Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 10.djvu/636

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1909.

Crone (J. S.) on Irish Rebellion of 1798, 117 Crook e ( W. ) on Indian magic, 495

Taine " Tenir une queue de vache," 273 " Crooked Billet," origin of the sign, 38, 77 Cross on hot cross buns, 157 Cross, Ruth well, Dumfriesshire, 168, 217 Cross Crosslet on Barbara Villiers, 108 Cross Patte on " The Essex Serpent," 310

" William the Conqueror ten sixty -six," 228

O tty ( ) executed in Irish Rebellion, 117

Crouch (C. H.) on Baydon, Cumberland, 335

Madan (Martin) of Nevis, 256

Pickthall, 295

Shakespeare (John), 1732, 317 Crow (W. Roberts) on Crowmer (William) : Watts family, 313

Donegal history, 469

Nisidora as a Christian name, 348

Roberts family, 149 Crowmer family, 149, 232, 313 Crows crying against the rain, 88, 136, 415 Cuir-bouilli : Cuir-cisele, German leather bindings,


Cull (J.) on clergy in wigs, 78 Cummings (W. H.) on Burney's ' History of Music,'

57 Cummins (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 68

' Pleasure digging his own Grave,' 89 Cupples (J. G.) on "Protector's Head," inn sign,


Curious on Wharton autobiography, 190 Curious House, Greenwich, 469 Curry (J. T.) on authors of quotations wanted, 314

Milton and Christ's College, Cambridge, 72

Seventeenth-century quotations, 271 Curtis (J.) on Deville, 91 D. (A. H.) on double-headed eagle, 198

Ranger of Greenwich Park, 189 D. (C.) on Henry Ellison, 95 D. (C. E.) on steering-wheel, 48 D. (E. F.) on authors of quotations wanted, 428 D. (K. F.) on Kniphofia, 333 D. (M. G.) on T. L. Peacock, 138 D. on Cap of Liberty, 52

Clergy in wigs, 16

" Hors d'oeuvre," 255

Mediterranean, 376, 495

" Upper Thames," 27

Wotton House, 7

D. (K.) on Don Saltero's Tavern, 252 D. (T. F.) on " Angel " of an inn, 95

Authors of quotations wanted, 514

Boot-top as a verb, 225

Danzig : its siege in 1813, 130

Fig trees : maturing meat, 96, 453

Hair becoming suddenly white, 75

Heraldry in Froissart : Pillow, 452

London statues and memorials, 494

Man in the almanac, 118

Meschianza, 97

Tunes, old, 93

Vigo Bay, 1702-19, 98 D. (U. J.) on clergy in wigs, 356 D. (W. M.) on " Merry England," 88 Dale (T. C.) on John Tetherington, 189

Wesley (John), his missing letters, 367 Dallas (J.) on Bp. Peter Quivel, 30 Dalton (C.) on the Bombay Regiment, 1

Douglas (Capt. Archibald), 181 Dandy affair, 1816, 49

Danes' Church, Wellclose Square, c. 1696, 97, 154 Daniel family, 468

Daniels (H. G.) on Hove, 216

Dante : ' Inf.,' xvi. 106-8, 302

Danzig, accounts of its siege, 1813, 130, 193

Darwin (Erasmus), his lines on Sydney Cove, 261,


Darwin (G. H.) on Sydney, 1789-1908, 412 Dasent (A. I.) on first Speaker of the House of"

Commons, 388 Davey (H.) on Shakespeare and geography, 346

Shakespeare the actor, 346 Davidson (H. A.) on T. L. Peacock, 9 Davidson clan, 7

Davies (A. M.) on Dickens and the lamplighter, 12? November 5 : Guy Fawkes, 496 Tybiirn, 495

Davis (N. D.) on Sir Arthur Leary Pigott, 426 Day (Nancy), Lady Fenhoulst, c. 1768, 406 De la Motte de la Garr6 family, 310 De Quincey (T.), on toothache, 122 ; and the-

tenth wave, 511 De St. Philibert, c. 1206, 8, 73 De Tabley (Lord), portrait of H. Thompson, 229 Dean (William), ' D.N.B.' on, 114 Dear : " O dear no ! " used inter jectionally, 349,-

395, 434, 516 Death, after lying, 109, 157, 195, 274, 376 ; leg^

growing after, 506

Death warrants, name for cigarettes, 234 Deed temp. Edward III., Norman-French, 168 Deedes (Prebendary Cecil) on Ernisius, 472

" Presbyter Incensatus," 328 Deedler, the, and art of deedling, 66 Defoe (Daniel) and the devil's chapel, 134 Demeuldre (A.) on raid of Bishop of Norwich, 468^ Den a Gernow on early law terms, 29 Denman (A.) on Queen Caroline, 51 Denman (Lord) and Queen Caroline, 51, 94 Dethick family, 214 Deuxsaint family, 309 Devil called the Owd Lad, 507 Devil v. white cock in British folk-lore, 34 Deville, graphologist and phrenologist, 91, 157 Devil's chapel, Defoe on, 134 Devizes Market Cross, inscription on, 195 Devonshire, Barbary pirates off, 189 Dey (E. Merton) on Shakespeariana, 165, 424 Dhai (C.) on Davidson clan, 7 Dickens (C.), and the lamplighter's ladder, 12 ;

on half-baptized, 29, 90, 135, 256, 294 : sur- names of his characters, 327, 477, 517 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' additions

and corrections, 58, 114, 366, 407, 426, 454 ' Dictionary of National Biography : Epitome,'

183, 282

Diego on county heraldry, 348 Dighton (Richard), caricaturist, c. 1817, 407, 454 Dingle (A. T.) on Isaac Basire's portrait, 128 Dinners, parish, in 16th and 17th centuries, 57 Directoire gowns in 16th-century plaster, 326 Disdaunted, use of the word, 328, 352, 377, 416,453 Ditchfield (P. H.), his ' Old-Time Parson,' 425, 496 Ditchfield (P. H.) on ' The Old-Time Parson,' 425- Dixie (Sir Wolstan) and Dr. Johnson, 343 Dixon (R.) on Benedict Arnold, 98

Horns ey : Highgate and Arabella Stuart, QS Snakes drinking milk, 335

Dobell (Sydney) and his Edinburgh friends, 66 Doctor on Walker= Ellen Howard, 450

Wood (Eleanor), 367 Dodsley (R.), famous collection of poetry, 103,

243, 305, 403 Dogs named after heathen deities, 109