Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 11.djvu/484

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MR. FRANCIS EDWARDS'S May Catalogue is <levoted to remainders. We note the following, the second price given being the published price : Beclus's Africa, 4 vols., II. (4/. 4*.) ; Binns's ' First Century of English Porcelain,' II. Is. ("21. 2s.) ; Pierce Egan's * Life of an Actor,' 5*. (14*.); 'New Letters of Carlyle,' edited by Alexander Carlyle, 2 vols., 4*. (II. 5s.) ; Foster's ' Feudal Heraldry,' 3 large quarto vols., II. 10*. (61. 6.*.); Hare's 'Two Noble Lives,' 3 vols., large paper, 15*. (3/. 3*.) ; La Fontaine, -2 vols., 11. 10*. (3/. 3*.); Round's 'Feudal England,' os. 6d. (12*. 6d.)i Needham's 'Somerset House,' -os. 6d. (11. 1*.); 'Thackeray in the United States,' by General Wilson, 2 vols., 6*. (18*.) ; and William- son's 'History of Portrait Miniatures,' 51. os. (101. 10*.).

Mr. William Glaisher has also a Catalogue f No. 364) of new remainders. Besides some chear; theological works, we notice the Edition de Luxe of Menpes's 'Paris,' 15*. (21. 2*.); 'Life of Hugh Childers,' 2 vols., 3*. 6d. (11. 8*.) ; Hertslet's ' Old Foreign Office,' 2*. 6d. (12*.); Layard's 'Auto- foiography,' 5*. (11. 5*.); Macdonagn's 'Viceroy's Post-Bag,' 3*. 6d. (12*.); Canon Meyrick's 'Life at Oxford, 3*. (12-*.); Cunningham's 'Nell Gwyn,' 2*. (5s. ) ; ' Sketches of Scarborough in 1813,' 5*. 6d. (11. Is.) ; 'The Autobiography of Sir Harry Smith,' ~2 vols., 7*. 6d. (11. 4*.) ; and Stephen's ' State Trials, Political and Social,' 4 vols., 5*. (10*.). Under Punch is 'Cartoons from "Punch,"' 4 vols., 4to, 18*. (21. 15*.). There are works relating to the Afridi campaign, Canadian history, Morocco, &c.

Messrs. Henry R. Hill & Sons' Catalogue 97 is a

good general list. We note Bancroft's 'Races of

-the Pacific,' 5 vols., 21. 15s. ; Barbauld's British Novelists, 50 vols., calf, 1810. 61. 15s. ; Beaumont

and Fletcher, 10 vols., calf, Tonson, 1750, 21. 10*. ;

-also the second folio edition, 1679, 101. 10*. ; Bent- ham's Works, 11 vols., Tait, 1843, 11. 10*. ; Beloe's 'Anecdotes,' 6 vols., 1814, 11. 5s.; Bohn's extra volumes, 7 vols., 1849, 3. 3*. ; Dumas's 'Celebrated

'Crimes,' 8 vols., 1895, 21. 15*. 6d. ; and Coleridge's ' Notes and Lectures,' 2 vols., Pickering, 1849, 21. 2s. Cruikshank items include the original edition of

' The Humourist,' 4 vols., 12mo, new calf gilt, 20^. Other works are Madame D'Arblay's ' Diary,' 6 vols; ,

51. 5s. ; Mrs. Delany's 'Autobiography,' 6 vols., Bentley, 1861-2, 41. 15*.; Pickering's edition of Dryden, 5 vols., 1852, 21. 2s.; Dibdin's 'Remi- niscences,' 2 vols., calf, Major, 1836, 11. 5s. ; D'ls- raeli's 'Curiosities of Literature,' 3 vols., Moxon, 1849, 11. 5s. ; FitzGerald's ' Literary Remains,' 3 vols., 21. 2s. ; Foley's 'Society of Jesus,' 8 vols.,

51,. : Froude's 'England,' Library Edition, 13 vols., clean, original cloth, 51. 5*. ; and his ' English in Ireland,' 21. 2s. A fine set bound by Zaehnsdorf of the Palaeographical Society, 6 vols., imp. folio, is

34/. ; and a collection of numbers of The Satirist,

yols. i.-xii., 1807-13, 51. 5*. Under Scott is a set including novels, miscellaneous prose works, poetical works, and Lockhart's 'Life,' 98 vols., 121. There is a large-paper copy of Macdonald's edition of Lamb (No. 173 of 200 copies), 12 vols., 8vo, as new, 4?. 4*. Among works on London is Wilkinson's 'Londina Illustrata,' 2 vols., royal 4to, half red morocco, 1819-25, 41. 15*. Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co.'s Price Current

693 opens with books from the second portion of the library of the late Lord Amherst. We note the

first edition of the first book of Homilies, attri- buted to Cranmer, very rare, small 4to, old calf, a fine tall copy, 1547, 81. 8*. ; Jerome of Brunswick's ' Vertuose Boke of Distyllacyon of all Maner of Waters of the Herbes,' a tall copy, with the book- plate of the Duke of Sussex, 81. 15*. ; a complete copy of the first edition of More's collected works, 1557, 251. ; the second edition ot 'A Dyaloge of Syr Thomas More,' being his answer to the Protestant Reformers, and especially to Tyndale, 181. 18*. ; and Palladio's ' The First Book of Architecture,' fifth edition, 1693, 21. 17*. 6d. (gives the designs of the parquetry flooring in Somerset House, "a curiosity never practised in England before"). Charles II. 's copy of Prynne's 'Chronological Vindication,' 3 vols., folio, is 181. 18*. Most of the copies of the first two volumes were destroyed in trie Fire of London, and it is supposed that not more than 25 are in existence. There is a tall copy of Tyn- dale's ' Declaration of the Sacraments,' 3. 15*. ; also the first edition of ' The Obedience of a Christian Man,' rare, 11. 7*.

The general portion of this list is rich in biblio- graphy, and contains a large collection of cata- logues, including the ' American,' 2 vols., imp. 4to, New York, 1880-81, very scarce, 281. ; ' Chatsworth Library,' 4 vols., royal 8vo, crushed crimson levant, privately printed, 1879, 4/. 4*.; and Quaritch's 'Cata- logue,' 12 vols., calf extra, 8l.8s. The marked sale cata- logues include those of the Ashburnham, the Beck- ford, Dr. Mead's, Payne the bookseller's, an extra- illustrated one of the Perkins Library, the Sunder- land, the Roscoe, and many others. A copy of the largest-paper set of Dibdin's ' Bibliotheca Spen- ceriana, 1814-23, is 181. 18*. Among items under Copinger are 'Incunabula Biblica,' royal folio, 51. 5s. ; and supplement to Hain's ' Repertorium Bibliographicum,' 3 vols., 61. 6*. A genuine original impression of Graesse's ' Tr6sor de Livres Rares,' a fine copy, is 11. 10*. General books include Fielding's 'Tom Jones,' 4 vols., Paris, 1781, 161. 16<; Scott's Novels, a set of original editions, 1814-32, 601.; Smith's 'British Mezzotint Portraits,' 351.; Spenser's Works, Pickering, 5 vols., 51. 5s.; first edition of ' The Dance of Death,' by Rowlandson, 1815-16, 111. lls. ; a complete set of Roseoe's "Novelist's Library," 19 vols., black morocco, by Riviere, 161. 16s.; and an exceptionally choice copy of Capell's ' Shakespeare,' 1767-8, 10 vols., red morocco, 8/. 8s. A long series of Burton s chapbooks and folk literature, 25 vols., 18mo, 1682-1781, is 61. 6s.; and a long set of The, Eagle, a magazine written by members of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, 1858-1903, &. 6*. There is a copy of the Edition de Luxe of Williamson's ' Portrait Minia- tures,' with extra hand-painted plates (one ot" 50 copies), 2 vols, imp. 4to, half -levant, 351.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

F. CHAPMAN, A. L. F., J. C. Ross, and E. F. WILLIAMS. Forwarded.

G. B. (" Touching wood or iron "). Fully discussed at 10 S. vi. 130, 174, 230, 476.

ERRATA. P. 352, col. 1, 1. 27, for " Kiswatuli " read " Kiswahili "; col. 2, 1. 9, dele comma after "Sultan."