Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/264

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. SEPT. n, 1909.

hidden by her feathers, or do not appear, which conduces to the vulgar error that this bird is deprived of them by nature.

In ' Caroli Ruaei e Societate Jesu Car- minum Libri Quatuor, Editio sexta. Lutetise Parisiorum,' 1754, is a poem addressed to Jean Baptiste 'Colbert, at the head of which is a device "Aquila cum pullis," with the motto " loui educat " (p. 159).

It is, I think, not improbable that the sign of the " Hen and Chickens " was derived from a device or devices such as I have cited.

For a Devonshire legend of a black hen and her chickens see ' Faiths and Folk-lore,' by W. Carew Hazlitt, 1905, i. 313. It is quoted from * N. & Q.,' but without parti- cular reference. ROBERT PIEBPOINT.

" NOLI ALTUM SAPEBE " (10 S. xii. 168). These words are to be found in the ' De Imitatione Christi,' by Thomas a Kemp is. I give the whole sentence, so that the mean- ing may be more easily grasped : " Noli altum sapere, sed ignorantiam tuam magis fatere " (Lib. I. cap. ii., 3). The words in question are usually printed in italics, as they are founded on St. Paul's expression " non alta sapientes " (Epist. ad Romanes, xii. 16). JOHN T. CUBBY.

The words " Noli altum sapere " are taken from the Vulgate, Romans xi. 20.

A. L. MAYHEW. [ W. A. C. also refers to Rom. xi. 20.]

" ENTENTE COBDIALE " (10 S. viii. 168 ; ix. 194, 338, 418, 472; x. 37, 178). All the replies yet given appear to agree that the first known use of this phrase is to be found in the early forties of the nine- teenth century. But a friend has supplied me with an extract from the copy now preserved at the India Office of the Dutch records at the Hague, which carries it back just two centuries beyond that date. This is from a letter written by the Dutch Governor-General at Batavia to the " Bewint- kebbers " (directors) at Amsterdam, under date 15 Dec., 1657 (D.CXIII; vol. xxi., MSS.)

"The reception of our factor seems at first to have been very friendly, but during the latter part of his residence at Palembang (Sumatra) he fanciec that the chiefs were less cordial and that they intended to murder him. So that he left abruptly without waiting for the answer he had written to the Pangeran (chief). Whilst the factor was at Palembang the natives sent a warlike expedition to the island of Banca to subdue the rebels, but they were ignominiously driven back. It seems that there is much cordial entente between the people o: Bantoun, Jambi, Palembang, and Johore."


ST. BABBABA'S EMBLEMS (10 S. xii. 168). HELGA will find a full account of St. Barbara, and the various emblems portrayed n the numerous representations of her, in The Calendar of the Anglican Church [llustrated,' published by John Henry Parker, Oxford and London, 185L The name of the author, or editor as he calls limself, is not disclosed. F. DE H. L.

It may be noted that Mrs. Jameson in her Sacred and Legendary Art,' to which ST. SWITHIN directed attention at 10 S. x. 373, gives an illustration of St. Barbara with the chalice and Host, after Holbein ; and another of the saint with her peacock's feather, after Michael Coxis (Munich Gallery). Concerning the feather the talented author observes that in two pictures (Old German) it is distinctly a white ostrich feather ; while in others it is equally distinctly a peacock's. In a Madonna picture by Vander Goes the Virgin is seated with the Child on her knee ; " two angels crown her, and .... on the left is St. Barbara .... holding a peacock's feather in her hand."

Among many engravings of her martyr- dom, there is one very curious and beautiful old print, says Mrs. Jameson, in which Dioscorus is in the very act of striking off her head, and in the tower window is depicted the sacramental cup. In the Berlin Gallery there is a very fine single figure of St. Barbara holding her cup and wafer, by Ghirlandajo. J. HOLDEN MACMICHAEL.

THE " STBAWBEBBY HILL " CATALOGUE (10 S. vii. 461, 517). There are further differences between the two issues of Robins's Sale Catalogue, which evidently escaped the notice of MB. E. P. MEBBITT when he prepared his excellent bibliographical note. According to No. 1, the first issue, the sixth day's sale terminated with lot 148 ; but the second issue, No. 2, correctly shows that 160 lots were disposed of that day. Imme- diately following this is the announcement respecting the sale of the prints. In No. 1 it is a brief note occupying one page, but in No. 2 " Preliminary Remarks," describ- ing the collection at some length, fill two and a half pages. "S. W." is the compiler of this epitome ; the initials suggest Wood- burn, the print-dealer.

The seventh and eighth days' sales were held in the manner shown by the catalogue. MB. MEBBITT has presumably confused the print collection with these in writing : " The collections in the seventh and eighth days' sales were withdrawn, and their