Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/292

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. SEPT. is, 1900.


MR. J. G. COMMIN'S Exeter Catalogue 254 con- tains a number of works under Napoleon, including Maitland's narrative of his surrender and life on the Bellerophon, and Warden's letters written on board the Northumberland and at St. Helena. American items include Whitefield's sermon at Philadelphia, 24 Aug., 1746, wanting one leaf. There are some curious Yorkshire and other pamphlets. Items under Devon include Risdon's 'Survey,' 1811, 21. 10$. The first edition, in three volumes, of 'The Tenant of Wildfell Hall,' 1848, is 7s. 6d. ; and a manuscript commonplace book in green morocco, with painted fore-edge, 1830, 47. 15s. There are chapbooks, children's books, 1803-6, and a good general list.

Mr. Henry Davey's Catalogue 18 opens with a list of works on America. There are se\ T eral Court memoirs. Under Corn Law are three tracts, 1766, 10s. 6W. ; and under Free Trade is a biographical history of the Pioneers, 2 vols., Manchester, 1852, 6s. Qd. London items include Mavhew's ' London Labour and the London Poor,' 4 vols., 12s. 6d. ; and Vol. XIII. of the ' Encyclopaedia Londinensis,' containing a history of London, 4to, half -calf, rare, 1815, 27. 10s. Other works are Funk & Wagnalls's -* Dictionary,' 2 vols., 4to, full morocco, 17. 18.$. ; Grose's 'Military Antiquities,' 2 vols., 4to, half- calf, 1801, 11. 15s. ; Green's 'Short History,' 4 vols., half-calf, 21. 2s. ; and Leigh Hunt's ' A Jar of Honey 'from Mount Hybla,' original boards, 1848, 15-9. Gd.

Mr. William Glaisher's List 366 contains pub- lishers' remainders. We note a few, the first prices given being those at which the works were origin- .-ally published : ' Liberia,' by Sir Harry Johnston .and others, 2 vols. (2/. 2s.), 12s. ; 'The Franco- German War,' translated by Maurice (11. Is.), 10s. ; 'Keltic's ' Africa,' 2 vols. (21. 2s.), 6s. ; Bosworth's 4 Anglo-Saxon Dictionary ' (12$.), 3-*. ; ' Mary Boyle, Her Book' (10s. 6d.), 3*.; the Thornton Edition of the Bronte novels, including Life, 12 vols. (37. 10s.), 17. 10*. ; ' Don Quixote,' Motteux's translation, 4 vols., royal Svo (31. 12s.), 11. 2s. 6d. ; Jeyes's ' Life of Mr. Chamberlain '(165.), 4s-.; 'The Correspond- ence of Cowper,' edited by Thomas Wright, 4 vols. (31. 3s.), 11. 4*. ; and Ditch'field's ' City Companies ' (11. Is.} L 9s. J. J. Foster's 'True Portraiture of Mary, Queen of Scots,' Edition de Luxe, limited to 175 copies, folio, half-morocco (107. 10s.), is 47. 4s. ; Joseph Foster's ' De Walden Library,' 3 large 4to vols. (67. 6s.), 17. 10s.; and Sverdrup's 'Four Years in the Arctic Regions,' 2 vols. (17. 16s.), Ss. There are also a number of medical remainders.

Mr. Robert McCaskie's new Catalogue contains prints and drawings. These include a series of large aquatint views of India and Abyssinia. Under Turner is ' The Fallacy of Hope,' the print issued to the public in 1851 ; see Mr. Bicknell's account in The Athciueum of the 16th of January last. There are many portraits, including Mrs. Sarah Porter, 'Queen of the Touters, Tunbridge Wells. Among autograph letters is one of Caiiyle, 1843, on the " rights and liberties" of the Colonies as compared with those of the United States, with contemporary portrait, 17. 10s. Among books are works relating to Scotland; Shaw's 'Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages,' IS S3, lV. l.\. : Strutt's 'Anti- quities,' 4to, russia, uncut, 1773, 17s. ; and 'Letter- Books of the Earl of Bristol,' 4 vols., 1874, 18s. 6W. There are Tracts relating to the Civil War; a

collection of Art Sale Catalogues (about 70, many priced), 2 vols., 15-9. ; and street songs on Free Trade, &c., about 1846.

Messrs. James Rimell & Sou's Catalogue 217 is devoted to Topography, and is most interesting, the part relating to London being particularly full. Three highly finished water-colours of the Guildhall Library and Museum are 37. 10s. ; * View of Hunger- ford Market,' in frame, 1834, 57. 5s. ; ' The Four-in- Hand Club in Hyde Park,' in frame, 107. 10s. ; ' The Thames near London Bridge,' an aquatint, and another, near Westminster, 1786, 167. 16s. ; ' Pano- rama of the Thames, London to Richmond,' 1820, 27. 18s.; Pennant's ' London,' extra illustrated, extending the work to 4 vols., royal folio, 1793, 247. (including 862 insertions carefully mounted, many being rare); Lysons's 'Environs,' 5 vols., imperial 4to, full russia extra, 1800-11, 37. 13s. 6d. ; Black's ' Leathersellers' Company,' privately printed, folio, morocco, 1871, 37. 10s.; 'Lambeth Palace,' large paper, extra illustrated, 1806, 77. ; Hassell's ' Pic- turesque Rides,' 2 vols., 1817, 47. 15s. : Jesse's 'Memorials,' 4 vols., first editions, 1847-50, 67. ; Ackermann's ' Microcosm,' 3 vols., 4to, full morocco, a fine copy, scarce, 1808, 207. ; Parrott's ' London from the Thames,' 1841, 47. 4s. ; and Papworth's ' Select Views,' Ackermann, 1816, rare, royal Svo, calf, 207. Gough's ' Sepulchral Monuments in GreaV Britain,' is 97. 15s. Under Oxford is a collection of 46 drawings by Augustus Hare, 117. 11s. Windsor items include Nash's ' Views,' 1848, 57. 5s. ; and Pyne's I ' Royal Residences,' 1816, 2s. 5s. Under Cambridge I are a fine copy of Loggan's ' Cantabrigia Illustrata,' I original old red morocco, 1688, 157. ; and Aeker- j mann's ' History,' 2 vols., royal 4to, half -russia, I rare, 1815, 187. Under Ireland we find Malton's i ' Dublin,' 1793, 77. There are some beautiful collec- I tions of water-colours under Lake District, while | scattered through the Catalogue are many works on heraldry and family history.

[Reviews of other Catalogues held over.]

E. H. MARSHALL. On Friday, the 10th inst., a frequent correspondent of *N. & Q.' in former years passed away at Hastings at the age of fifty-eight E. H. Marshall, M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. For many years he had been Librarian of the Brassey Institute in that town, where his services were invaluable. He was interred on Tuesday, the 14th, at Sandford St. Martin, Oxford- shire, the Manor House of which belonged to him His father, the Rev. E. Marshall, F.S.A., con- tributed many valuable articles to the pages of ' N. & Q.' in days long gone by. J. P.

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception,

T. M. W. ("Land of Green Ginger at Hull ").- The name is explained at 9 S. vi. 135.

F. T. HIBGAME ("There was a lady all skin and bone '). See the articles at 10 S. ix. 478.

H. K. ST. J. S. Forwarded.