Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/364

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io> s. i. APRIL 9, wo*.

Messrs. Macmillan & Bowes, of Cambridge, have a selection from the library of the late Rev. Henry Russell, rector of Layham. These include Acker- mann's 'University of Cambridge' and 'Univer- sity of Oxford,' 21?. each; 'Oxonia Illustrata,' 1675, 211. ; Chalmers's 'British Essayists,' 48 vols., green morocco, 6?. 6s. ; Chalmers's ' Poets,' 21 vols. ; Scott's novels, the 48- vol. edition, 1830-3; Strype's 'Works'; a fine copy of 'Tracts for the Times,' Archbishop Longley s copy with his book-plate; Cooper's 'Annals of Cambridge'; 'Cambridge Calendar,' 1796 to 1903, and many other works relating to Cambridge; 'Sir Joshua Reynolds,' by Leslie and Tom Taylor; Liddon's ' Life of Pusey'; and the rare first edition of Beckford's ' Vathek.' There are also many scarce books from the Kelm- scott and other presses.

Messrs. Maggs's Catalogue of Old-Time Lite- rature, No. 201, Part I., A M, gives us the first edition of ' Paradise Lost,' " Printed by S. Simmons, and are to be sold by T. Helder at the Angel in Little Britain," 1660, 251. ; also another copy, 21?. ; L. Maiolus, ' Epiphyllides in Dialecticis,' Venet., Aldus, 1497, the Syston Park copy, with ex-libris, 8?. 18s., very rare; Augustine, 'Select Prayers,' black-letter, 1586, 6?. 6s. ; Bacon's ' Essays,' the extremely rare fifth edition, 16mo, bound by Riviere. 1612, 26?. (this is complete, with the rare blank leaf before title) ; another copy, the sixth edition, 1613, 261. ; a Col- lection of Ballads, published by J. Pitts. Seven Dials, 1790-1840; also Payne Collier's 'Book of Roxburghe Ballads.' There are a number of rare Bibles ; Bieston's ' The Bayte and Snare of For- tune,' 1550, 30?. ; a large Collection of Broadsides, some in black-letter, 3 vols. folio, 25?. ; ' The Report of John Stockdale's Trial,' Edmund Burke's copy, with a large number of his MS. notes; the first Edinburgh edition and first issue of Burns's

  • Poems,' 1787, 35?. ; an early specimen of Cambridge

printing, ' Ecclesiastes,' 1580; first edition of Camoens's poems, 1595; a number of pamphlets relating to Charles I. ; the Kelmscott Chaucer, 751. ; first edition of William Collins's 'Odes,' 1747, 10?. 10s. (this is extremely rare, as the greater part was destroyed by the author); Crabbe, 'The Newspaper, 1785, and 'The Village,' 1783; first edition of 'Robinson Crusoe,' 1719, 14?. 14s; a number of valuable items under Early Printing, including a specimen of Notary's press, 1506 ; the English Historical Society's Publications, 1838-56 ; Fabyan's 'Chronicle,' 1533; Evelyn's 'Acetaria,' 1699, a presentation copy ; Foxe's ' Book of Mar- tyrs,' 1570, 251. ; and ' Fugitive Tracts,' with notices T)y Hazlitt and Huth, printed at the Chiswick Press for private circulation.

Messrs. A. Maurice & Co.'s list contains some fine illustrated books in handsome bindings. These include Count Grammont's ' Memoirs,' 1889, 221. 10s. ; Gronow's ' Reminiscences,' 1900, 71. Is. ; Foote's ' Table Talk,-' 1882, 91. 9s. ; an extra-illustrated copy of Barras, 1895-6, 251. ; Forster's 'Dickens'; Blan- chard Jerrold's ' Life of Cruikshank ' ; Talfourd's ' Memoirs of Lamb' ; Fraser's ' Words on Welling- ton ' ; Rogers's ' Table Talk ' ; ' Memoir of Wai- pole ' ; and many others, all with extra illustra- tions ; Burton's ' Arabian Nights,' illustrated edition ; Blake's ' Book of Job ' ; Balzac's ' (Euvres Completes,' plates by Johannot ; and a number of modern books in general literature.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of St. Martin's Lane, has a copy of Piranesi, ' Vedute di Roma,' with brilliant

early impressions, price 34?. 10s. ; ' An Exact Col- lection of the Choycest Poems of the Rump,' 1681 ; ' Marguerite de Valois,' Berne, 1780-1, 14?. 10s. (the Hamilton copy sold for 46?.); Scott's novels, 25 vols., 1852-7 ; Bewick, a large collection of chap-books, 73 vols., 101. 10s.; 'British Gallery of Portraits,' Cadell, 1822; a number of first editions of R. L. Stevenson ; Paynell's ' Regimen Sanitatis Salerin,' 1597 (" after we have dyned or taken our repast we must for awhile stand upright, that so the meale may descend downe to the bottome of the stomacke ") ; Mason's ' Christian Humiliation,' a treatise on fasting, 1624, bound in vellum with arms of James I. ; and Lysons's ' London and Middlesex,' 1792. There are a number of engravings and book-plates, carica- tures, &c.

Mr. James Wilson, of Birmingham, sends us two catalogues for March the first one theological, three pages being Roman Catholic. There is a copy of Julia Cartwright's (Mrs. Ady) ' Christ and His Mother in Italian Art,' price 21. Is. 6d. Of this only 256 copies were printed at 8?. 8s. net. The general list includes Dugdale's ' Monasticon Angli- canum,' 14?. 14s., cost 100?. Dibdin describes it as "a magnificent national work." Viollet-le-Duc's ' Dictionnaire RaisonneY 10 vols., is priced at 111. 15s., and Gotch's 'Architecture of the Renais- sance ' at 11. 18s. A set of the ' National Encyclo- paedia' is to be had for 21. 2s , a set of Punch to the end of June, 1891, half-bound in red morocco, for 121. 18s. (a note is made, " Times price 25?.") ; Maril- lier's 'Rossetti,' best edition, 2?. 10s. ; 'Celebrated Crimes,' by Dumas, 8 vols. ; Lardner's ' Cyclo- paedia'; Creeny's 'Incised Slabs'; 'Desiderata Curiosa,' by Francis Peck, 1732-5 ; a scarce lot of portraits illustrating Alison's ' Europe ' ; first edi- tions of Rogers's ' Italy ' and ' Poems,' 1830-4 (Ruskin said " this beautiful edition of Samuel Rogers's ' Poetical Works ' was the book which first determined his devotion to the study of art") ; Walker's 'Costume of Yorkshire in 1814'; and Todd's ' History of the College of Bonhommes at Ashridge, Buckingham.' Under Natural History we find Yarrell's ' Birds and Fishes.'

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

H. J. F. A. John Christopher Smith was a friend of Garrick and a pupil of Handel. He is included in the ' Diet. Nat. Biog.'

Lucis ("Sow an act, and you reap a habit"). Charles Reade. See 9 th S. xii. 377.


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