Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/109

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ed. 5, 1650, ii. 62." All the earth a man can have is his grave." John Kinge, ' Lectvres vpon lonas,' 1597, p. 676.

"I will tell you where your lande lieth so

much measure of ground, to the length and breadth

of your bodies, as maie serue to burie them in

more than this we cannot claime." And much more to the same effect.

' King John,' V. ii. 140." To crouch in litter of your stable planks."

Thomas de Gray, in his 'Compleat Horseman,' 1639, p. 11, treating of the stable, says : "Let the

flore be pitched with flint, and not planked you

may perad venture startle at paying, rather than

planking your flore for that it is a new thing,

little practised, and seldome heard."

' Merchant of Venice,' V. i " The man that hath

no music in himself dark as Erebus : let no such

man be trusted."

H. Peacham, 'Compleat Gentleman,' 1622, p. 96.

"The Italian prouerbe 'Whom God loues

not, that man loues not Musicke.'"

'King Richard III.,' III. iv. "Like a drunken sailor on a mast."

Z. Bogan, ' Mirth of Christian Life,' 1653, p. 347. " The man that sleeps on the top of a mast."

'King Henry IV.,' Part II., V. i. " Any pretty little tiny kickshaws."

E. Hickeringill, ' Gregory, Father-Greybeard,' 1673, p. 3. "Indeed it is a quelque-chose, here and there a little tart sometimes."

Sir W. Waller, 'Divine Meditations,' 1680(1839,

p 86)." To furnish a table with nothing with

quelque choses and apparitions of meat."

' Othello,' III. i. Clown (to the musicians with wind instruments) : '* Put up your pipes in your bag."

Compare yAwcro-oKo/xov in John xiii. 29, " the bag," a case for mouthpieces.

'Hamlet,' III. iv. "Thou wretched, rash, in- truding fool take thy fortune."

The passage in ' As You Like It/ II. vii. has already been noted ; see the quotations at 10 S. ii. 365, 491, " Fools have the fortune."

' Hamlet,' III. ii. " Let the galled jade wince, our withers are unwrung."

Tho. de Gray, ' Compleat Horseman,' 1639, p. 352.

-" A horse that is wrung or hurt in the withers

also any swellings by spur-gaules or navell-gaules."

' Hamlet,' I. v. " The time is out of joint." Tho. de Gray, ' Compleat Horseman,' 1639. P. 53.

"Horses are often brought out of ioynt and

temper, by reason of the assidual warfare of the never-ceasing-iarring elements." Pp. 333-4. "He will be out of ioynt, that is, out of good temper throughout every part and member of his body."

'Hamlet,' V. ii." Rough-hew." (See 10 S. vi'

H. Peacham, 'Compleat Gentleman,' 1622, p. 91, says of George Buchanan : "In his person, behauiour and fashion, he was rough hewen.

'Hamlet,' V. ii. "This fell sergeant, death, is strict in his arrest." (See 10 S. vi. 423.)

F. Quarles, 'Emblems,' 1635 (1845, p. 114). "If that pale-fac'd sergeant [deathl make arrest/'

'Winter's Tale,' V. ii. "Thou art a tall fellow of thy hands."

'Hist, of Prince Arthur' (1816, i. 41). "They be marvellous good men of their hands."

' Love's Labour Lost/ V. ii. " Dick the shepherd blows his nail."

'Hist, of Prince Arthur ' (1816, iii. 337). "They have hunger and cold, and blow on their nails."

'Comedy of Errors,' II. ii. "Thou art an elm, my husband ; I, a vine."

F. Quarles, ' Emblems,' 1635 (1845, p. 259)." He 's my supporting elm ; and I his vine."

' Cymbeline/ III. iii. Belarius's account of the noble qualities of the two royal sons, Guiderius and Arviragus, brought up in ignorance of their true birth, as sons of a countryman : " How hard it is to hide the sparks of nature ! " &c.

A similar case, where the son of King Pellinore is brought up as the son of a cow- herd, " but always will be shooting, glad to see battles and to behold knights," &c., in

  • Hist, of Prince Arthur ' (1816, i. 113).
  • Hamlet,' III. iv. Hamlet's interview

with his mother.

A similar case, Sir Ewaine's interview with his mother Morgan le Fay, in ' Hist, of Prince Arthur ' (1816, i. 157).

'Love's Labour Lost,' V. ii. "Judas was hang'd on an elder."

Often mentioned in Bishop John King's ' Lectures on Jonas/ 1597, pp. 190, 260, 353.

'Taming of the Shrew/ V. ii. " My banquet is to close our stomachs up, after our great good cheer."

Scott, ' The Antiquary,' vol. iii. chap. vi. (1818, p. 137). ' A broiled bone, or a smoked haddock, or

an oyster, or a slice of bacon or something or

other of that sort, to close the orifice of the stomach before going to bed." Again in 'Woodstock/ chaps, xx., xxviii.

' Love's Labour Lost,' IV. ii. Sir Nathaniel the curate describes Dull the constable : " His intellect is not replenished ; he is only an animal, only sensible in the duller parts," &c.

Dickens, 'Barnaby Rudge,' chap, xi., Old Willet's account of Hugh. "His faculties was

never drawed out of him when he was a boy has

no imagination can 'tread nor write. has never

lived in any way but like the animals is a

animal," &c.

W. C. B.

DR. JOHNSON AND STRAHAN'S ' VIRGIL.' William Goodhugh, a London bookseller, who published in 1827 * The English Gentle- man's Library Manual/ writes :

"The late Lord Buchan was not an admirer of Jphnson, especially from the manner in which Johnson speaks of Thomson in his 'Lives of the Poets.' His Lordship, in a letter addressed to me, denies the assertion ot Johnson relative to Thomson that his first want on coming to London was a pair