Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/73

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Clapham (John), Elizabethan author, his bio- graphy, xi. 509

Clapham (Rev. Jonathan), Rector of Wrampling- ham, xii. 8

Clapham worthies, v. 306

Clare (Earl of) and the riots of 1795, v. 211

Clarendon House, later Albemarle House, vii. 268, 312

Clarendon Press ' Rules for Compositors and Readers,' ii. 305, 450

Claret, used in fountain, x. 507

Clarges (Sir T.) portraits of Shakespeare, iv. 368, 494

Claridge (Sir John), portrait by Chinnery, vii. 329

Claridge (W.) on Forisfactura, x. 208

Claridge's, late Mivart's Hotel, its history, ix. 47

Claringbold family of Rolling Court, Kent, vi. 448

Clarionett as a surname, xi. 487 ; xii. 98

Clark (A.) on Maldon records and the drama, vii. 181, 342, 422; viii. 43. 'Merry Thoughts in a Sad Place,' i. 141. Players' companies on tour, xii. 41. Smith (Adam), his status at Oxford, xii. 384

Clark (D. R.) on " Gentle Shakespeare," iii. 170. ' Love's Labour 's Lost ' : its date, iii. 370. Money, its value in Shakespeare's time, iii. 288

Clark (E.) on glowworm or firefly, i. 112

Clark (M. S.) on pillion : flails, iv. 72. Piscon- led, vii. 376

Clark (P. E.) on Col. Howe, viii. 90

Clark (Rich.), Chamberlain of London, his library, i. 469 ; ii. 35

Clark (Thomas), Edinburgh law bookseller, i. 409

Clark (W.) on Virgin Mary's nut, xii. 256

Clark family, i. 389, 456

Clarke (A. H. T.) on Coleridge and Newman on Gibbon, v. 387

Clarke (Dr. Adam), his weather observations, i. 441 ; and sermons by Patrick Adair, vii. 308

Clarke (Sir Alured), Governor-General of India, vii. 489

Clarke (Caroline) on Carlyle and Freemasonry, xi. 437

Clarke (Cecil) on awaitful, vii. 510. Beaconsfield (Lord), his faith, iii. 367. Besant, iii. 155. Birch's, City confectioner's, vii. 366 ; viii. 216. Book-stealing : degrees of blackness, vii. 212. Cacophony in titles, vi. 106. " Caveac ' Tavern, viii. 153. ' Chaperoned by her father," i. 93. Coliseums old and new, ii. 485. Court Leet : Manor Court, viii. 93. Cromwell and Milton, ix. 214. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, iii. 237. Elm, great hollow, at Hampstead, iii. 257. English graves in Italy, ii. 352. " Entente cordiale," x. 37. Gordon House, Kentish Town, vi. 35. Hampstead omnibus, viii. 156. Hogsflesh (William), viii. 395. Holly Lodge, Highgate, vii. 487. Holy- oake (G. J.) : G. J. Harney, v. 126. Houses of historical interest, vi. 356. Hyphens after street names, iv. 449. Irresponsible scribblers, ii. 277. Lares & Penates, firm-name, xii. 384. London taverns in seventeenth century, xii. 414. Louis Philippe's landing in England, v. 391, 473 ; vi. 198 ; ix. 277. ' Matin de la Vie,' xi. 388. " Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," xii. 218. Mellon (Mrs. Alfred), xii. 337. Memorial tablets on houses, ii. 369. Moliere's comedies : record price, xii. 47. Moxhay (Mr.), Leicester Square showman, iii. 395 ; v. 57. Puns at the Haymarket, i. 269. ' Rebecca,' a novel, v. 117, 377 ; ix. 275. Royal Oak Day,

iv. 30. Sacred place-names in foreign lands, xii. 494. Samaritan Society, London, xii. 197 Sardinian Chapel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, v. 146. Scala, La, iii. 448. Shakespeare Second Folio in Switzerland, xi. 366. Sothern's London residence, iii. 88, 111. Spanish Place : Hertford House, viii. 406. " Sweet lavender," x. 146 ; xii. 176. Townley House, Ramsgate, v. 106. Travelling Pontiffs, xii. 186. Vanishing London, i. 447; ii. 125. "Ville of Sarre," x. 268. Wilde (Oscar) bibliography, v. 176 Clarke (Rev. E. Daniel), his family, xii. 328 Clarke (Edward), Winchester scholar, xi. 286 Clarke (G. H.) on Norman inscriptions in York*

shire, iii. 349, 476

Clarke (H. S. S.) on Andrew Marvell, vii. 130 Clarke (Lieut. Henry), R.N., d. 1818, his birth,,

vii. 370

Clarke (Mary Anne) and the Duke of York, iii. 12 Clarke (Major R. S. ) on Lord Lake, x. 348. Mac-

donell, iv. 530. Pilgrim's device, ix. 388 Clasket, Lincoln place-name, its origin, xi. 29 Classic and translator, ii. 71 Classic on quotations wanted, v. 248 Classical literature as an educative force, v. 189 Classical quotations, v. 27, 75 ; vii. 337 Classics, quoted in Parliament, ii. 326, 418 ; list

of English translations, vi. 268, 514 Classicus on whiff, a boat, x. 91 Classis, use of the word, 1646-7, vii. 189, 232 Claugh family, x. 289 Clavering and De Mandeville families, i. 149,.

213, 293 Claverley, Shropshire, old briefs discovered at,.

i. 474

Clavis on Nicholas Upton, ix. 389 Clay (Sir Arthur) on author wanted, xi. 268 Clay (R. M.) on localities wanted, vi. 430 Clay (Thomas) of Ludgate Hill, publisher, ix. 327 Clayton (C. E. A.) on Irish-printed medical books,.

xi. 428. Pharmacopoeia, x. 168 Clayton (E. G.) on Romney's house in Cavendish

Square, vii. 487 ; viii. 11

Clayton (F.) on " King's Dues," ix. 337. London remains, viii. 338. Royal arms in churches, v. 230. Snakes in South Africa, v. 428 ; vi. 10, 294. " What Lancashire thinks to-day," ix. 329. Worple Way, vii. 293, 417 Clayton (H. B.) on abracadabra, ix. 467. Artists' Rifles, ix. 484. Bishop, first, to marry, x. 366. Christie (J. H.), iv. 252. Chunnerin', ii. 26. Congreve's birthplace, iii. 165. Death-bed of the Blessed Virgin, xii. 376. Dolly Varden up to date, ii. 185. Dublin printer, first, x. 106^ Duff, early mission ship, x. 503 ; xi. 112. Elihu Yale's epitaph, x. 502. Female abo- litionist, first, vi. 365. Grenadier Guards' band, xi. 306. Heath (W.), artist, ix. 473;. x. 93. Jones (Paul), his birthplace, iv. 67. Moon legends, x. 347. Moscow campaign, iii. 212. Pedlars' Rest, vii. 266. Peer of France, last, i. 225. Regimental marches, x. 457. Sema- phore signalling, xi. 271. Stanley (Sir H. M.),. his nationality, i. 446. " There ! ' v. 246. Thieves' slang : " Joe Gurr," i. 386 Clayton (John), botanist, Dean of Kildare, xL

306, 396

Clayton (Mr.), his Eton lists, iii. 87 Clayton (W.), Baron Sundon = Charlotte Dyve,

xi. 188, 306, 317 Cleaning, early, and snow, ix. 210 Cleather (Col.) on Carnac, xii. 187 Cleaver and Fenton families, v. 23