Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/655

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Notes and Queries, July 30. 1904.



Plato and Sir Philip Sidney, 207

Platt (Sir Hugh), his arms, 207

Platt (Isaac Hull) on Marlowe's birth, 408

Shakespeare's grave, 288, 416 Platt (J.), Jun., on Alake, 512 Anahuac, 507

Christian names, curious, 235 Hooligan, 125 Japanese cards, 29 Japanese names, 187 Jong, Tibetan word, 465 Jonson's ' Alchemist,' 223 Korean and Manchurian names, 265 Manitoba, 206 " Muck-a- Lucks," 287 Pita, 326

Platt (Sir Hugh), his arms, 207 Port Arthur, 457 Sassaby, 146 Schlenter, 404 Seoul, its pronunciation, 43 Squaw : mahala, 64 Yaws, its etymology, 5 Platt (L. J.) on sundial motto, 148 Play at Sadler's Wells alluded to by Wordsworth, 7,

70, 96, 136

Playbill, earliest, 28, 71, 114 Playfair (N.) on children on the stage, 108 Playing cards, Japanese, 29, 75 Plays printed in Ireland, 84 Ploughgang and other measures, 101, 143, 354 ' Plumpton Correspondence,' mistakes in, 466 Poe (E. A.)i ' Leonaine,' not by him, 145 Poems, French, translations of, 409 Poland (Sir Harry B.) on "As the crow flies," 372 'Poliphili Hypnerotomachia,' error in, 4, 97 Politician on balance of power, 507 "Bellamy's," 169 Tea as a meal, 176

Pollard (Matilda) on Becket's martyrdom, 452 French miniature painter, 137 Hertford borough seal, 448 London, ancient, its topography, 296 Pollard- Urquhart (F. E. R.) on Indian sport, 455 Pompadour (Madame de), epigram on, 18 ; her

library, 445

Pontefract Castle, Easter sepulchre at, 265 " Pontificate " used as a verb, 404 Poole (C. L.) on brazen bijou, 456 Poole (W. L.) on authors of quotations wanted, 168

Gringo : Griengro, 369 Pope (Alexander), his 'Essay on Man,' and poem by

Riickert, 209, 336

Popped : " painted and popped," its meaning, 407, 457 Port Arthur, origin of the name, 407, 457 Portrait, eye of, following the spectator, 186 Portrait substituted for Sir Walter Raleigh's, 403 Portsmouth (Eveline, Dowager Countess of) on

" There's not a crime," 508 Portugalete, etymology of the name, 443 Portuguese Hymn : " come, all ye faithful," 10, 54 Portuguese version of Aphikia story, 466 Postage, earliest use as applied to letters, 134 Posts, early, in England, 57, 133, 175 Potrel (Jeanne) on Huquier engravers, 469 Pott (Percivall), his biography, 434

Pottage called hok, and Hockday, 187, 496 Potts family in 1774, 127, 434 Potts (R. A.) on 'Address to Poverty,' 151 Brindley (James), 376 Browning's text, 237 ' Memoirs of a Stomach,' 57 Powell (Eliza) = John Shaw, 226 Powell (H. E.) on " Sit loose to," 75 Prayers, Irish ejaculatory, 249, 337, 492 Preparatory to, use of the words, 115 Prescriptions of apothecaries and physicians, origin of

signs in, 409, 453

Prideaux(Col. W. F.) on 'Address to Poverty,' 43 Antiquary v. antiquarian, 325 Bosham's Inn, Aldwych, 105 Deffand (Madame du) her letters, 68 " Eternal feminine," 108, 335 Martello towers, 285, 411 Nash (Richard), 32 Riding the black ram, 36 St. Mary Axe : St. Michael le Querne, 157 Stafford (Henry, Earl of), his first wife, 10 Trelawny ballad, 83 Prideaux (W. R. B.) on John Dee's library, 241

Tasso and Milton, 314 Priests ejected in 1553, list of, 9 Printing, oil, process invented by George Baxter,

427, 490

Printing in the Channel Isles, 349, 436 Prints and engravings, book on, wanted, 268| 377 Prior to=before, 114, 175, 295 Prison, "Joe Gurr" or "choker," slang term for,

386, 457

Privy Councillors in the time of James I., 131 Procession door of church at Sandwich, 468 Pronunciation, local, and etymology, 52, 91, 190, 228, 278, 292, 316, 371, 471 ; of Irish surnames, 125 ; Northern and Southern, 508 Prothasey, curious Christian name, 171, 236 Proverb, Spanish, on the orange, 206, 251 Proverbial phrases, French, 3, 485 Proverbs in the Waverley Novels, 383, 402, 455 Proverbs and Phrases :

Adding insult to injury, 4

All roads lead to Rome, 48, 112

Alonger (allonger) le parchemin, 3

Among others, 487

Apres moi le deluge. 340

As merry as giiggs, 36. 94, 275

As the crow flies, 204, 296, 372, 432

Balance of power, 507

Bon, French proverbs containing, 485

Bon jour et bon an, 485

C'est le chat, 485

Coup de Jarnac, 6, 75, 197

Drug in the market, 149, 235, 316

En avoir dans 1'aile, 3

Eternal feminine, 108, 234, 335, 496

Facing the music, 100

Fat, fair, and forty, 460

Feed the brute, 348, 416

First catch your hare, 175, 254, 338

Flea in the ear, 34

Go for it bald-headed, 272

God's silly vassal, 17

Going the round, 9, 76, 158