Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 10.djvu/630

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1909.

Apostles suffering from toothache, 121 Apparitions, Irish, 35 ; Cornish, 51, 117 Apperson (G. L.) on Bough-pot, 257

Ellison, Henry, 95

Meschianza, 258

" Sinews of war," 218

Wave, tenth, 511 Apperson (M. H.) on "As the farmer sows his

seed," 217 Applause, Parliamentary, earliest use, 248, 296,

376, 452

' Apple- John face," meaning of the phrase, 308

Apples : their names, 15, 215

Ap Rhys on church of Llantwit Major, 338

Arabic-English, errors in, 284, 336

Arabic numerals, on a brass at Winchester, 187 ;

their present form, 368

Arabic vowels, their transliteration, 285, 335 Arachne House, Strand-on-the-Green, 290, 373 Archer (H. G-.) on field memorials to sportsmen,509

London statues and memorials, 493 Arkle (A. H.) on frost prints, 433

Rutbwell Cross, 217 Arms : of English Roman Catholic Bishops, 228,

316, 458 ; of Sussex, 230, 332 ; of married

women, 429 Army, regimental marches in, 167, 312, 352,

377, 457

Army Lists, their history, 489

Arnold (Benedict), his sons, 50, 98

Arnold (Matthew) on pigeons, 149, 198

Arrowsmith (J.) on Chrystal Magna, 89

Art on medal of Charles L, 68

Arundell (Richard), Master of the Mint, 1738, 467

Arville (T. d') flying achievement, 1851, 250

Askew or Ayscough family, 8

Askwith or Asquith, surname and place-name, 37

Asquith or Askwith, surname and place-name, 37

Astarte on " Protector's Head," inn sign, 30

Tiger folk-lore and Pope, 88 Attorney-General to the Queen, the office, 110,

170, 217

Augustinian Cardinal : Mount Grace, 234 Auervaldsnaes Church, Norway, obelisk at, 249, 394 Austin (Roland) on Gloucestershire poll-books, 124 Australian clay, Wedgwood pottery of, 261, 412 Aviation, derivation of the word, 186, 250 Avoca or Ovoca, place-name, 308, 397, 437, 497 " Away," unrecorded use of the word, 364 Axon (W. E. A.) on British provincial book -trade, 141

Jean Paul in English, 161

Lickbarrow (Isabella), 403

Hanging, recovery from, 86 Ayeahr on advertising epitaph, 503

Anna, a place-name, 312

Anonymous works, 73

Augvaldsnaes Church, Norway, 249

Authors of quotations wanted, 55

Briefs in 1742, 375

Crabble, a place-name, 312

Elizabeth's ( Queen), Day, 432

Fifteenth Light Dragoons, 227

Hampstead in song, 296, 458

Initial letters instead of words, 177

Moon legends, 456

' Old Mother Hubbard ' : its author, 27

Pimlico : Eyebright, 457

Round Oak Spring, 9

Rushlights, 76

Scots Greys : regimental history, 396

Snod grass as a surname, 113

Surrey Gardens, 78

Wine used at Holy Communion, 96 Ayscough or Askew family, 8 B. (C. C.) on crows and rain, 137

Ellison, Henry, 95, 197

Glamis mystery, 396

Hippocrates legend, 53

" His end was peace," 517

Hornsey and Highgate, 156

Jean Paul in English, 293

Kingsley's ' Lorraine,' 497

Nonconformist burial-grounds, 237

Pink saucer, 78

Promethean, 54

Sleep, Latin lines on, 17

Snakes drinking milk, 335

Stuffed chine, 78

Tennyson : ' The Poet,' 148

Tin tag el : its pronunciation, 195

Toothache, 196

Waterloo : Charlotte, 338 B. (C. W.) on authors of quotations wanted, 295

" Stumpy & Rowdy," 287 B. (F.) on clergy in wigs, 392

Elizabeth (Queen), her household, 147 B. (G. R.) on Bennett of Baldock, 191, 393

Wynne (Peter), 490 B. (G. F. R.) on Henry Bickerton, 148

Cookes (Dean), 130

Hyde Hatch, 148

Reynolds on an equestrian statue, 129

Skyrme (C.), 148

B. (G. S.) on Naval Volunteers in 1795, 106 B. (H.) on paradigma, 427 B. (H. I.) on Omar Khayyam bibliography, 391

Vowel-shortening, 176

Wave, tenth, 512 B. (H. J.) on Cock-foster, 30

Stoke, Wirral, parish registers, 287 B. (I. X.) on Greeks and Nature, 330 B. (J.) on- Hartley Coleridge, 49 B. (J. F.) on " Dandy affair," 1816, 49 B. (J. T.) on waney timber, 490 B. (R.) on Benedict Arnold, 98

Candle-making, restriction on, 387

" Cardinal " of St. Paul's, 173

De St. Philibert, 73

French anonymous biographies, 128

Initial letters instead of words, 176

Jurisdiction, special, 368

Mitred abbots, 455

Titles conferred by Cromwell, 112 B. (R.) on Cardinal of St. Paul's, 273

Jurisdiction, special, 512

Leech's etchings on steel, 247 B r (R.) on epitaph with postscript, 503

Femmer, 75

Jesuits at Mediolanum, 438 B. (R. S.) on Arundell, Master of the Mint, 467

Edwards of Halifax, 94, 315

Emigrants to America, 396

Fleet Prison, 110

Gerard (Ebenezer), 446

Jurisdiction, special, 418

King's Silver : Lincoln College, 117

Milton : engraved portraits, 445

Union Light Dragoons, 1780, 49 B. (S.) on snakes drinking milk, 418 B. (T. W.) on Promethean, 54 B. (W.) on authors of quotations wanted, 173, 497

Dolls in magic, 272

France (Anatole) : ' Garden of Epicurus,' 273