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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xii. JULY 24, im.


MR. P. M. BARNARD'S Tunbridge Wells Catalogue 30 includes a few manuscripts of, or relating to, the Tudor period. Among books we note Cranmer's ' Defence of the Sacrament,' 1550, from the Gott Library, morocco gilt, 8?. 8s. ; DarrelFs ' Strange and Greyous Vexation by the Devil of 7 Persons in Lancashire,' 1600, 4?. 5s. ; and the first English edition of Erasmus's 'Enchiridion Militis Chris- tiani,' green morocco, 1533, 251. There is a first edition of Heliodorus, Englished by Thomas Under- downe, no date (circa 1569), 26?. 5*. of this edition only one other copy appears to be known that in the Bodleian. Other important entries include Leland's 'Itinerary,' second edition,' 1744-5, 4?. 15s.; &n absolutely complete copy of the works of Sir Thomas More, except for the blank leaf after the table, 1577, 18?., and Raleigh's ' Discovery of Guiana,' small 4to, 1596, 28?. Ripley's ' Compound of Alchy- niy,' 4to, 1591, is 51. 5s. The " indifferent Reader" is asked to note any fault and " send it unto me, or the house of Peter Bales in the Olde Bayly, to bee corrected vppn." Pity this writer was born three .hundred years before contributors to 'N. & Q.' could have helped him. There is a copy of the first edition of Sidney's ' Arcadia,' wanting title, but apart from a few other defects desirable, 45?. We may here mention that Mr. Barnard evidently igoes over his books with care, as he states all defects

he finds. Under Thucydides is Nicolls's transla-

tion, folio, 1550, 11. 7*'. This translation was the only English one till Hobbes's, which appeared in

Mr. L, C. Braun's Catalogue 60 contains a large number of fine-art and illustrated books. We note Audsley and Bowes's ' Keramic Art of Japan,' 2 vols., folio, half-morocco, 4?. 10s. ; Colling's 'Gothic Ornaments,' 41. ; Humbert's ' Japon Illus- tre, I/.; Hoffbauer's 'Paris,' 3 vols., large folio, half-morocco, 51. 5s. ; Holcroft's views of Paris, 1803, 21. ; Loriq net's ' Tapisseries de la Cathedrale de Reims,' half-morocco, 3?. 10s. ; and Horace Vernet's ' Album lithographique,' 26 large illustra- tions, oblong folio, half-russia, 21. 15s. General literature includes Macaulay's Works, 10 vols., 1850-76, 21. 2s. ; and Mark Pattison's ' Essays,' 16s. ; 1 Percy Anecdotes,' 20 vols., 12mo, 1826, is II. 10s. A note states that the work was compiled by "Thomas Byerley, of Mont Benger, in Scotland, editor of the Star newspaper of that period, and Joseph Clinton Robertson, and that 260,000 parts were sold during the early years of the publication. 'The first edition of R. L. Stevenson's ' Virginibus Puerisque,' 1881, is II. 15s. There are good lists under Foreign Literature and Topography, the jatter including much of interest under London.

Mr. Francis Edwards's Catalogue 301 is full of interest. We have under George Meredith 'The Ordeal of Richard Feverel,' 1878, a presentation copy, with some corrections by him, also a charac- teristic letter of four pages, dated February 21, 1908 : " Your mention of ' Palgrave, grave pal of mine, the pall, the grave, do suit thy sombre hue, the bounding wave thy temoerament, and thoudost aye recall the eternal youth, therewith the grave, the pall' flatters me with the belief that I did some good portraiture in my time," &c., 12?. 10s. There is also a presentation copy of ' Vittoria,' with letter to the same friend, 10?. 10s. Other presenta- tion books with autographs are from Harry Furniss,

Toole, Mrs. Linton, Farjeon, Hollingshead, &c. There is a remarkable series of autograph letters from Mrs. Piozzi to the Rev. Edward Mangin of Bath, 1816-20, 501. In 1833 Mr. Mangin made use of many of these letters for his ' Piozziana ' ; on the other hand, several of them are unknown, while others were printed with important omissions for the sake of the feelings of living persons. The letters are bound in one volume, and Mr. Edwards calls attention to two items of special interest : one a pedigree in which Mrs. Piozzi traces her ancestry back to Owen Tudor and Charles VI. of France, and the other a list of the Streatham portraits. This list, in Mrs. Piozzi's handwriting, gives the prices and purchasers. Under Swinburne are the rare first edition of ' Poems and Ballads,' original cloth, 91. ; 'ChastelarrJ,' 11. 10s.; and others. A very choice item is a Medici Book of Hours, the work of a French artist and scribe, 350?. A list is given of the miniatures. Among purchases from the Polwarth Collection is the rare first edition of Drake's ' The W T orld Encompassed,' 1628, 35?. No copy of this has been offered in London sale-rooms for many years. There are also collections of rare tracts. 'Under Shakespeare is a fine large-paper copy of the first 8vo edition, 7 vols., contemporary calf, 1709-10, 34?. Under India is a collection of 250 large coloured etchings of the manners, customs, dress, and reli- gious ceremonies of the Hindoos by Solvyns, 1799, 45?. This is the artist's presentation copy to Lord Mornington. Under Cruikshank is a complete set of Kenrick's ' British Stage,' including the unfinished sixth volume, 50?. Under Canada are a number of scarce tracts, including a collection relating to the Red River country, 1816-19, 21?. ; and another relat- ing to Canada in 1788-97, 151. Under Folk Lore Society is a complete set, 1878-1906, 30?. Under Alken is a collection of 10 original pencil drawings in perfect condition (some unpublished), mounted to 4to size, and bound in green morocco, 1843, 30?. ; a set of the Baskeryille Classics, 7 vols., 4to, 1757-73, is 25?. ; and there is a large collection of separate plates of Turner's 'Liber Studiorum.'

[Notices of several other Catalogues are held over. ]

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

G. DE C. F. ("Dickens's Knife-Box"). Antici- pated by PROF. BENSLY, 10 S. xi. 116.

F. PRITCHARD (' The Letters of Runnymede '). Ihese letters, written by Benjamin Disraeli, appeared originally in The Times, and were printed in a volume in 1836. They were republished in 1885, with an introduction and notes by Francis Hitchman.

H. E. NEWMAN. Forwarded.

CORRIGENDUM. Ante, p. 55, col. 2, 1. 1, for " Bon- ningham " read Birmingham.