Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/541

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10 s. XIL DEC. 4, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


of birth, and we are told that they died, or that a child died before her father, but all without date.

1. Anne, b. 1792 ; m. 1809 Rev. Robert Bolton of New Jersey, and had thirteen children, one of whom, Abby Wolsey Bolton, the fifth daughter, died at the age of twenty- two, near New York, in 1849, and is the subject of a meriioir by her sister entitled ' The Lighted Valley,' 1856. This has an engraved portrait of her by W. Holl from a painting by her brother.

2. William, b. 1794 ; m. Louisa Coulson. One of their children died before his father : a religious account of him by his mother is entitled 'Little Willy, 1 London, 1865. Cyrus Jay says William died about two years after " Little Willy (' Recollections, 2 p. 206).

3. Mary Arabella, b. 1795 ; m. Wm. Garfit Ashton, solicitor and Clerk of the Peace, Cambridge, where he died 27 Nov., 1855, aged 60 (Gent. Mag., Jan., 1856, p. 100), and was succeeded by W. Cockerell (Boase, ' M. E. B.,' vol. iv.). She died 19 Feb., 1854 (Gent. Mag., p. 443).

4. Cyrus, the person whose name has chiefly prompted this note.

5. Edward, b. 1798 ; died at Lausanne in his 75th year, 25 (see The Times of 30) June, 1873. This is a fact I " made a note of " at the time, being then a contributor to ' N. & Q.'

6. Statira, b. 1801 ; " died at age of nineteen"' (' Auto., ? p. 99) in August, 1820 (' Recollections,' p. 204).

There are numbers of descendants of W. Jay, but not one bears his name.

A few years before his death Jay changed his publisher, and to this fact his son attributes the failure of the last edition of his works. But I should say it was more that the matter had been well worked, and that there were newer competitors. Another factor was the expense of stereotyping, which the son puts at 1,OOOZ. The dis- agreement with his congregation also tended to lessen Jay's popularity.

Not one of this great preacher's works has been reprinted since his death, but in 1900 was published ' Two Famous Preachers of Bath,' by the Rev. James Silvester. Jay's name is first ; the other is Arch- bishop Magee. The frontispiece is a process reproduction of the portrait after W. Etty, R.A., engraved for the ' Autobiography ' in 1854 by W. Holl, afterwards R.A. The original inscription should not have been

appended to this portrait, for it is misleading: to read that the production is " engraved "' by Holl, and that the picture in 1900 is "in the possession of the Rev. R. Bolton," who (died many years ago. He was married in 1869, and two of his sons, clergymen of the Church of England, are in Boase' & ' Modern English Biography,' viz., Wm. Jay Bolton (1816-84) and J. Jay Bolton (1824-63).

Mr. Silvester gives no new facts, and ignores Cyrus Jay's ' Recollections.

A copy of Etty's portrait was published in The European Magazine, January, 1819,. engraved by Thomson ; it is different from Holl's.

The exact dates of the years which I do- not give can all be found by spending money for certificates. Many interesting facts would probably be unearthed by an in- spection of the wills, for which more money is required !

The son Cyrus Jay will form the subject of another note. RALPH THOMAS.

PNEUMATIC TYRES. In years to come inquiry may possibly be made as to when pneumatic tyres first came into use. It may be useful, therefore, to record the dinner presided over by Prince Francis of Teck, held at the Hotel Cecil on 19 November, in commemoration of the twenty -first anni- versary of the introduction of pneumatic tyres in 1888. R. B.


PROTOCOLS. It seems worth while to point out an omission in the last triple section of the ' N.E.D.' under this word. Under 6 we find the following : " Diplo- matics. The official formulas used at the beginning and end of a charter, papal bull r or other similar instrument, as distinct from the text, which contains its subject-matter."

Mention should also have been made of another technical use of the word pi otocol, which is to be found fairly often in papyro- logical writings. Protocol signifies the official mark affixed to rolls of papyrus in the Byzantine and Arab period. The manu- facture of papyrus being a Government monopoly, the authorities were careful to- guarantee the official manufacture of each roll ; and to this end there were affixed to each the name of the comes sacrarum largi- tionum, the date of manufacture, &c. This certificate of manufacture, if we may so term it, was called a protocol, and was written in a very conventional andjllegible hand