Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/539

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21. Henry N. Hatchell, of Timperley, ob.

19 Dec., 1890, a. 24.

22. Cornelius Thompson, shipowner, of Aberdeen and London, ob. at sea 18 Jan., 1894, a. 51.

23. Walter Herbert, 2d s. of B. V. and M. J. Dodds, of Bilbao, ob. at Laguna,

2 Aug., 1890, a. 29.

24. Joseph Train Gray, M.A., of Edin- burgh, ob. at Santa Cruz, on board the SS. Sud America, 9 Ap. , 1890, a. 52.

25. Josephine Antoinette Graham, w. of Nichold Cambreleng, b. 15 Aug., 1869, ob.

3 Nov., 1891.

26. John Howard Edwards, ob. 18 Oct., 1891.

27. Frances Anne, w. of the late George James Davidson, ob. at Santa Cruz, 5 Jan., 1884, a. 43, and G. J. Davidson, ob. 17 Dec., 1883, a. 45.

28. Mina, w. of Robert Godschall Johnson, Esq., H.B.M. Consul for the Canary Islands, ob. at Laguna, 19 June, 1862, a. 19 yrs. 6 months.

29. Mary Elizabeth Johnson, d. of the late Godschall Johnson, Esq., formerly H.M. Consul at Antwerp, ob. at Laguna, 11 Mar., 1863, a. 27 yrs. 11 months.

30. Joseph Henry Davidson, ob. 19 Ap., 1835, a. 4

Sarah Ann Davidson, ob. 16 Dec., 1851, a. 9.

31. Emma Sarah, w. of Charles T.Thompson, Esq., of Berkshire, ob. 25 Feb., 1846, a. 26.

Mary Louisa, 2d dau. of the above, ob. 5 Feb., 1846, a. 19 days.

32. Elias LeBrun, Esq., of Jersey, 40 years resident in Santa Cruz, ob. 19 May, 1851, a. 69. Also Susan Poignand, his w., ob. 29 July, 1852, a. 63.

33. Joseph Baker, Esq., of London, ob. 24 May, 1845, a. 41.

34. Lewis Cossart, eldest s. of Lewis Gellie Hamilton and Selina his w., ob. 29 June, 1858, a. 15.

35. Mr. Thomas Clarke, of London, for

20 years attached to the house of Joseph Bishop, Esq., merchant of London, ob. 28 Mar., 1838, a. 63.

36. Charles Le Brun, b. at Santa Cruz,

4 July, 1818, ob. 8 Ap., 1874, and his 3 sons Elias Henry James, b. 29 Aug., 1868, ob. I Jan., 1874 ; Charles George, b. 14 Aug., 1869, ob. 12 Jan., 1870 ; Charles James, D.

21 June, 1873, ob. 26 June, 1874.

37. George Miller, b. in London, 4 Oct., 1868, ob. at Giiimar, 26 Feb., 1900.

38. James A. Eutherford. No date or other information.

39. Beatrice Mary Starey, ob. 9 July, 1863.

40. Richard Bartlett, Esq., H.B.M. Consul for the Canary Islands, ob. 3 Aug., 1849.

41. William Dean Wathen, 3d s. of the late Wm. Dean Wathen, M.R.C.S., of Fish- guard, Pembrokeshire, ob. 13 Dec., 1891 r

a. 36.

42. Benjamin Tall, of the Patent Office,. Board of Trade, London, youngest s. of the late John Tall, of Hull, ob. 31 Jan., 1896.

43. Alfred Edward Allen, of Enfield r Midd., ob. 6 Ap., 1902, a. 48.

44. Henry Alexr. Hurst, b. at Drumaness,. co. Down, Ireland, 30 Mar., 1877, ob. at Giiimar, 13 Feb., 1903.

44A. E. T. Johnson, ob. 28 Mar., 1896.

45. Hugh Howard Davidson, ob. 22 Aug.,. 1880, a. months.

46. Marianne, w. of William Dabney,- Consul of the United States for the Canary Islands, b. in Boston, U.S., 26 May, 1827, ob. 13 Jan., 1879.

47. Matilda, w. of C. J. Baker, ob. 4 July, 1876.

48. Robert Welsh Edwards, ob. 10 May, 1875, a. 43.

49. Claudina Ansell. No date.

50. James Lebrun, b. at Santa Cruz, 15 July, 1825, ob. at Tacoronte, 25 Aug., 1886.

Louisa, w. of the above James Lebrun,

b. at London, 8 Jan., 1833, ob. at Santa Cruz, 2 Ap., 1888.

51. Arthur Henry Bechervaise, Super- intendent of the Spanish National Telegraph Company, ob. 12 Jan., 1898, a. 41.

52. Jane Olive, w. of W. A. F. Davis, ob, 5 May, 1898. ^

53. Frederic William, husband of Emma Maud Mollet, late Chief Engineer of the Union Co. S.S. Trojan, ob. 1898.

54. Victor W. Hobson, of Darlington, b. 20 May, 1865, ob. 9 Jan., 1889.

55. Peter, 4th s. of Peter McCallum, of Campbelltown, Argyleshire, formerly of Buenos Ayres, ob. at Laguna, 25 May, 1888 r a. 35. G. S. PARRY, Lieut.-Col.

PORTUGALETE : FoNTARRABiA. Portugalete is familiar to thousands of British skippers- as the name of the village (now a town) and harbour forming the western side of the mouth of the river Nervion. In this they cast anchor when visiting Bilbao, which owe* so much to the commerce which they repre- sent, and whence they will shortly be able to- reach Madrid in seven hours by the new direct railway. It is generally believed that this name is in some way connected with Portugal; but the real etymology seems to be that which D. Quirino Pinedo, who has a villa at Algorta (the most westerly Baskish-