Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/196

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. AUG. 21, 1909.


MR. JAMES G. COMMIN'S Exeter Catalogue 253 con- tains works under America, Devon, and Somerset. A complete set of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society s Communications, 1850-1903, and of Pub- lications, except No. 25,1851-1904, 20 vols., half- morocco, is 11. 10s. Other items are Bewick's

  • Fables,' first edition, a fine clean copy, 11. 10*. ;

Buchanan's 'Fleshly School of Poetry,' first edition, 1872, 18s. ; Fielding's Works, edited by Gosse, 12 vols., 31. 5s. ; Froude's 'Carlyle,' 4 vols., 11. 15s., .and ' Nemesis of Faith,' first edition, 1849, 15s. (the last book publicly burnt in England) ; Andrew Lang's ' Aucassin and Nicolete,' 12mo, original wrapper, first edition, 1887, 21. 10s.; Henry Morley's ' English Writers,' 11 vols., 11. 10s.; Sommer's edition of 'Le Morte d' Arthur,' 3 vols., royal 8vo, half- morocco, 21. 12s. Qd. ; Pope's Works, with life by Ruffhead, 11 vols., 4to, calf gilt, 1715-69, 21. 10s. ; 'Roxburghe Library,' edited by W. C. Hazlitt, .8 vols., small 4to, 1868-70, 21. 18s. 6d. ; ' Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge,' 14 vols., royal 4to, Washington, 1858-65, 61. ; and Swift's Works, 26 vols., 8vo, calf, 1768, 31. 10s.

Messrs. Henry R. Hill & Son's Catalogue 98 contains a handsome copy of Audsley's ' Arts of -Japan,' full polished levant by Zaehnsdorf, 12t. 10s. ; Beaumont and Fletcher, 10 vols., 1778, contemporary calf, 21. 15s. ; Mrs. Aphra Behn's plays, large paper, 6 vols., 1873, 4Z. 15s. ; Gilchrist's ' Blake,' 2 vols., 1880, 21. 15s. ; Bran- t6me, ' CEuvres,' 15 vols., 32mo, whole morocco, 1740, 61. 6s. ; ' Dramatists of the Restoration,' notes by Maidment and Logan, 14 vols., half -calf, 1872, 11. Is. ; Dugdale's ' St. Paul's,' large pape, in contemporary russia, 1818, 31. 3s. ; and Froissart's f Chronicle,' 6 vols., Nutt, 1901, 51. 5s. There are fine copies of Ackermann's ' Oxford ' and 'Cambridge ; and a good example of Hardouyn's Roman Hours, on vellum, 351. Under Romney are Ward and Roberts's ' Essay,' 2 vols., 4to, as new, in half blue morocco, 61. 6s. ; .and Hayley's ' Life,' bound in contemporary calf, 61. 6s. Shakespeare items include ' Poems ' and ' Pericles,' collotype facsimiles, with introduction by Sidney Lee, 5 vols., 4to, as new in vellum, 4i. 4s. ; and ' Seven Ages,' Stothard's plates, folio, half -morocco, 101. The Catalogue also contains a number of beautifully bound books.

Mr. Frank Hollings's Catalogue 79 contains under Occult Books Fergusson's ' Tree and Serpent Worship,' royal 4to, original edition, 1868, 7J. 7s. ; and a number of works on Freemasonry. Under Rowlandson is the rare ' Excursion to Brighthelmstone,' oblong atlas folio, half -morocco, 1790, 15J. 15s. ; also ' Loyal Volunteers,' 211., and ' English Dance of Death,' Ql. 9s. Under Ruskin is Lewis Carroll's copy of ' The Stones -of Venice,' 3 vols., royal 8vo, first edition, 1851-3, 61. 15s. ; under Shelley, Buxton Forman's edition, .8 vols., 1876-80, 11Z. 10s., and the first edition of the ' Posthumous Poems,' 1824, 61. 6s. ; and under Sheridan the first edition of ' Pizarro,' 1799, 4Z. 15s. In a list under Surtees we note ' Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds,' first edition,

1865, 4Z. 15s. Under Swinburne is the excessively rare ' Laus Veneris,' Moxon, 1866, 151. 15s. (Mr. Slater calls it " the scarcest of all Mr. Swin- burne's separate writings "). There is also the genuine first edition of ' Poems and Ballads,'

1866, 131. 13s. There are rarities under Tennyson.

We note the first edition of ' Poems, chiefly Lyrical,' published by Effingham Wilson, 1830, original boards, enclosed in morocco case, 221. ; and Moxon's first edition of ' Poems,' 1833, 251. (three sonnets and two other poems in this volume were siippressed). Under Thackeray are first editions ; and under Leigh Hunt we note ' Critical Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres,' the only edition, 1807, 31. 17s. 6d. ; also ' Autobiography,' 3 vols., 1850, 31. 15s. Cruikshank items include ' Ingoldsby,' ' The Humorist,' and other rarities. Under Kipling is The United Services College Chronicle, Nos. 2 to 44 (excepting 4, 9, and 32), 1878-90, 20 i guineas. Mr. Hollings has also a list of Bargains in New Books.

Mr. George P. Johnston's Edinburgh Catalogue 90 contains under George Buchanan a small quarto volume including ten works, 1499-1627, 61. 6s. This is from the library of the late John Scott, who paid 131. for it at the sale of the Sunderland Library. Under John Davidson are a number of first editions ; and under Elzevir Publications is a good list. Under R. L. Stevenson is a collection of magazines and periodicals containing essays, poems, and novels as first published, 87 parts and one vol. (most of these belonged to Stevenson's mother, and several bear her signa- ture), 81. There are also first editions of Kipling. Some curious works on paper-making include Koops's book, " printed on the first useful paper manufactured from straw," T. Burton, 1800, 11. 5s. Under Marie Stuart is a work not in Mr. Scott's * Bibliography of Mary Queen of Scots Books ' : " Marie Stuart, Reyne d'Escosse. Nouvelle historique. Premiere [2 e , 3] Partie. [Par Pierre le Pesant de Boisguilbert.] [La sphere.] Suivant la Copie Imprim6e a Paris [Elzevir] M.DC.LXXV.," 12mo, 11. Is.

Mr. F. Marcham of Tottenham has in Part 7 of Vol. I. of his List of Middlesex Deeds and other Documents an interesting item connected with Charles Lamb, being the original licence for the marriage of Edward Moxon of St. George, Hanover Square, a bachelor, and Emma Isola of the town of Cambridge, a spinster, 24 July, 1833. Signed by H. T. Manners Sutton, and with seal of the Faculty Office, Doctors' Commons. A pencil note on the back runs as follows : " past 9 o'clock Tuesday 30 July." The price of this is 101. 10s.

[Reviews of other Catalogues held over. ]

We must call special attention to the following notices :

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancerj Lane, E.C.

J. BROWN (" Peninsulas Pointing Southward ") See DR. MORLEY DAVIES'S explanation, ante p. 36.

KERO. Scientific technical questions are out side our province.