Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/87

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Daniels (J. B.) on Dickensiana : railway lights,

ix. 87 <

Danish surnames, iii. 49, 137, 390 Danister (John), Wykehamist, iv. 289, 355, 437 ;

vi. 94, 157

Dante : Dorando : Durand, xi. 186 Dante, drama by Sardou and Moreau on, i. 183 ;

fourteenth-century unknown portrait, iv. 205 ;

sonnet to Guido Cavalcanti, iv. 207, 277 ;

v. 474 ; on Paolo and Francesca, vii. 229 ;

and architecture, 266 ; ' Le Terze Rime di

Dante,' Aldus, 1502, ix. 11 ; on old men, xi. 448;

MSS. recently discovered, xii. 449 Danteiana : ' Inf.,' xiv. 96, " Sotto il cui rege fu

gia il mondo casto," i. 181, 251 ; xiv. 126, ' Pur a sinistra giu calando al fondp," 181 ;

xv. 4, " Quale i Fiamminghi tra Guizzante e

Bruggia," 182 ; xv. 23, ' Fui conosciuto da

un, che mi prese," iii. 482 ; xv. 29, " Chinando ;

la mano alia sua faccia," 483 ; xv. 55, ' Se,

tu segui tua stella," vii. 202 ; xv. 67-8, ' Vecchia fama nel mondo," 202; xvi. 102, ' Ove dovria per mille esser ricetto," 103, 251,

373 ; xvi. 106-8, " lo aveva una corda," x. 302 ;

  • Purg.,' meaning of " balzo," viii, 226, 291

Danzig, accounts of its siege, 1813, x. 130, 193 Dapifer in mediaeval Latin, its meaning, viii. 48,


D'Arblay (Madame), her diary, xii. 469 Darby family pedigree, iii. 488 Darch (W. J.) on Chigwell School, vii. 488 Darcie (Abraham), his ' History of Elizabeth,'

viii. 89

D'Arcy (S. A.) on Burmese god, vii. 429 Darcye (Col. Conyers), his regiment of 1660, ix.

108, 178

Darke (B.) on Bolles : Conyers, iv. 264 Darkness in London in 1879, vi. 49 Darling (Grace), sale of her medal, ix. 285 Darlington (O. H.) on flying bridge, iii. 93. O'Hara

portraits, xi. 128. Telephonic, ix. 247. " White

Eyes," Delaware chief, xi. 87

Darrell or Dorrell (John), exorcist, c. 1599, v. 285 Darrell (Thames) and Harrison Ainsworth, viii. 189 Darrell murder at Littlecote House, ix. 58 Dartford, sundial in church at, v. 206 Dartmouth House, Queen Anne's Gate, its history,

ix. 150 Darwall (Rev. L.), cope worn by, in 1853, i. 174,

278 Darwin (Charles), his house in Gower Street, v.

483 Darwin (Dr. Erasmus) on signs of foul weather, i.

442 ; lines on Sydney Cove, x. 261, 412 Darwin (G. H.) on Sydney, 1789-1908, x. 412 Darwin (W. E.) on Windsor Castle sentry, iii.


Darwinian chain of argument, iv. 169, 237 Dasent (A. I.) on Sir Reginald Bray, xi. 267.

London taverns, xii. 127. Speaker, first, of the

House of Commons, x. 388 Dating, Athenian system of, i. 489 D'Aubrischecourt (Francois) and John Dabriche-

court, ix. 228, 332, 418

Dauglish (M. G.) on Col. A. R. Dunn, v. 468 D'Auvergne (Philip), his wife's surname, ii. 427,

492 D'Avaux (M. le Comte), his ' Ne"gociations en

Irlande,' iii. 470

' Davelly " rain, dialect phrase, xi. 509 ; xii. 76 Davey (E. C.) on Fettiplace, i. 396. Hoy (John),

vi. 95. Louis Philippe's landing in England,

vi. 93

Davey (H.) on American place-names, iii. 333. Cowley the actor, vi. 456. ' Death of Nelson,' iii. 18. 'D.N.B. Epitome,' ix. 153, 294. ' 1 Henry IV.,' II, iv., vi. 504. ' King Lear ' on the stage, xii. 224. Rhine a French bound- ary, xi. 375. Shakespeare and geography, x. 346. Shakespeare the actor, x. 346. , ; ' Slow, slow, fresh fount," vi. 453. Statua : statue : statute, vi. 377. Tennyson and Aldworth, xi. 325

David (J. L.), painter, his sketch of Marie Antoin- ette, xii. 409,513

David (J. P.) on Gourbillon or Courbillon family, ii. 408

David (W. H.) on Pigott's ' Jockey Club,' xii. 136, 255

David family and Eton House, Kent, viii. 290

Davidson (H. A.) on T. L, Peacock, x. 9

Davidson clan, x. 7

Davies (Ann), her epitaph, ii. 106, 152

Davies (A. Morley) on the Chiltern Hundreds, vii. 238 ; viii. 53. Dickens and the lamplighter, x. 12. Eastry, Kent, xi. 172. Halesowen, Worcester, viii. 31. Neyte, Eybury, and Hyde, xi. 174. November 5 : Guy Fawkes, x. 496. Peninsulas, xii. 36. Pightle : Pikle, v. 134. Rossetti (Christina), vi. 397, 418. Tyburn, x. 495. West London Railway, vi. 426. Wooden water-pipes in London, iv. 465

Davies (A. W.) on Gainsborough at Richmond, xi. 149

Davies or Davis (Black), turf character, c. 1790, xi. 507 ; xii. 37

Davies (D. C.) on taciturn : Grieve in Smollett, xii. 375

Davies (Sir George), created baronet, 1685-6, iii. 469 ; iv. 36, 93

Davies (Henry), of Buryan, Cornwall, descendants, iv. 368

Davies (John), his epigram on actors, 1603, xii. 389

Davies (Jonathan Ceredig) on " Giving his supper to the devil," ii. 427. Henry II. on the Welsh, ii. 446. Moon superstitions, xii. 406. River legends, xii. 488. Twin calves, ii. 406

Davies (J. S.) on musical services on towers, viii. 153

Davies (Lucy) on bee-sting cure for rheumatism, xii. 295

Davies (W.) on ' Emblemes d'Alciat,' v. 468

Davis (A.) on Sir Thomas Davis, Lord Mayor, vi. 388

Davis (Crusoe Richard), his voyages and dis- coveries, xi. 425

Davis (Lieut. Henry John), Yeoman of the Guard, vii. 349

Davis (M. D.) on " Lombard," i. 6

Davis (N. D.) on Sir Arthur Leary Pigott, x. 426

Davis (R. G.) on -Newport Church, I.W., ix. 457

Davis (Sir T.), Lord Mayor of London, 1677, vi. 388, 431 ; vii. 54

Davis (T.), his poem ' The Sack of Baltimore, viii. 13

Davison family, ix. 130

Davy (A. J.) on Admiral Christ epitaph, vii. 38. Authors of quotations wanted, xi. 29. Coffin House, i. 388. Death-birds in Scotland and Ireland, v. 158. Desecrated fonts, ii. 172. Devonshire miniaturists, xi. 273. Local Govern- ment Records, iii. 355. Littlemonelight, place- name, vi. 475. Marriage like a Devonshire lane, xii. 517. May-dewing, iv. 17. ' Monkey on the chimney," i. 288. "Old ewe dressed lamb fashion," xii. 237. Pannell, i. 256.