Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/617

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10 s. xii. DEC. 25, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


of them referred to a particular page of I know not what. The passages, 204 in number, are devoted, in each case, to setting forth the characteristics of some personage whose name is not very obscurely indicated by means of helpful letters and suggestive blanks. In my copy most of the blanks have been filled in by some former owner, and I am helped by pencilled notes which give additional information about the people brought to the reader's notice. No. XLIII. is complimentary to Mrs. Ed. B v ie (glossed Bouverie) :

" Thinke not you gaze upon a statue here, Whose beauties live but on an outward forme ! Inspecte the movements of Isphina's minde, And these will sanctione Man's idolatrie ! Her maiden modestie she still retaines Through all the duties of a wedded life. With meltinge energies of soul endued, . See with what grace she mildlie yields her owne, Or rules by reason's charme another's will ! Oh let this lovelie gem be fairlie copied.

Page 44. Genuine."

No. CL. is devoted to the D ss of M Ib gh. It runs :

" Go prate of meeke humilitie to those, Whose neckes are form'd to bende beneathe her

yoke !

I have a creste that gracefully denotes A high, and loftie minde, which scorns to view Poore vulgar mortals crawling underneathe, Those insectes of a lower worlde, ordain'd To be by higher orders trodden down !

Page 100. Not Genuine."

Mr. Canning, whom my predecessor writes down as being " a young man of distinguished abilities, 52 and Mr. Burke are not forgotten, nor is Mrs. Piozzi.

I should be very glad to learn the history of this duodecimo, which must in its day have caused some little nutter. On the half-title of my book is badly written what may be "E. H.* Bond will of I. Pattle [or

Pattee], Esq. u


' GIN A BOGIE MEET A BOGIE.' Years ago an exceptionally good Christmas ghost- story was published (I think in one of the magazines) with this title. Can any of your readers tell me who wrote it and where it can be obtained ?

(Rev.) E. L. GARDNER.

Teignbridge House, Shaldon, Devon.

THOMAS DE CONINGSBY. Banks ('Dor- mant, &c., Baronage *) says that Thomas de Coningsby was present at the battles of Poic tiers and Najara, was afterwards taken prisoner in Brittany, and was confined in the

  • E. F. A. Bond, or E. A. Bond of British

Museum fame ?

castle of Conquet till such time as, for his ransom, he was obliged to marry Theophania, daughter of Sir John de Almaine. His return to England is said to have occasioned this " old rime " :

Thomas Connigesby

And his wife Tiffany

Are comen out of Brittany

With his servant Maupas

And her maid Maleface

With their dog Hardigrace.

Can any one say whence this rime is derived, or give further information about the marriage to which it refers ?


3, Carlyle Gardens, Cheyne Row, S.W.


SPOIL A HORN." In perusing the corre- spondence of a great statesman I have come across the above expression. Can any of your readers give me the origin and exact meaning of this ? A. T. B.



reference for this ? Is it accurate ?


AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. Can any of your readers tell me where the solitary poetical quotation in ' Robinson Crusoe ?

For sudden joys, like griefs, confound at first, is taken from ? A. C. L.

I believe that a few years ago there appeared in one of the London magazines a short article dealing with the work of rising American poets, to one of whom the following words are attributed :

1 am tired of four walls and a ceiling ; I have need of the grass ; I have business with the

rees ; I will arise and go.

[ particularly desire the correct quotation and reference. CONSERVATIVE.

I 've watched the actions of his daily life With all the eager malice of a foe, But nothing meets mine eyes save deeds of honour.

I. X. B.

PORTSMOUTH ROAD IN 1756. According

o ' A New and Accurate Description of the

Present Great Roads .... of England and iVales/ published by R. & J. Dodsley in 1756, a new mail-road had been opened Between London and Portsmouth (see p. xliv). This route followed the Exeter Road through Staines, Bagshot, and Hartford Bridge ; one and three-quarter miles from Hartford Bridge it branched through Odi-