Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/521

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10 s. XIL NOV. 27, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


In reply evidence is adduced to show that there is no such custom, as alleged ; and that,

" if they or any of them have at any time beene taken to fall or cut downe any manner of wood, browse, hollie, or frye, they have continually had their axes, hatchets, or bills taken from them. In similar documents mention is made of the same custom, " yvies " being coupled with hollies and fryes, or " fries ?i as it is some- times spelt.

I am puzzled to understand how hollies can be used as " browse " for cattle or sheep. Can any of your readers suggest what is meant ? Farmers in this neighbour- hood tell me that cattle and sheep will eat the young shoots of furze which I take to be meant by " fryes " or of ivy ; in fact, they are rather fond of the latter ; but no one seems to have ever heard of holly being used as food for cattle, and it seems very unsuitable for litter. Can some other tree or plant be intended ?

GEORGE E. P. HURT. Woolhampton Lodge, Woolhampton, Berks.

[The 'D.N.B.,'s.t'. ' Browse,' sb. 2, has a quotation

from Howitt's 'Rural Life 3 : "Hollies were

encouraged in most ancient forests for winter browze." For the custom of feeding sheep and goats on holly see 8 S. i. 431, 462.]

RESTORATION PLAYS. At the end di a little volume by John Dauncey, 1661, en- titled * A Compendious Chronicle of the Kingdom of Portugal,' &c., is the following list of plays, "printed and sold by H. Marsh at the Princes Arms in Chancery Lane " :

1. A Cure for a Cuckold ; a Comedy, written by John Webster and William Rowley, in 4.

2. The Thracian Wonder ; a Comical History, by the same, in 4.

3. Gammer Gurtori's Needle; written by Mr. S., Master of Art, in 4.

4. The Two Merry Milkmaids ; a Comedy written by J. C., in 4.

5. The Presbyterian Lash ; or, Noctroft's maid whipt a Tragi-comedy, in 4.

6. The merry conceited humors of Botom the Weaver, in 4.

7. Hells higher Court of Justice ; or the Trial of the three Politick-Ghosts of Oliver Cromwel, the King of Sweden and Cardinal Mazarine, in 4.

8. A merry dialogue between Band, Cuffe, and Ruffe, done by an excellent wit, in 4.

9. Troaydes, a Tragedy, translated out of Seneca, by Sam. Pordage, Gent. 4.

Some account of the production of all these plays is given by David Erskine Baker in his ' Biographia Dramatica,' 1782, with the possible exception of No. 8. He men- tions a play entitled " Exchange Ware at the Second Hand, viz., Band Ruffe and Cuffe, lately out and now newly dearned up, or a

Dialogue acted in a shew in the famous Universitie of Cambridge, 2nd Edit. 4to y 1615."

I should be glad to know if these references are to the same or similar plays, and if either was ever acted in London.

It is a further matter of interest that my copy of the ' Compendious Chronicle ' was presented in 1865 by Mr. W. M. Rossetti to Charles A. Howell, the great friend of the Rossettis, who in 1869 recovered from the coffin of the poet's wife the buried MSS. of his poems. WM. NORMAN.

HAFIZ IN ORIENTAL EDITIONS. Can any one tell me of a sound and scholarly Oriental edition of Hafiz ? I am acquainted with the European critical editions, such as that of Brockhaus, 1863 ; but I wish also to see what the East has done for itself. Book- sellers' catalogues quote a bewildering variety of texts published at Bombay, Constantinople, Teheran, &c., but how is one to discriminate ? There is an Indian "Edition de luxe," Cawnpore, 1902. Has this any superiority beyond paper and binding ? JAS. PL ATT, Jun.

STEAMERS IN 1801 AND 1818. Where are particulars to be obtained of the experi- ments with a small steamer on the Thames in 1801, and of the voyage across the Atlantic of Lord Cochrane's steamer (?) Rising Sun in 1818 ? C. W. K.

68, Bateman Road, South Chingford, Essex.

[Much information on early steamboats will be found at 9 S. vi. 368, 458 ; vii. 16, 133, 252 ; viii. 307 ; xi. 505; xii.242.]

ALBANY BATHS, YORK ROAD, LAMBETH. For many years (almost as many, if not quite, as I have this street in memory), the house No. 83, York Road, was known as the heading of this query states. It was, I believe, a private proprietary venture. I now find that the baths have been closed, and the premises are in the occupation of the authorities of the General Lying-in Hospital, being known as ' Owen House. n I shall be glad to learn when the baths were first opened, and when they ceased to exist. Perhaps my friend MR. RHODES may be able to help me. W. E. HARLAND-OXLEY.


GEORGE MORLAND AT KENSAL GREEN. I should feel obliged for information as to whether the house of William Ward the engraver, with whom Morland lived for a time prior to his marriage in 1786, is still standing, and its precise locality. Morland was married to Ann Ward at Hammersmith