Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/115

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10 s. xii. JULY si, im] NOTES AND QUERIES.


were murdered, only one man escaping to report the slaughter. The dead were thrown into heaps and burnt, among the slain being the celebrated David Crockett and Col. James Bowie, whose name is associated with the noted "bowie-knife," once in high favour with ruffians. But the Texan War of Independence went on under the " Lone- Star flag," the recollection of the massacre serving as an incentive to the Texans in further encounters, while " Remember the Alamo ! " became their war-cry in the struggle for freedom. England, Holland, and Belgium acknowledged the independence of Texas in 1840, the United States and France having each done so earlier. Texas remained independent until 1845, when it became one of the United States, its admis- sion to the Union being one of the chief causes of the Mexican War of 1846-7, Mexico persisting in her claim to the country.

It will be noted that Whitman's figures are largely in excess of the historical number of the Alamo's defenders, but to these he has doubtless added the 330 men from another garrison, who had surrendered upon promise of safety, but were shot by Santa Anna three weeks later (27 March) at Goliad, a town south-east from San Antonio.

M. C. L.

New York.

MB. BBESLAB will find the information he seeks in the ' Century Cyclopedia of Names,' p. 27.

As Englishmen unfamiliar with American history seem to be at a loss to know where to go for information, may I suggest two useful works of reference ? One is Dr. J. F. Jameson's ' Dictionary of United States History,' the other * Harper's Encyclo- paedia of United States History,' in ten volumes. For a real history which, as its title indicates, covers the entire American continent, the ' Narrative and Critical History of America,' in eight volumes, edited by the late Justin Winsor, should be consulted. It is written on the co- operative plan, and is particularly valuable for its wealth of bibliographical and carto- graphical information.


Boston, U.S.

See 'The Life and Adventures of Davy Crockett ' in ' The Story of the Filibusters,' by James Jeffrey Roche (T. Fisher Unwin, 1891). Mr. Roche has also told the story in some spirited verses contributed to Harper's Magazine in 1888 or 1889.

C. L. S.

Information on this subject may be obtained from a history of San Antonio drawn up by one of my brothers.

SUSANNA COBNEB V 48, The Rope walk, Nottingham.

[M. N. G. also thanked for reply.]

THE INFANTA MABIA OF SPAIN (10 S. xii. 47), third daughter of the " Catholic Kings," was born in Cordoba in 1482. Her elder sister Isabel, married to Dom Manoel, " the Fortunate," King of Portugal, died in 1498, and was shortly afterwards followed to the grave by her only child the infant Miguel. King Manoel married Dona Maria, his former wife's sister, in 1500, and by her had six sons, as well as daughters one of the latter, Dona Isabel, being the wife of the Emperor Charles V. Dona Maria died in childbed in 1517, and her enterprising widower married her niece Dona Leonora of Austria, sister of Charles V. Dona Maria is buried by the side of her husband in the church of Belem, near Lisbon.


SIB FBANCIS BACON ON TASTING (10 S. xii. 7). i have sought in vain in Bacon's ' Sylva Sylvarum : a Natural History in Ten Centuries,' and in his ' History, Natural and Experimental, of Life and Death,' for anything answering exactly to the reference in The Spectator quoted by your corre- spondent. The passage I find most like it in sense is this, from the first-named work : " And (generally) it is a Rule, that whatso- ever is somewhat Ingrate at first, is made Gratefull by Custome, But whatsoever is too r pleasing at first, groweth quickly to Satiate." Bacon mentions coffee more than once, but not, apparently, in this connexion.

C. C. B.

PAUL BBADDON (10 S. viii. 489 ; x. 417).

I think MB. CANN HUGHES has misread

the name on the drawing he refers to. I have just seen two water-colour pictures by an artist named Paul Brandon in the Public Library, Kensington. They are of W. M. Thackeray's houses, one of which he designed himself and left to his daughters. Brandon's style in these paintings is bold and free, and tallies with the description of the work of " Braddon." R- T.


x ii. 9). Many questions would be far easier to answer if querists would only refrain from making comments. In this case, for example, the way is blocked with