NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. OCT. 2, 1909.
MESSRS. BROWNE & BROWNE'S Newcastle Cata- logue 95 opens with a rare portrait of General Wolfe. It is whole-length, and represents him in undress uniform, pointing with his right arm, the attack pri the Heights shown in the background, mezzotint by Houston after Schaak from a draw- ing by H. Smith, size of plate 14 in. by 10 in., circa 1759, in a contemporary wood frame, 251. There is also an old print of Canadian Indians, 1841, 51. 5s. Under Costume is Jefferys's 'Collection,' 4 vols., folio, half-calf, Boydell, 1799, 51. 10s. There is the first edition of Fox's ' Battle-Door,' in a perfect state, and including the first leaf of errata, the slip issued subsequently, "More errors espied since," rarely found, and pasted on the verso of the last leaf a very rare additional slip signed G. F., relating to the Pope's pride in using " You to one," small folio, original sheep, 221. 10s. Markham's 'The English Husbandman,' the complete book, 1635, is 151. Under Scott is a complete set of first editions, 74 vols., contemporary half-calf, 1814-33, 50/. The first edition of 'Tristram Shandy,' 9 vols., 12mo, original calf, 1760-67, is 201. There is a list under America. The first folio edition of ' Don Quixote,' 1652, is 4/. 4s. ; a large-paper set of "Books about Books," 6 vols., half- vellum, 1893, 11. 10-s. ; a set of Dibdin's 'Bibliographical Decameron,' and other works, 8 vols., full rich brown russia, elaborately tooled, 1817-22, 211. ; and the second edition of ' The Vicar of Wakefield,' 2 vols., F. Newbery, 1766, 51. 5s.
Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co.'s Price Current 697 opens with a set of The Athenceum, complete from its beginning in 1828 to the end of 1901, in- cluding the advertisements, 118 vols., 421. There is a section devoted to Alp and Hill-Lore. Under Drama is an extensive collection of biographies and books, 79 vols., newly and uniformly bound in half- morocco, 1790-1895, 551. In the long list under Greater London we find Faulkner's 'Chelsea,' 1810, 6^. 6s. ; Dixon's 'Her Majesty's Tower,' 4 vols., half-morocco, 1869-71, II. 12s. Gd. (to this a note is appended that Dixon " was the means of getting it [the Tower] opened for the first time free to the public," a fact likely to be forgotten) ; Princess Liechtenstein's 'Holland House,' with the fine series of photographic plates, original half-morocco, 1874, 3. 15s. ; Pugin and Rowlandson's ' Microcosm of London,' 3 vols., 1811, 24/. ; and Smith's
- Antiquities of Westminster,' 21. 10s. Other works
include an original subscription copy of Lodge's
- Portraits,' some plates slightly foxed, but brilliant
proof impressions on India paper, calf extra, with the arms of the Marquis of Stafford, 1821-34, 31/. 10s. ; and a choice copy of the rare first edition of Montaigne, folio, green morocco, 1603, 65^. There is a beautiful copy (with the plates " d^couvertes ") of Montesquieu's 'Le Temple de Gnide,' large paper, with a duplicate set of the 10 engravings, proofs before all letters, imp. 8vo, sumptuously bound in crushed levant, 1772, 75L This copy sold at Sotheby's for 106/. A large-paper copy of Hodgson's ' Northumberland,' 6 vols., is 36^.; and a set of 'British Poets,' Sharpe's collection, including the translations and Johnson's 'Lives,' 116 yolsu, morocco extra, 18/. 18s. Under Shakespeare is a choice set, including fourth edition with life by Reed, Malone's ' Supplement,' Deuce's ' Illustrations,' and Harding's ' Shakespeare Illus- trated,' together 23 vols., bound by Lewis in olive
morocco, from the library of Theodore Williams,
with his crest, 1791-1807, 80^. Under Scott is a set
of first editions (except ' Guy Mannering,' vol. ii.,
second edition, and ' Tales of my Landlord,'
1st Series, third edition), 74 vols., new half-morocco
extra, Edinburgh, 1814-32, 6QL
Messrs. Henry Young & Sons' Liverpool List CCCC1V. contains Higden's ' Polycronicon,' trans- lated by Trevisa, printed in fine Tudor black- letter, old russia, rare, 1527, 36^. ; a choice set of the early Spenser folios, 4 vols., in beautiful morocco binding, 45/. ; and an Indian Manu- script, 'Bhagavad Gita,' written in Sanskrit on 251 leaves of native paper, each page enclosed in a floral border of different design, and illustrated by 19 full-page miniatures and 85 small miniatures, seventeenth century, 151. 15s. Under Charles I. is a collection of five tracts dealing with his trial and execution, 1648-9, 51. 5s. ; under Byron the original issue of the 1839 edition, extra-illus- trated, 8 vols., full red morocco, 121. 12s. ; and under Boswell a catalogue of his library, sold by auction in 1825, with the name of the purchaser and price of each lot, 51. 5s. There is also the first edition of the ' Life of Johnson,' 2 vols., calf, 1791, U. 15s. Under Wales is Fenton's ' Tour through Pembrokeshire,' extra-illustrated, 2 vols., russia, 1810, 18/. 18s. Under Tennyson are first and early edition?. The rare original edition of Cardinal Pole's 'Pro Ecclesiasticse Unitatis Defensione,' printed at Rome by Bladus, circa 1536, small folio, is 151. 15s. Pole promised Henry VIII. that this work should not be published, and he printed only a few copies in order to obtain the opinion of the Pope and the Cardinals on the subject. Pole rigidly suppressed the work. The King offered 50,000 crowns for his head, and arrested his mother and brother, and had them executed. Lowndes states that only two large-paper copies are known, the Grenville and the Crawford. The British Museum was without a copy until the acquisition of the Grenville collection. This copy, which is on large and thick paper, contains the autograph of the original owner.
[Reviews of other Catalogues held over.]
We, must call special attention to the following
notices :
WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.
WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.
EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancerj Lane, E.G.
W. H. JEWITT ("'le' in Place-Names"). The subject has recently been discussed at length : see 10 S. xi. 201, 270, 291, 356, 415, 451.
R. A. H. U. ("Cold Harbour "). This has also been fully discussed in 'N.&Q.'; see 9 S. i. 17, 50, 73, 373, 457 ; viii. 376.