Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 10.djvu/562

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. x. DEC. 12, IMS.

414. Caroline Emily Thompson, w. of Capt. John Pakenham, R.N., ob. '2 Aug., 1844, a. 44. After -26 yrs. of marriage.

415. Richard Woodward, of Manchester, ob 14 Oct., 1862, a. 38.

415a. Mr. James Barr, ob. 9 Oct., 1857, a. 55.

416. Capt. John Carroll Peach, ob. 12 Dec., 1862,

417 Charles Ede, Esq., b. at Liskeard, Corn., a.3 May, 1793; ob. 2 Aug., 1863. 418. 'Ann Vidler, ob. 18 Mar., 1858.

419. Lieut. Dobree, 5th Native Lt. Infantry, Assistant Military Auditor-General, Bombay, 2nd s.

  • of the Rev. J. G. Dobree, A.M., Rector of Newbourn,

Sun 7 ., b.27 Feb., 1827, ob. 1 Jan., 1854.

420. Emma Matilda Ball, of London, ob. 18 Ap.,



421. Margaret, wid. of Archibald McNab, b. in Edinburgh, 13 Jan., 1788; ob. 20 June, 1868. "Erected by her d.

422. Margaret, youngest d. of Archibald McNab, of Macnab, and of Margaret Robertson, his w. B. at Edinburgh, 1 Nov., 1815; ob. 31 Jan., 1834. Erected by her mother and her only sister Sarah Anne, who was the first-born of 6, 3 sons and 3 ds., and now the only surviving child of her mother.

423. Julia Woodburn, d. of Major-Gen. Wm. Kirkpatrick and wicl. of Edward Strachey, Esq., of the Bengal Civil Service, ob. 20 Nov., 1846, a. 55, at Perugia.

424. Frances, w. of Lieut. -Col. Rowley, ob. 22 Ap., 1834 ; and her inf. s. F. H. C. Evelyn Rowley, ob.

13 May, 1834, a. 3 yrs.

425. Rev. Edmund Dewdney, A.M., of St. John's, Camb., Minister of St. John's Chapel, Portsea, ob.

18 June, 1847, a. 49.

426. Arthur H. (C.) Saunders, b. 26 Sep., 1852;

ob. 2(6) Aug., 1855.

427. Giacomo Smith, b. in New York ; ob. 24 Nov., 1834, over 90. (In Italian.)

428. Grace Greenwood, ob. 21 Oct., 1845.

429. Ferdinand Thomas Williamson, Capt. in Brit. Army, ob. 10 Dec., 1834, a. 37.

430. Florence Caroline, b. 7 July, 1842 ; ob. 12 Jan., 1845 ; and George Arthur Lennox, b. 18 July, ob. 4 Aug., 1850; both children of Alfred Lambert, Esq., of Villa Corsi, near Florence.

431. James, s. of George Tough, of Bristol, b. 1749 ; ob. 5 Jan., 1834. (A long inscription in Latin.)

432. Charlotte Augusta, d. of Wm. Moffat, Esq., of Bursledon, Hants, ob. 18 Nov., 1834, a. 16.

433. Gerard Lake, inf. s. of Gerard Lake Brooks and Louisa Barbara, his w., ob. 25 Feb., 1859, a. 6 weeks.

434. Elizabeth Isabella Pakenham, ob. 6 Feb., 1841 L a % 21 yrs. 6 months.

435. Sophia, w. of Robt. Parsons, co. York, ob.

14 July, 1835.

436. Demetrius Frederick, inf. s. of George and Margaret Mignaty, natives of the Ionian Is., b. 13 Jan., 1845; ob. 8 Sep., 1846.

437. Elena, d. of G. and M. Mignaty, b. 17 Jan., 1848 ; ob. 17 July, 1853.

438. Thos. Walter Dillon, Esq., ob. at Seravezza, 18 Sep., 1835, a. 34.

439. Emily Florence, only ch. of Augustus Per- cival Calland, Esq.. and Hanna Matilda his w., of Upper Forest, Glamorganshire, late of Hertford St., Mayfair, ob. 1 Nov., 1842, a. 17 m. 2 days.

  • 440. Thomas, youngest s. of Wm. English, Esq.,

of Farmley, co. Dublin, ob. 29 Mar., 1845, a. 25.

441. Hon. Henry Gray Bennet, b. 2 Dec., 1780; ob. 29 May, 1836. Erected by his widow.

442. Sarah, w. of the Rev. Thomas McCalmont, of Wimborne Minster, Dorset, ob. in childbirth, 24 Aug., 1836, a. 28.

443. Caroline, w. of Capt. Henry Edward Napier, R.N., b. 9 Aug., 1806 ; ob. 5 Sep., 1836.

444. Maria Stonhouse Smith, w. of Angelo della Maggiore, ob. 29 Sep., 1836.

445. Alexander Glynn Campbell, only s. of Col. C., of Gatcombe Park, I. of Wight, ob. 5 Nov., 1836. Erected by his f. and sister.

446. Mrs. Maria Ann Olmsted, of New York, ob. 20 Nov., 1836.

447- John Fitzgerald Gubbett, Esq., of Georges Street, Limerick, arid Redmonstown, Tipperary, ob. 8 Nov., 1835.


448. Eliza Stewart, ob. 14 Aug., 1873. (In French.)

449. Esther Susan Amelia, d. of Henry and Amelia Bankes, ob. at Leghorn, 12 July, 1871, a. 21.

450. Amelia, wid. of Henry Bankes, born Watson, at Calcutta; ob. at Leghorn, 1 Sep., 1871, a. 30.

451. Maria Allen Williams, b. at Bath, 1810; ob.

18 Feb., 1877. (In Italian.)

452. Frances Jane Whyte, youngest d. of Robert and Mary Whyte Moyser, of Hotham House, co. York, ob. 19 Aug., 1875.

453. Florence Fletcher Walker, wid. of Capt. Edward Marcus Whyte, 71st Highlanders, and of Mappleton, Yorks, ob. 26 June, 1877.

454. Arnold Savage Landor, Esq., b. 5 Mar., 1818 ; ob. 2 Ap., 1871.

455. Charles Theodore Gipner, ob. 20 Mar., 1871.

456. Elizabeth Okell, of Chester, wid. of Angelo Grazzini, ob. 3 Feb., 1871, a. 83. Erected by her s. Angiolo.

457. Henrietta Ann, d. of the late Capt. Falconer Hardy, wid. of Domenico Tomei, ob. 19 Jan., 1871, a 72. Erected by her ds.

458. Joel T. Hart, sculptor, of Kentucky, b. 11 Feb., 1810 ; ob. 2 Mar., 1877.

459. Emily, d. of George Marcus D'Arcy Irvine, Esq of Castle Irvine, Fermanagh, and Grangebey, Wes<-meath, ob. 28 Feb., 1870.

460 .Harriet E. Davis, b. at N. Andover, Mass., 21 Sep., 1849 ; ob. 10 May, 1874.

461. Rev. (Dr.) Kenneth Courtenay, a. 73, 1838.

462. Chapman Stansfeld Marshall, ob. 27 Ap., 1872, a. 64.

463. Robert Townley, b. in Florence, 17 Jan., 1817 ; ob. 15 Mar., 1870. Placed by Marianna Sordi. (In Italian.)

464. Alice Marie, w. of D. Frank Slay ton, ob.

19 Ap., 1871, a. 26.

465. Mary Isabella Page, d. of Thos. Jefferson Page, Esq., b. at Washington, U.S., 6 Jan., 1849 ; ob. 20 Ap., 1871.

466. Laura Temple Bowdoin, Princess of Pandol- fina, ob. at Villa Belmonte, Acqua Santa, near Palermo, 6 Feb., 1877.

467. Christine Temple-Bosvdoin, ob. at Villa Dristina, near Florence, 14 May, 1872.

468. Louisa Catherine Kuhn, ob. at the Baths of Lucca, 13 July, 1870.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut. -Col. 18, Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne.

[For other inscriptions concerning Britons dying abroad see 10 S. i. 361, 442, 482 ; ii. 155 ; iii. 361, 433; v.381; vi. 4, 124, 195, 302, 406, 446; vii. 165; viii. 62, 161,242, 362,423.]