Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/71

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China Walk: Cheyne Walk, v. 245, 312, 375,

415, 476

Chinaman on smells of England, ix. 406 Chincough, old name for hooping-cough, viii. 200 Chine, stuffed, x. 30, 78, 155 Chinese, their high civilization, ii. 197 ; and the

smell of white men, x. 54 Chinlse arrow-breaking, story, viii. 25 Chinese fabulous flying carriage, xi. 426 Chinese folk-lore : bat, viii. 15 ; life star, 34 ;

bees and lucky days, x. 285 ; moon legend, 347,

456 ; tiger, 358 Chinese ghosts, i. 176

Chinese junk Keying, its history, vi. 227, 295 Chinese legend of disobedient son, x. 408 Chinese lyrics, v. 429, 474 ; vi. 517 ; viii. 34 Chinese New Year's Day custom, xi. 413 Chinese nominy, ii. 507 Chinese pronunciation, xi. 86, 376 Chinese proverb in Burton's ' Anatomy,' xi. 168 ;

xii. 277

Chinese puzzle, xi. 449 Chinese story, old, ii. 505 Chingford Church, " Nunquam non paratus " in,

vi. 69, 117

Chinook jargon, iii. 106 Chippendale (Thomas), upholsterer, his biography,

vi. 447 ; vii. 37 Chippendale (William), solicitor, his biography,

vi. 447 ; vii. 37

Chippendall (W. H.) on Nonconformist burial- grounds, ix. 233

Chippindale (William), solicitor. See Chippendale- Chippindall (Col. W. H.) on Chippingdale family,

viii. 130. Meredith (Dean R. ), xii. 34. Strode's

Regiment, xii. 256. Walker (Sir H.), xi. 9 Chipping Sodbury, curious epitaph, xii. 507 Chippingdale (John) of Blackendall, Staffs, 1635,

viii. 130

Chirk Castle gates, ii. 269, 357 Chiswick High Road and George III., ix. 29 Chiswick memorials, xii. 405 Chiswick nightingales or frogs, i. 125 Chitty and Carr families, iii. 209 Chloe and the poet Prior, her identity, x. 7, 77, 134 Chocolate in 1666, recipe for, iii. 309 Chodowiecki, his ' Ziethen sitzend fur seinem

Konig,' vi. 341

Chodzko on the siege of Kazan, v. 328 Choirs, Three, early notices, vi. 49 Choker and chokey =to be in prison, i. 457 Cholsey, Berkshire, parish clergy of, 1681-1728,

iii. 326

Chop-dollar, use of the word, i. 346, 456 Chop the Wood, ring game, ix. 227 ' Ch9ps of the Channel," early parallel phrase,

viii. 268

Choristers, St. Paul's Cathedral, xi. 248 Chough, Cornish, and witches, viii. 388 ' Chovevi-Zion,' Anglo-Israel paper, x. 407, 453 Chrisom, baptismal robe, viii. 270, 377, 457;

ix. 312 Christ (Jesus), date of birth, ii. 300 ; physical

cause of His death, iii. 9, 77, 132 ; shape of

His cross, 60 ; chastised by the Virgin, iv. 85 ;

and ' Pearls cannot equal the whiteness of

his teeth," 307, 355 ; Santissimo Cristo at

Burgo, vi. 309, 394 Christ's Hospital, or Christ Hospital, the name,

iv. 247, 310, 355 ; preparatory school for, 1683,

vii. 7 ; excavations on its site, 366 ; and

Samuel Richardson, xii. 301, 343 Christ's Hospital costume, xi. 47, 96'

Chris tchurch, New Zealand, inscription on museum,

i. 268

Christchurch or Twynham. See Twynham. Christian IV. of Denmark, xii. 513 Christening a vessel with wine, iv. 260 ; x. 180 Christening the dead in Russia, viii. 405 Christian (Mrs.) on Waterloo Campaign, v. 293 Christian and Mohammedan chronology, xi. 107,


Christian and Roman chronology, i. 86 Christian family of Milntown, I.O.M., v. 209, 334 ;

vi. 133 ; vii. 73 Christian life, rules of, ii. 129, 255, 335 Christian martyr, first Russian, viii. 6, 93 Christian names, curious, i. 26, 170, 214, 235 ; ii. 375 ; full name and diminutive, i. 67 ; brothers and sisters bearing same, i. 257, 315, 457 ; xii. 365 ; double, i. 315, 457 ; female , ii. 414 ; addition to, iii. 328, 374, 416 ; trans- mitted in families, iv. 365 ; brothers bearing the same, vii. 246, 413 ; women with masculine, ix. 409, 457, 517

Christian Names :

Affery, v. 32, 78

Agnes and Anne, temp. Shakespeare, ii. 389, 428, 473 ; viii. 507

Alphonso, vi. 25

Alvery or Alvary, xii. 309

Amphilis, x. 289

Anne. See Agnes.

Arden, ii. 368

Armorel, viii. 369 ; ix. 178

Caroline, x. 450 ; xi. 15, 117, 238

Charlotte, x. 271, 315, 338

Corisande, iv. 247, 352

Desmond, vi. 130, 175

Dilliana, iv. 7

Bbbin, viii. 329, 397

Edmond and Edward, iii. 49, 153

Ernisius, x. 388, 471 ; xi. 33, 155, 375

Esmeralda, iv. 352

Evelyn, ii. 156

Fruzan or Frusan, xi. 349

George, vii. 308, 375, 455, 513

Haakon, vi. 25 ; x. 234, 277

Hamlet, viii. 4, 155, 237, 329, 418, 436 ; xii. 98

Jocosa, ii. 368

Lawrence, c. 1498, i. 310

Mereday, iv. 248, 334

Nicholas, xi. 87, 255

Nisidora, x. 348

Pamela, vii. 265

Polly, xii. 405

Sibyl, viii. 426

Sophony, iv. 148

Thelma, x. 289

Zirophceniza, xii. 226, 317 1 Christian Union,' early volumes, vi. 9 " Christianse ad leones, ' correct form, ii. 287 Christianity and its forbears, iii. 245 Christie ( J. ) on Bayne family, v. 209. Birth at sea in 1805, ii. 448. Officers of State in Scotland, vii. 10

Christie (J. H.), his duel in 1821, iv. 189, 252 Christie, Manson & Woods on Thackeray's pictures,

ii. 192 Christina, Queen of Sweden, translation of her

works, v. 489 ; vi. 12

Christmas : Puritans on, ii. 505 ; Yule " clog," ii. 507 ; iii. 11, 57, 155, 256 ; under Charles I., iii. 11 ; boar's head at, v. 35 ; use of the term Mother Christmas, 48 ; associated with pea-