Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/636

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1910.

Burdon (C. S.) on Wren and Freemasonry, 286

Burgator, use of the word, 1701, 26, 70

Burge (C. O.) on Cowper and Rev. Mr. Van

Burial-places : of notable Englishwomen, 207, 253, 298 ; of notable actresses, 449, 513

Burnell family, 289

Burney's ' History of Music, plates m nrst volume, 494

Burstall (Timothy), his steam coach, 1825, 31,

Burton (James), J. Birkett, and St. Leonards, 285 Burton (B.), Latin poem, 106 ; TJrceo quoted by,

185 ; Chinese proverb in 'Anatomy, 277 ; scene

of ' Philosophaster,' 325 Bury (Arthur), his ' Naked Gospel, 130 Busbequius, flying Turk mentioned by, 1^7, ^c!b Busy= intricate, use of the word, 467 Butterworth, place-name, its derivation, 9, 91 Byron (Lord), and Capt. Crawley, 49, 218 ; Mrs.

H. Beecher Stowe on, 328, 369

C. (B. L. B.) on Gray's ', Elegy' and ploughing customs, 309

Scott's ' Lochinvar,' 268

Slavery and the Popes, 349 C. (F. H.) on villages and mansions, 189 C. (G. E.) on burial-places of notable actresses, 513

Burial-places of notable Englishwomen, 253

' Notes and Queries ' Commemoration, 433

Corrections in his ' Complete Peerage,' 64,

177 C. (H.) on Guy and Agnes Ayno, 61

Fiennes of Broughton, 123

Hursley vicars, 291

Ingram (James), 11

St. Margaret's, Westminster, 454 C. (Leo) on " Cala rag whethow," 28 C d (L.) on Mary, Queen of Scots, 368, 489 C. (S. D.) on Samaritan Society, London, 197

" The " prefixed to place-names, 116 C. (T.) on ' Complete Peerage,' 64

Parker Consecration and Lambeth Begister,

112 C. (V. H.) on authors of quotations wanted,

208, 268

C. (W. A.) on " Lapp'd in lead," 346 C. (W. J.) on Benjamin Hanbury's library, 9

Watson's ' History of Printing,' 428 Ca. (W. P.) on Napiers and Col. Hoe, 345 Cab, cabriolet, and ' Pickwick,' 385; 514 Cainsford, Gloucestershire, its identity, 367, 436 Caius on Bourne in place-names, 372

Dowbiggin in Lytton, 228

Pellican family, 315 Calcutta, statues at, 466 Calvin and Geneva, phrase connecting, 67

  • Cambridge County Geographies,' Kent, Essex,

Surrey, Sussex, and Suffolk, 59 Camelario, Spanish term, its meaning, 48, 518 Camelopard, its spelling, 206, 292 Can v. cannot, use of the words, 369 Canadian diary, queries about, 188 Canal, Military, at Sandgate, 228, 334, 377 Canning (George) on " Toby Philpot," 387, 470 Cannot v. can, use of the words, 369 j Capaps, ghost-word, 30 Carey (T. W.) on Percheval family, 329

Carlyle (T.), and Freemasonry, 13, 58 ; on the Peneus, 87 ; and Lady Banner-man, 331 ? on Fanny Elssler, 349 ; on Cromwell and 117th Psalm, 417 ; and Voltaire, literary parallel, 486

Carnac, South Brittany, plans of, 187 Carol, Christmas, Spanish, 129 Carstares or Carstairs, origin of the name, 57 Carton (J.) on Marriage like a Devonshire lane,


' Cartularium Saxonicum,' notes on, 186 Casanova (Francesco), painter, his biography. 4 Casanova (J.) articles in ' Le Livre,' on, 389, 476 Case, compositor's, c. 1500, and 1600, 330, 375 " Castle " Inn, Birmingham, its history, 168, 258^ Castor oil, origin of the name, 157 Catalogue, gender in French, 348, 418, 474 Cathedrals, deaneries unattached to, 469 Causton, field-name, and Costen family, 327, 394 Cawdor dispatch and French invasion, 53 Caxton (William), his birthplace, 327, 394 Cellini (Benvenuto), Boscoe's translation of his-

autobiography, 266 ; figure of Jupiter, 367 Cernet's Tower in Bucklersbury, 330, 396 Ceylon bibliography, 169

Chalfont St. Giles, Milton Cottage porch, 407 Chancel arches, Triple, list of, 208, 255 Chaplains, nuns as, 49, 95

Charles I., statue by Le Soeur, 225, 397 ; date of his execution, 220 ; his metal jewellery, 42B j medallion of, 448 Charles II., mock marriage with Louise de Querou-

aille, 90, 133 ; Pelle's bust of, 287 Charles, Duke of Orleans, and " Les deux S,"

348, 418 Charrington (J.) on Engraving by J. G. Will,

115 Charterhouse and unmeaning Latin couplets,


Charterhouse Grammar School, 1515, 468 Chattopadhyaya (V.) on authors of quotations

wanted, 158

Bosh, its derivation, 325 Coffee, its etymology, 111, 232 Chaucer, allusions to Persius, in ' Canterbury Tales,' 6 ; " Strothir " in ' Beeve's Tale,' 90, 155, 235 Chester, Bichard II. at, 166 ; court for actors at,


Children, names terrible to, 53 ; with same Christian name, 365 ; treatment in different ages, 368

Chinese proverb in Burton's ' Anatomy,' 277 Chippindall (Col. W. H.) on Dean B. Meredith, 34

Strode 's Begiment, 256 Chipping Sodbury, curious epitaph, 507 Chiswick memorials, 405 Christchurch or Twynham. See Twynham. Christian IV. of Denmark, 513 Christian name, children with same, 365 Christian names : Alvery or Alvary, 309 ; Ham- let, 98 ; Polly, 405 ; Zirophreniza, 226, 317 Christmas, bibliography of, 506 ; in Wales, 1774,


Christmas Carol, Spanish, 129 Christmas Eve custom at Exeter Cathedral, 170 Christmas ghost -story, ' Gin a Bogie meet a

Bogie,' 509 /

" Christmas In," Mid-Eferbyshire custom, 507 Christmas quarrel, 1859, 508

Christ's Hospital and Samuel Bichardson, 301, 343 Chronology, old and new style, 473