Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/447

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10 s. XIL NOV. 6, i9i9.j NOTES AND QUERIES.


them upright, or upside down, or cross- wise form an unwritten and unsuspected "" character." Forewarned, forearmed, ac- cording to an English proverb. These labels speak, and tell in the next hotel if the traveller is generous or not, if good " tips " are to be expected in short, what the prey is worth.

What is the grammar of this " language without words " ? H. GAIDOZ.

22, Rue Servandoni, Paris (VP).

MATTHEW RAPEB. I should be obliged to any correspondent who would furnish me with the date of birth of Mr. Matthew Raper, who printed an Index to D'Anville's

  • Geography ' in 1762, was .elected F.R.S. in

1783, and F.S.A. in 1785, presented the Society of Antiquaries with his Enchiri- dium to Scapula's Lexicon in 1804, served as Director from 1810 to 1813, and after- wards as Vice-President, and died in 1825. EDWARD BBABBOOK.

WHITE CITY SUNDIAL MOTTO. There was on show at the Imperial International Exhibition at Shepherd's Bush this year a very fine large brass sundial, dated (if I remember rightly) 1692 or 1693, and bearing upon its face a quaint punning rime in two four-line verses. Can any one tell us what this rime was ? I unfortunately omitted to note it, although much struck by its quaintness.


CANON PELLING. I shall be glad if some correspondent of ' N. & Q.' will give me the Christian name of the Rev. Dr. Pelling, senior Canon of the Chapel Royal, Windsor, Rector of St. Anne's, Westminster, and Pre- bendary of St. Paul's. I desire also to learn the names of his parents.


Manor House, Dundrum, co. Down.

THUMB BIBLES BY JOHN TAYLOB. (See 1 S. iv. 484 ; 2 S. i. 232 ; xii. 122 ; 3 S. iv. 528 ; 10 S. ix. 366.) I am preparing a short bibliographical account of the various edi- tions of the ' Verbum Sempiternum,' by John Taylor, the Water Poet. These tiny books appear to be now very rare, and I shall be much obliged to any of your readers who will kindly tell me if they know of the exist- ence of any copies, and if so, the date and place of publication.

I should also be glad to get information about an edition which Hazlitt (' Hand- book,' p. 604) mentions as having been published at Coventry about 1750, in which

the Address to the Reader is signed J. Hervey, instead of J. Taylor. Mr. Hazlitt cannot now recollect where he saw this book, and I have been unable to trace it. W. JOHNSTON, Col. Newton Dee, Murtle, Aberdeenshire.

CAINSFOBD, GLOUCESTEBSHIBE. In the Herald's Visitation of Wilts, 1623, pedigree of Vaulx, Jacobus de Vaulx, de Marston Maisey, Wilts, is described as having married Editha fiF Will' Jenner de Cains- ford in Com. Glos. I cannot discover Cains- ford. Can it be an old rendering of Kemps- ford in that county ?

On the Vaulx monument in Maisey Hampton Church the inscription does not help. Editha died in 1617, and the spelling is "Editha linner," without reference to parentage ; the arms, however, give Vaulx, impaling three covered cups, for Jenner.

R. J. FYNMOBE. Saiidejate.

BENVENUTO CELLINI'S ' JUPITEB.' It is recorded in contemporary French history that, in the time of Francis I., Benvenuto Cellini stayed for some time at the Chateau of Fontainebleau, where he executed a noble figure of Jupiter, in silver, which caused the King to exclaim : " Benvenuto, your Jupiter is a hundred times more beauti- ful than I should have imagined. You have surpassed the ancients. I have taken from Italy the greatest, the most universal artist that ever existed." Where is that chef- d'oeuvre ? RICHABD EDGCUMBE.

Edgbarrow, Crowthorue, Berks.

BANGOB : CONWAY : ST. ASAPH. I shall be glad to know of the best lists of early Archdeacons of Bangor, Abbots of Con- way, and Deans of St. Asaph, especially such as give details of the incumbents of these offices in the fourteenth century.


70, Banbury Road, Oxford.

BBAILE'S BIG WELL. At the beginning of 1907, apropos of the Channel Tunnel scheme, I read in some weekly paper I think, The, Reader of a wild project ex- pounded by a Belgian engineer named Braile, residing temporarily in this country in the middle of the last century. Braile is said to have approached the then Premier, Lord John Russell, with a scheme for sinking ! a huge shaft a mile in diameter, and 20 miles in depth in order to tap the earth's internal heat, and thereby render England indepen-