Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/395

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much used by the fraternity of sharpers, &c. It had an unsavoury reputation also as a meeting-place for those pickers-up of unconsidered trifles who wanted to find a market for their wares. The detectives knew of this, and consequently were often enabled to come across many who were wanted by them. It is said that, for a variety of reasons, no arrest was ever made in the house itself, which was looked upon as a kind of little sanctuary. There was a way from this house into Blue Boar's Head Yard, which was frequently made use of by the " downy " patrons of the place.

The last of the hostelries to be mentioned is " The Blue Boar's Head " in King Street, the head- quarters for recruiting for the Royal Marines and Royal Artillery. It was a worthily managed house, and was kept, in my own recollection, by a Mr. Read and a Mrs. King. This was one of the last houses left standing in King Street at the time of its abolition for the erection of the Government offices just completed. All the places named in this note have vanished. W. E. HABLAKD-OXLEY.



MOST students of the eighteenth century are familiar with this pamphlet, which, under the title of 'The Abbey of Kilk- hampton : or, Monumental Records for the Year 1980,' was published by George Kearsley in November, 1780. It consists of a series of imaginary epitaphs written, like Goldsmith's ' Retaliation,' upon living people, and some of the most illustrious names appear in its pages. Although it passed through (at least) seven editions by reason of its daring personalities, it did not receive very favourable notices from the critics.

The verdict of The Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 1. p. 533, was :

" Some truth, and a little wit, larded with much ill -nature, are fully sufficient to furnish a pleasing repast to the palate of the million. We are there- fore more concerned than surprised at the rapid sale of these imaginary epitaphs."

The Town and Country Magazine, xii. 610, said :

" The thought upon which this work is founded may be styled lucky, and it is in some measure tolerably well executed. But we must observe there is too much sameness in the style, as work of fancy, like this, might have admitted of almost every species of composition, and by that means it would have been rendered a much more pleasing and entertaining production."

The Monthly Review, Ixiii. 392-3, is not any more enthusiastic :

" In this new species of satire, or mode of anecdote, &c., the characters of our great people, male and female, are drawn in the form of monu- mental inscriptions, conceived chiefly in the spirit and style of the celebrated epitaph on Colonel Chartres. Some of the likenesses in this motley picture are pretty well hit off ; many are carica- ures, and a few are exhibited in a favourable light,"

The work has little literary merit, but as it helps to throw some light upon many obscure personages I append a key, which I have compiled from the seventh edition, have followed the description of the haracters as they are given in the text to make identification more simple, although the author is not uniform or consistent in the nomenclature of his peers and peeresses. I wish to acknowledge with many thanks the kind help of H., whose signature is familiar in the pages of ' N. & Q.,' and who has aided me in identifying many names. I shall be obliged if any one can fill up the blanks or supply corrections.



1. Lady Bridget Tollemache.

2. Daughter of Lord and Lady P

2. Mrs. Anne Darner.

3. George Selwyn.

3. Robert Earl Nugent.

4. Bamber Gascoigne.

5. Frances, Countess of Jersey.

6. William Capell, Earl of Essex.

6. Mary, Countess Talbot.

7. Philip Stanhope, Viscount Mahon.

8. Hugh Percy, Duke of Northumberland.

9. William, Viscount Gage.

9. Selina, Dowager Countess of Huntingdor 10. Sir Onesiphorus Paul.

10. John Crewe.

11. William, 2nd Viscount Ashbrook.

12. Maria Walpole, Duchess of Gloucester.

12. Richard Wilbraham Bootle.

13. Lord James Beauclerk, Bishop of Hereford.

13. Brackley Kennet.

14. Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland.

15. Frances, Viscountess Vane.

16. Charles Howard, Earl of Surrey.

16. Sir Robert Hamilton.

17. Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Graf ton.

18. Sarah, Dowager Countess of Mexborough ( ? ).

19. Aubrey Beauclerk, Duke of St Albans.

20. Edmund Burke.

2 1 . George, Earl Cholmondeley ( ? ).

22. Charlotte, Countess of Abingdon.

22. Sir William Ashburnham, Bishop of

Chichester (?).

23. Francis Osborne, Marquis of Carmarthen,

23. Thomas Bromley, Lord Montford.

24. Louisa, Viscountess Stormont.

25. John Manners. '

25. Earl of D

26. Charles Fox.

27. Caroline, Lady Greenwich.

28. Sir William do Grey.