Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/42

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Bonfires or bonefires, x. 251, 315, 353, 391, 456 Boninge (Helen), of Ledsum, c. 1662, iv. 10, 115 Boninus (Gaspar), painter, his biography, vi. 9 Bonneville-sur-Touques, King John at, ii. 134 "Bonnie Cravat," the sign, x. 365, 458 Bononcini and Handel, epigram on, ii. 7 ; xi.

426 Bonville (Lord) of Chewton, his genealogy, vi. 143


Book, a nameless, iv. 123, 176, 293, 376 Book auctions, earliest, v. 43 ; ix. 127 Book auctioneers, Hodgson's, 1807-1907, viii.

246, 266, 285

Book for Many Wives, c. 1646, viii. 10 Book inscriptions, doggerel, vi. 128 Book margins, ix. 285 ; x. 72

Book of Common Prayer : " Ashes to ashes " in the Burial Service, i. 387, 429 ; with Shake- speare's autograph, ii. 248, 332 ; origin of Marriage Service in, iii. 7, 74 ; variations in American issue, 208 ; " Veni, Creator," in 1662, iv. 89, 137 ; errors in Latin version, 93 ; Magnificat, vi. 348, 411 ; " Quires," ix. 88 1 Book of Loughscur ' and Reynolds family, vii.

429 ' Book of Martyrs of Ephrata,' three copies sold,

ix. 326

Book signatures, v. 487 ; vi. 134 Bookbinding, " Lisbons '" in, iii. 309 Book-borrowing : " Bead and returned," ii. 348 Book-collectors : E. Kroencke and F. O. Beggi,

i. 148, 198

Book-keeping, Goethe on, iii. 328, 414 Book-plate, re J. Tynte, Esq., 1704, i. 449 ; ii. 19 Book-plate motto : " Torcular conculcavi solus,"

iv. 109

Book-plate verses, ix. 167

Book-plates, foreign, ii. 287 ; badges on, x. 289 Book-prices, 1850 and 1900, compared, viii. 286 ' Book -Prices Current,' Index, viii. 366 Book-stealing, lines on, vi. 305, 353 ; vii. 212,

276 ; viii. 475

Book-titles, curious, viii. 251 Book-trade, British provincial, 1641-67, x. 141 Book -trade terms, early, v. 69 Books, statue in a circle of, iii. 8 ; punctuation in, viii. 222 ; genealogical notes in, 381 ; blank leaves in, 405 ; chained in prisons, ix. 187 ; in iron covers, 189 ; sold by the ton, ix. 286 ; x. 35 ; " with allowance " in, ix. 387, 478 ; emendations in English, xi. 401 ; xii. 35 ; pro- duced in prison, xi. 428 ; cure for mildew in, xii. 387, 436 Books, first, of authors, iii. 247, 297

Books recently published :

Abbaye of the Holy Ghost, viii. 160 Aberdeenshire Epitaphs and Inscriptions,

viii. 139 Abstracts of Wills in the Prerogative Court of

Chancery : Register Soame, 1620, ed. by

J. H. Lea, iii. 257 Acts of the Privy Council, 1597-8, ii. 199 ;

1597-8, 1598-9, iv. 360 Adams's (G. B.) History of England, 1066-

1216, iv. 438

Adlington's (W.) Cupid and Psyche, iv. 518 JEschylus : Seven Plays in English Verse,

by L. Campbell, vi. 499 ; Seven against

Thebes, ed. Tucker, x. 119 Airy's (O.) Charles II., i. 438 A Kempis's (T.) Imitation of Christ, trans, by

Canon Benham, iv. 518

Books recently published:

Alcuin, his Life and Work, by C. J. B.

Gaskoin, ii. 240

Aldis's (J.) Madame Geoffrin, iv. 479 Alfred (King), Asser's Life of, ed. Stevenson,

ii. 278

All about Shipping, iv. 499 Almack's (E.) Book-plates, i. 379 ; History

of 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys),

xi. 478 Amory's (T.) Life and Opinions of John

Buncle, Esquire, ii. 438 Anacreon, ed. A. H. Bullen, vi. 478 Ancient Carols, iv. 519 Anderton's (I. M.) Tuscan Folk-lore and

Sketches, v. 179 Anonymous Plays, ed. by J. S. Farmer, v.


Anti-Jacobin, Poems from the, ii. 120 Antiquary, Vol. XLL, v. 358 Arabian Nights' Entertainment, ed. by S.

Lane-Poole, vi. 519 Archseologia ^Eliana, Third Series: Vol. II.,

viii. 38 ; Vol. III., ix. 98 ; Vol. IV., xi. 458 Arnold's (M.) On translating Homer Selected

Poems, ed. Waugh, iv. 337 ; Poems, 518 ;

Poems, Introduction by A. T. Quiller-

Couch, vi. 499 Ascham's (R.) English Works, ed. by W. A.

Wright, iii. 57 Ashton's (A.) More Truth, Wit, and Wisdom,

x. 439

Ashton's (A. J.) Intermediate English Gram- mar, x. 279 Association for the Preservation of the

Memorials of the Dead, Ireland : Journals,

Vol. VI., viii. 118 ; Vol. VII. Part I.,

x. 360 ; Vol. VII. Part II., xii. 419 Atchley's (C.) Parish Clerk and his Right to

read the Liturgical Epistle, i. 340 Atchley's (E. G. C. F.) The People's Prayers,

v. 520 Aucassin and Nicolete, done into English by

A. Lang, ii. 420 ; iii. 357 Augustini Dacti Libellus, iii. 319 Austen (Jane) and her Tunes, by Mitton, iv.

378 Bacon's (F.) Philosophical Works, iv. 100 ;

Essays, vi. 340 Baddeley's (W. St. C.) A Cotteswold Manor,

ix. 180 ; Cotteswold Shrine, xii. 299 Bain's (F. W.) A Heifer of the Dawn, i. 498 ;

The Great God's Hair, ii. 478 ; A Draught

of the Blue, v. 80 ; An Essence of the Dusk,

vi. 419

Baker's (A.) History in Fiction, viii. 238 Bale's (J.) Dramatic Writings, ed. by Farmer,

x. 339 Baptist Historical Society, Transactions,

Vol. L, No. 2, xi. 499

Barbeau's (A.) Life and Letters at Bath, ii. 458 Baring's (M.) With Russians in Manchuria,

iv. 18 Barnes's (B.) The Devil's Charter, ed. by R. B.

McKerrow, iii. 138

Barnes's (W.) Poems, ed. by T. Hardy, xi. 99 Barnstaple Parish Registers, 1538-1812, ii.

258 Barrett's (C. R. B.) History of the Society of

Apothecaries, iv. 139 Barrett's (E. S.) The Heroine, xii. 59 Bausteine, ed. by L. Kellner, v. 240 ; vi. 299