198

Begley (Walter), and ' Is it Shakespeare ? ' vii. 164 Begum. See Bhopal and Sumroo. Beheading in England, earliest instance, vii. 487 Beighton, Manor of, its records wanted, vii. 107 Beitzmer= Irishman, etymology of the word,

vii. 345

Belappit, etymology of the word, iv. 305, 354 Belben (P.) on " send " of the sea, i. 456 Belcher (C. F.) on Belcher family and motto, xii.


Belcher family and motto, xii. 108 Belden (H. M.) on ' Rinordine,' Irish song, viii. 468 Beldornie Press, its history, v. 269 ; vi. 132 Belfour family, xi. 250, 293 Belfries, detached, iv. 207, 290, 415, 455, 513 Belgrave Hall sale, vi. 449 Beliard, seventeenth-century Paris clockmaker,

vii. 268

Bell (E.) on Oliver Cromwell's head, xi. 389 Bell (James C. C.)= Jane Strangman Mead, xi. 429 Bell (Patrick), Laird of Antermony, his biography,

ii. 487 ; iii. 12

Bell (B.), his edition of Chaucer, i. 404 Bell (General Robert), books by, c. 1820, viii. 489 Bell (W.) on Eliza Fenning's execution, xii. 68 Bell : Dead bell : Passing bell, the custom,

i. 308, 350

Bell : Pancake Bell on Shrove Tuesday, vii. 166 Bell customs at Sibson, Leicestershire, x. 430 ;

xi. 16

Bell family of Annandale, vi. 29 Bell founder called belliter, vi. 206, 250, 297 Bell foundry at Wigan, v. 168, 216, 257, 377 Bell inscriptions at Siresa, vi. 465 ; vii. 55, 436 ;

viii. 17

Bell legends, viii. 440

Bellagio, Italy, inscriptions at, vii. 164 ; xi. 325 Bellamy (John), 1755-1842, his biography, xii. 229 ' Bellamy's " in English and Australian Houses

of Legislature, i. 169, 352, 518 ; viii. 75 Bell-comb for ringworm, vii. 206, 336 ; viii. 37 ' Belle Assemblee,' portrait of Miss Cubitt in,

iv. 108, 152

Bellerophon, Bonaparte on, at Torbay, ix. 321, 382 Bellew (G. ) on Bonapartes at Morfontaine, viii. 169.

Girardin (Madame de), viii. 169 Bellewes (G. O.) on Addison's maternal ancestry,

x. 201, 292. Coningsby (Thomas de), xii. 509.

Laurence (John), ii. 246. Lawrence (John),

clerk, of Stamford, x. 410. Stubbs (Philip),

x. 308 Bell-horses, old custom, vi. 469 ; and camels, vii.

33, 110, 174, 258 ; in nursery rimes, ix. 517 ;

xi. 295 Belliter= bell-founder, use of the word, vi. 206,

250, 297 Belloc (Hilaire) on Dover-Winchester road, v. 451.

' Sussex Drinking-Song,' vi. 38 Bellomont (Viscount) and Charles Mason, Royalist

divine, iii. 388

Bellon, name for lead colic, its etymology, vi. 446 Bellot (James) of Caen, c. 1580, x. 450 Bellows, " clack-hole " of, meaning of the term,

vii. 267 Bell-ringing: on 13 August, 1814, ii. 369, 414,

531 ; " place " and " place-making 267 ; at weddings, xii. 308, 517

in, v,

Bellringing performance, notable, iii. 466 Bells : " ringing the bells auke or aukert " (awk- ward, backward), i. 179; ix. 229, 418, 473; x. 335; xi. 297, 397; largest in the world, iv. 409 ; their dimensions, v. 34, 213 ; lines, by Hood on, vi. 266 ; vii. 294 ; peacock on, viii. 208 Bells, waining, use of the term, vi. 169, 238 Belludo, supernatural horse of Spain, i. 417 Belot (Adolphe), his novels in English, iv. 46, 177 Belper, Baal fires near, x. 206, 251, 315, 353,

391, 456

Belphete, name inquired after, ii. 308 Beltin' : eshin'= caning, v. 466, 518 ; vi. 214 Belton, epitaphs at, xi. 505 Belt race, use of the term, vi. 187 Benbow (Admiral John), his descendants, ii. 29, 111 ; iv. 235 ; song of his death, vii. 55 ; inscription at Kingston, Jamaica, 116 Benedictine, manufacture of the liqueur, x. 469 ;

xi. 57 Benedictines, St. Bartholomew, and Otford, xii.

248, 310, 418 Benefits, theatrical, earliest instances, vii. 321 Benham (W.) on " Ocean 'mid its uproar wild,"

v. 77 Ben Meir in Longfellow's ' Scanderbeg,' xi. 248,

318 Bennet (Capt. Francis) and Capt. W. Bennett, x.


Bennet (Thomas), bookseller, d. 1706, xi. 488 Bennet (Thomas), spelling reformer, c. 1710, viii.

47 Bennet (William), his ' King of the Peak,' v.

337, 352 ; vi. 321, 382, 425, 432, 513 Bennett (A. L. ) on Bennett of Baldock, ix. 228 Bennett (Mrs. L. ) on Romney's ancestry, vii. 9 Bennett (Capt. W.) and Capt. Francis Bennet,

x. 488 Bennett family of Baldock, ix. 228, 333, 395 ;

x. 191, 393

Bennett family of Lincoln, ii, 9, 98 Benny, etymology of the word, ix. 148, 197 Bense (J. F.) on dish of tea, xii. 437. Haze, vii.


Bensly (Prof. E.) on Abracadabra, x. 156. Alex- andrian Library at Milan, x. 158. " All the world and his wife," xii. 13. "Anglica gens est optima flens," ii. 405. " Anser, apis, vitulus," vi. 94. Athenian fleet saved by a comma, ix. 473. Authors of quotations wanted, i. 433 ; ii. 477 ; iv. 16, 115 ; vii. 158, 274, 293, 374, 453 ; viii. 517 ; ix. 34, 113, 175, 214, 317 ; x. 16, 55, 74, 113, 173, 332, 476 ; xi. 32, 316 ; xii. 477, 517. Bacon's Apoph- thegms, viii. 332. Barclay Theodorus Pro- dromus, and Burton, xi. 101. Beating, proverb on, ix. 298 ; x. 152. Bells rung backwards, xi. 397. Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III., iv. 193. " Better an old man's darling," x. 375. Bill Stumps, his mark, viii. 252. ' Biscuit's throw," xii. 376. Book, nameless, iv. 176. Breakspear, (N.), Pope Adrian IV., xi. 70. Browne (SirT.), on oblivion, iv. 214 ; his skull, v. 346. Burton (R.), and Fletcher, vi. 464 ; and Jacques Ferrand, xi. 286 ; Latin poem, xii. 106 ; ' Philosophaster,' 325. Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' notes on, i. 42, 163, 203, 282 ; ii. 124, 223, 442 ; iii. 203 ; iv. 25, 523 ; v. 146 ; vi. 143 ; vii. 103, 184 ; viii. 326 ; x. 383. Burton's ' Anatomy,' presentation copy, xi. 65. Carbery (Countess of), ii. 496. ' Care, vale ! sed non seternum," xi. 226. Chinese proverb in Burton's ' Anatomy,' xi. 168. Classical