Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 10.djvu/638

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1909.

F. (J. T.) on Ancaster, 512 Chine, stuffed, 78 Nursery rime, 38 St. Mary's Abbey, York, 17 Victorian coin, 16 Wainscot, 377 Wave, the tenth, 512 F. on Ellen as a surname, 410 F. (A. L.) on Northiam Church, 488 F. (T.) on King Edwin's dwarfs, 250 F. (B. W.) on authors of quotations wanted, 368 Fage (Major-General Edward), his parentage, 350 Fags, name for cigarettes, 234 Fairclough family of Weston, Herts, 349 Fair-copy, earliest use of the word, 7 Fairway (Anne)= John Blackman, c. 1740, 70 Faithorne (W.), his portrait of Milton, 481 False quantities in speeches, 9 Farrington, clockmaker, c. 1832, 69 Fea (Allan), his ' Flight of the King,' 486 Feather and St. Barbara, 308, 373 Fee-bowls, legal, 46, 98 Femmer= frail, its origin, 9, 75 Fenhoulet (Lady), Nancy Day, 406 Ferguson (Donald) on Arabic-English, 336

Budgee, a kind of ape, 253 Fergusson (T. C.) on Sir Menasseh Massey Lopez,


" Fesamiees de cestes," obscure term, 168 Field-glasses in 1650, 73 Field memorials to sportsmen, 509 Fife fishermen's superstitions, 330 Fifteenths and Tenths explained, 88 Fig trees and maturing meat, 53, 96, 453 Finglow(John), 'D.N.B.' on, 114 Finnis Street, Bethnal Green, origin of name, 15 Fiorelli (Tiberio), known as " Scaramuccio," 153 Fisher (T.) on first English bishop to marry, 475 Fishermen's folk-lore, 330 Fishwick (Col. H.) on Henry Halliwell, 426

Waterloo : its pronunciation, 190 FitzGerald (J. R.) on Comte d'Antraigues, 152

Hampstead in song, 377 Flag, National, and Royal Standard, 72, 130, 193,

331 Flandrensis (Turstin) : Turstiii de Wigmore, 205,


Flash of lightning, name for gin, 210 Fleet Prison in 14th and 15th centuries, 110, 258,


Fletcher (E. W.) on Queen Anne's churches, 435 Fletcher (G. H. R.) on authors of quotations

wanted, 108 Fletcher (John), ' Knight of the Burning Pestle,

Flint (T.) on " What you but see," &c., 255 ' Flood (W. H. Grattan) on cadey=hat, 277

French words in Scotch, 274

' Kitty Fisher's Jig ' : ' Yankee Doodle,' 115

Power (Tyrone), actor, 257 Florence, inscriptions in Protestant Cemetery, 24

223, 324, 463 ; baptistery font at, 88 Floyd (W. C. L.) on British envoy at Warsaw, 398 Flying machines, c. 1594 to 1636, 186, 250 Folk-lore :

Bees in China, 285

Cock, white, v . devil, 34

Counting bringing ill-luck, 137

Creole, 36

Crooked billet, 38, 77

Crows crying against the rain, 88, 136, 415

Doll, 118, 195, 272


Donkeys, measles, and whooping-cough, 326,.


Fisherman, 330 India, 327, 428, 495 Owl, in India, 327 ; in Japan, 409 Snake, 265, 316, 335, 377, 418 Son, disobedient, in China, 408 Stepping over a child, 36 Stork, 368, 438 Tiger, 88, 135, 358 Toothache, 121, 171 Wave, largest, 445, 511

Footgear on Harris, silver-buckle maker, 44> oote (Samuel), family connexions, 109, 455 oot-racing, spleen unfavourable to, 202 ord (C. Lawrence) on Abracadabra, 156

Authors of quotations wanted, 114 ?ord (" Parson ") and Joseph Withers, 343 ?orwale, origin of the word, 146 ?orisfactura, meaning of the word, 208, 332 Fort Montague, its locality, 390, 437 Foster (H. J.) on Wesley in Germany, 187 Foster (J. J.) on Poundbury, 451 ?othergill (Gerald) on Miss Child's elopement, 293 Emigrants to America, 326 Shakespearian Memoranda, 286 Fowler family, 364 France (Anatole), ' The Garden of Epicurus,' 188 r


Francis (E.) on William Francis, 190 Francis (J. C.) on King Charles the Martyr, 227 Dickens's surnames : Guppy, 517 " Entente Cordiale," 178 National Flag, 72 Francis (William), d. 1811, schoolmaster, 190 Frankland (Sir T.), his daughters and Hoppner r

168, 233, 294, 374 Eraser (G. M.) on French words in Scotch, 132 Inferior clergy, their appellations, 250 Scots Greys, 396 Fraser (James) of Phopachy, his pedigree, 330 Froissart, heraldry in, 369, 452 Freeholders femp. Elizabeth, 470 Freeman (Rev. Samuel), d. 1707, his burial-place,

148, 233

French anonymous biographies, 1866, 128 French coat of arms, 209, 258, 295 French Gazette, referred to in ' Marmion,' 268 French peerage, works on, 289, 338 French words in Scotch, 132, 274, 314 Friday Street, Surrey place-name, its origin, 129 Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick, ante 1751, 308 Friends, Society of, their burial and mourning

habits, 31, 150, 237, 334 Frost Fair, 1739-40, prints of, 350, 433 Fry (E. A.) on Sir Alexander Brett, 352

Elizabeth (Queen), her household, 276 Henley (George), 92

Fry (Mrs. Elizabeth), her burial-place, 150 Furnivall F. J.) on Pope's Shakespeare Quarto, 107

Throat-cutting at public executions, 128 Fynmore (R. J.) on " Bonnie Cravat," tavern sign,

365 fir-

Clergy in wigs, 16 Coxe of Clent and Swynford, 115 Death after lying, 376 Finnis Street, 15 ' Folkestone Fiery Serpent,' 508 Gill (Capt. Charles), R.N., 50 Harvey's birthplace, 9, 174 Kent, East Indiaman, 477