Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/321

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10 s. xii. OCT. 2, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 301.

NOTES : Nelson and Lady Hamilton, 261 Orange Custom at the Savoy 'D.N.B. Epitome,' 262 'Short Whist' Hartwell, Bucks" Esare," 264 Dedication of Shake- speare's Sonnets " Quern Deus vult per clere " " Naked came I out of my mother's womb" Pronunciation of "Cowper," 265 -Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford Roscoe's Translation of Cellini" Betheral "Mrs. Alfred Mellon, 266.

QUERIES : William Gush, Painter" Viretob" in Scott "Court of the Actors of Chester "Morgans of Tredegar, 267 Authors Wanted Col. Godfrey Robert Toker of Exeter Gaspar Manor, Stourton Scott's ' Lochinvar ' " Dark as black pigs" Newington Place, Surrey Depu- tation Defined Generals and the Enemy Marriage Relationships Pellican Family, 268 Collett Family Cyranus Lucii Regis Pincerna Herne Family of Suffolk- Cumberland and Westmorland Train Bands Cumberland Hearth Tax Lists Count Findlater at Karlsbad " Forget not to give "Spanish Walk Exchange East Window at St. Margaret's Otford, Kent Jesus House, Worksop, 269 Gomara's ' Conquest of the Weast India,' 270.

REPLIES : Words in Old American Newspapers, 270 Balloons and Flying Machines, 271 Flying Machine in 1751 Court of Requests" Bourne" in Place-Names, 272 High Wycombe Van Dyck " Correct to a T" "The" prefixed to Place-Names, 273 " Fase"ole ": "Flageolet," a Bean Mary, Queen of Scots: her Crucifix "Four regular orders of monks" V. de Vos " Googlie," 274 'The Yahoo' John Bossom, Cook, 275 " Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John "Harvest Supper Songs, 276 1 English Historical Review ' Snake committing Suicide Statues in the British Isles Chinese Proverb in Burton's ' Anatomy,' 277 Arms on a Brass Abbots of Evesham St. Dunstan's-in-the- West Rev. T. Watson Ward Bank of England Bagnigge House, 278.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Lives of the Hanoverian Queens of England.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

Notices to Correspondents.


^BY the kindness of a friend who knows my interest in Nelsoniana, I have come into possession of an ephemeral production which must of necessity be extremely rare, if not unique, and if hitherto unpublished may be worthy of a place in ' N. & Q.' It consists of a scrap of silk, now frayed, faded, and discoloured (originally, I think, of a rose colour), and measuring about 12 in. by 7 in. Upon it is printed in English type the fol- lowing doggerel composition, which I have copied verbatim et literatim ,






Great NELSON that your labours now are crowned, And your glorious Name forever made renown'd; By every Nation be your worthy praises sung, To Thee let trumpets sound, and bells be rung.

By Thee, we are, most Glorious Victor, free'd.

By God's power you were for this decree'd ;

Of direful bondage you tore the chains,

Of sad Slavery no one more complains. Proud Usurpers from Church and State you drag.

At your approach their Saucy boastings flag ;

Naughty rebles from their strong haunts you tear,

Their stif stubborn necks your just yoke must bear.

Before Heavens great Judge as wicked men shall


As the last loud Thunder the Earth shall shake, So rash Rebles, brave NELSON'S Coming dread, And seek some hole to hide their guilty head.

Bless'd be God, who gives such force to Man, That one alone does more than thousands


Faithful Chief, who never leads to banter, Most faithful, who never fails to conquer.

Our Hero's valour, Seas and Lands admire,

Nor Walls, nor Water can withstand his Fire ; As Alexander scoured the extensive Plain Great NELSON triumphant rules the rugged Main.

Happy These who merit His powerful aid,

Thrice woe to them, His hand a foe that made ;

Marvel of the age, Order He maintains,

Who with one Arm Thrones, and States Sustains.

Preserve, o God, a Hero of such worth, For Glory destined from his Birth ; From Him let loyal Subjects learn to obey, And serve their Souvreigns with virtuous sway.

What more remains ? but strait prepare a crown, With Gems, and Laurels to honour his Renown ; And raise a Shining Statue to His Name, Born on the Pinnions of immortal Fame.


NELSON crit semper regnans in pectore Regum ; Quos Deus eripuit tarn superante manu. In the hearts of Kings NELSON has a Throne. By Him God sav'd Them from being undone.

Her Ladyship's most humble and most obed. Serv* Michael Mac Connel. Irish Franciscan. D.D. Naples July I. 1799.

The date, 1 July, 1799, is very significant, and points conclusively to the origin of the sentiments which inspired the fulsome and extravagant effusion. It was on 25-26 June, 1799, that Nelson's squadron arrived at Naples, and he immediately ( by signal in the first instance) annulled the capitulation with the Jacobin rebels and restored the civil power in Naples, the execution of Caracciolo (which must be held to have tarnished Nelson's fame) taking place on the evening of 29 June. It seems difficult to avoid the conclusion that the allusions to the fate of the ' ' naughty rebles ' ' have reference to the events between the 25th and the 29th of June perhaps even to the death of Caracciolo, though so short a time elapsed between that event and the alleged date of the composition. J. ELIOT HOBGKIN.