Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/626

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xu. DEC. 25, 1909.

referred to by MB. BAYLEY are wanted by him, I shall be pleased to send them in full, and some further information as to the writer. A. J. DAVY.


See 7 S. viii. 208, 277, 332 ; ix. 112.


The author is John Marriott, and the verses will be found on p. 305, vol. i. of

  • Poets at Play/ edited by Frederick Lang-

bridge. See ' Diet, of National Biography, vol. xxxvi. p. 199. J. CABTON.

PIN AND NEEDLE RIMES (10 S. xii. 409).

The first rime which Miss LONGMAN

asks about I heard full sixty years ago. It

ran :

See a pin an' pick it up, All the day you go m luck ;

See a pin an' let it lie, You '11 want a pin before you die. Pins were then much dearer than now only a small portion of a sheet for " a penny-piece," as that coin used to be gene- rally called. This rime varied in con- struction in the second and last lines, but the meaning was the same to recognize the value of small things.

The second rime as I first knew it ran : Pins an' needles, needles an' pins, When a man 's married his trouble begins.

The third rime ran :

It warn't last night, bu' th' night before, Three big beggars knoud at the door ; I made haste to let them in, An' was knockt down wi' a rowlin' pin.

Another was

Gimme a pin t' stick i' ma shin, Ter carry my legs to London ;

and as we said this we jumped on the back of the nearest lad or lass, and pretended with our heels " to spur the horse."

My mother said these rimes to amuse us, and as it seemed she knew them from her mother, it would not be easy to say anything about the " earliest instance " of any.

The looking for pins and picking them up was general with children as well as with grown-up people. Women placed these " found " pins securely in their gowns ; and there was hardly a man who had not pins stuck in the edge of his waistcoat collar. THOS. RATCLIFFE.


MOON SUPEBSTITIONS (10 S. xii. 406). That of seeing the moon first through glass is very common. I had once a curious illustration of its effects. A patient, who was in bed with some temporary illness,

was so anxious not to see the moon through glass that she got out of bed, rather thinly clad, and went downstairs through cold passages to find an open window through which she could see it. The result, as might be expected, was an attack of pleurisy or pneumonia, I forget which.

I believe it is not at all an uncommon occurrence for the observance of a super- stition to be the cause of the evil it was intended to avert. J. FOSTEB PALMEB. Royal Avenue, S.W.

FEET OF FINES : IDENTIFICATIONS (10 S. xii. 450). " Burnedhis " is Brundish in Hoxne Hundred, Suffolk.

" Bonegeton " MB. HOWE will have a difficulty in identifying with any place in Suffolk. W. A. COPINGEB.


With regard to the Buckinghamshire portion of this query, " Eselebergh n is Ellesborough (near Aylesbury). " Tothe- wyk " is now Tetchwick (between Waddes- don and Bicester).

A pedigree of the De Alta Ripa family (Hawtrey of Checquers) will be found in Lipscomb's ' History of Bucks, ? vol. ii. p. 192.

R. B.


" CAMELABIO," SPANISH TEBM (10 S. xii. 48). See ' El Delincuente Espafiol. El Lenguaje,* por Rafael Salillas, Madrid, 1896 y p. 221 : " Camelar, en el sentido de seducir y de enganar : muy usada, como su derivado camelo, engano. n Camelario* then, would be enganador. A. D. JONES.


The work MB. PLATT refers to is an almanac interspersed with humorous verse of no great merit. The verb camelar is often used in what is called genero chico or zarzuelas. The noun camelario may possibly be a corruption of calendario, but this is a mere surmise.

Zaragatorio, I am told, is used in the sense of " droll, festive." W. L. POOLE.


A NEW LIGHT ON THE DOUGLAS CAUSE (10 S. viii. 3). As Mr. R. Storry Deans has written a monograph in his ' Notable Trials, 1 and Mr. A. Francis Steuart has edited a whole volume upon this famous cause in the " Notable Scottish Trials " series, it may be presumed that the subject has con- tinued to attract attention since Mr. Percy Fitzgerald wrote his book on ' Lady Jean,' and my ' Story of a Beautiful Duchess ' was published. Possibly some other writer