Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/419

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Hymns, Hymn- Writers, and Hymn-Books. Young Man, June, 1899.

The Problem of Titles. Book Monthly, Nov., 1903.

Shurtleff, Nathan B.-The Old Corner Bookstore.

Publishers' Weekly, No. 807, New York, 1887.

Smellie, William, 1740-95. Memoirs of the Life,

Writings, and Correspondence of William

Smellie, F.R.S., late Printer in Edinburgh, &c.

By Robert Kerr, F.R.S. With portrait. 2 vols.

8vo, Edinburgh, 1811.

Partner with W. Creech (?..), and friend of Robert Burns.

Smiles, Samuel, 1816-1904. Authors and Publishers.

Murray's Magazine, Jan. -Feb., 1890. Smith, T. E. V. The Book Trade of New York in 1789. Publishers' Weekly, No. 908, New York, 1889.

Smith. Elder & Co. The Sketch, with portraits and illustrations, 3 July, 1895. The Bookman, with illustrations, October, 1901. The King, with portrait of Mr. Reginald Smith, 18 Janu- ary, 1902. Public Opinion, 12 February, 1904. Smith, George Murray, 1824-1901. Memoir of George Smith. By Sidney Lee. Prefixed to Vol. I. of the Supplement to the ' Dictionary of National Biography.' With portrait. Royal 8vo, London, 1901.

In the Early Forties. Charlotte Bronte. Our Birth and Parentage. Lawful Pleasures. Four autobiographical articles by George M. Smith, Cornhill Magazine, November, 1900, to February, 1901.

In Memoriam George M. Smith. By Sir Leslie Stephen. Cornhill Magazine, May, 1901. Smith, William Henry, 1825-91. The Life and Times of the Right Hon. William Henry Smith, M.P. By Sir Herbert E. Maxwell, Bt. With Por- trait and numerous Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vb, London, 1893 ; 1 vol. crown 8vo, London, 1894. Smith, W. H., & Son. The World's Work,

October, 1903.

Smyth, Richard, 1590 - 1675. The Obituary of Richard Smyth, Secondary of the Poultry Compter, London : being a Catalogue of all such Persons as he knew in their Life : extending from A.D. 1627 to A.D. 1674. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H. Small 4to, printed for the Camden Society, 1849. Reprinted in Willis 1 Current Notes, February, 1853.

" This gentleman was one of the most ardent of the book- loving maniacs of whom we have any notice during the period stated. He mentions the names of most of the early booksellers of Little Britain, Paternoster Row, and other bookshops he almost daily visited." Extract from Catalogue of W. Ridler, .=.3, High Street, Bloomsbury, W.C., 1903.

Spence, Joseph, 1698-1768. Anecdotes, Observa- tions and Characters of Books and Men. 8vo, London, 1820.

Spencer, Herbert, 1820-1903. The Bookselling Question (1852) Views concerning Copyright Book-Distribution The " Net-Price " System of Bookselling Publishing on Commission American Publishers. See ' Various Frag- ments,' enlarged edition, 8vo, London, 1900.

An Autobiography. 2 vols. 8vo, 1904. See Index as follows : John Chapman, Williams & Kor- gate, Longmans & Co., Experiences of Publishing, Book- sellers' Dispute with Authors in 1852.

Spon, Ernest. How to Publish a Book. London, 1872.

Sprigge, S. S. Methods of Publishing. Crown 8vo. London, 1890.

Stanford, Edward. Edward Stanford. With a Note on the History of the Firm, from 1852. With Illustrations. 4to, London, 1902.

Stationers' Company. Extracts from the Registers of Works entered for Publication between 1557 and 1570. With Notes and Illustrations by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols. 8vo, printed for the- Shakespeare Society, 1848.

A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1646. Edited by Edward Arber. Vols. I. -IV. Text, royal 4to, 1875-7. Vol. V. Index, royal 4to, 1894. Privately printed. London.

A Short Account of the Worshipful Company of Stationers. By Charles Robert Rivington,. Clerk of the Company. Imperial 4to. Privately printed. London, 1903.

Historical Notices of the Worshipful Com- pany of Stationers of London. By John Gough Nichols, Jun. 4to, London, 1861.

Steuart, Basil, 1794-1886. Manager at John Murray' s- and publisher. See Chambers's Journal, Sep- tember, 1903.

Stevens, Benjamin Franklin, 1833-1902. Memoir of- By G. Manville Fenn. With 4 Portraits and 3 other Illustrations. Crown 8vo, printed for private circulation, London, 1903.

Stott, David. The Decay of Bookselling. Nine- teenth Century, December, 1894.

Strahan, Alexander, c. 1830- .Twenty Years of a Publisher's Life.

Appeared serially in the Day of Best, 1881 (Strahan & Co.). Announced in volume form by Chatto & Windus, 1882, but not published.

See also ' A Great Publisher from the North of Scotland r (Alexander Strahan), Inverness Courier, 39 December, 1903 1. and an article on Charles Knight, by Alexander Strahan, in Good Words, September, 1867.

Tauchnitz, the Firm of. The Tauchnitz Edition : the Story of a Popular Publisher. By Tighe Hopkins. With Illustrations. Pall Mall Maga- zine, October, 1901.

Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1846. See Vol. II. of ' Portraits of Public Characters,' by the-

author (James Grant) of ' Random Recollections of the-

Lords and Commons.' 2 vols. crown 8vo, London, 1841.

Thorns, William John. 1803-85. Curll Papers,

(Notes on Edmund Curll.) See under Curll, Edmund.

Thomson, Richard, 1794-1865. Chronicles of London. Bridge. By an Antiquary. 8vo, London, 1827. See pp. 374-8 for ' Books published on London Bridge.' Timperley, Charles H., 1794-1846. A Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with th Progress of Literature, Ancient and Modern ; Biblio- graphical Illustrations, &c. Royal 8Vo, London, 1839.

This volume is especially useful as containing biogra- phical notices of English printers, publishers, and booksellers, from the earliest times to 18.38.

Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote. Royal 8vo, London, 1842. This is a second edition of the ' Dictionary of Printers," and has a continuation of the biographical matter (chiefly of booksellers), 1839-42.

Tinsley, William, 1831-1902. - Tinsley, Edward, 1835-66. Random Recollections of an Old Pub- lisher. By William Tinsley. 2 vols. 8vo,, London, 1900.