Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/659

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1910.



" Tikes and churls," in ' Piers Plowman,' 430 Tilden family of Tenterden, 168, 258 Tilden (W. I.) on Tildens of Tenterden, 168 Tims (T. Chamberlin) on authors wanted, 148

Meyer and Hoppner families. 129 Tippet or scarf, episcopal, 135 TLobacco, drinking tobacco, allusions to, 369, 454 Toker or Tucker (Robert), c. 1540, 268, 418 Tongue : slip of the tongue a bad omen, 89 Topsy-turvy, early use of the term, 167 Touraine, misprinted Lorraine in Mrs. Green's

' Henry II.,' 309, 358

Tournaments and jousts, particulars of, 430

  • Town and Country Magazine,' 1785, article in,

368, 435

Townshend (Anne) and Sir Thomas Browne, 36 Trade-marks, c. 1580, 65, 131

Trade-names, " le " before, c. 1600, 189, 237, 477 Trafalgar, Capt. Butherfurd at, 76 Train Bands, Cumberland and Westmorland, c.

1685, 269

Tregeagle and Dozmare Pool, legend of, 246 Tremayle, Tressevelen, and Triyett families, 368 Tressevelen. Tremayle, and Iriyett families, 368 Trevelyan (Sir G. ), verbal slip in ' Life of Macau- lay,' 35

Trier, windows from church at, 109, 156, 198 Trin. Coll. Camb. on Basil Goode, 387 Trivett, Tremayle, and Tressevelen families, 368 Trower (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 8

Harvest Supper songs, 30 Truman (T.), bookseller, 18 Tucker (Dean) of Gloucester, pamphlet by,

289, 337

Tudor spelt Tidder, 78, 117

Turk, flying, mentioned by Busbequius, 127, 236 Turner (C. M. W.) on J. M. W. Turner portrait, 437 Turner (F.) on Great Fosters, Egham, 510

" Protection for burning," 149 Turner (J. M. W.), supposed portrait, 209, 437 Turnspit dogs, their late use, 247, 315 Twelve surname, 149, 196, 257, 318 Twycross (J. B.) on statues in the British Isles, 52 Twynham, last Prior of, 221, 315, 453 Tyfferen : tiffar : tiffador, origin of the words, 161 Tyres, pneumatic, their introduction, 445 Tyrrell (J. B.) on Samuel Hearne, 488


U. (T. F.) on Miller bibliography, 1, 42, 374 Udal (J. S.) on apples : their old names, 137

Suffragan Bishops : their arms, 98 Union Jack, its extended use, 226 Unthank (B. A. H.) on Vintners' Company, 30 Urceo (Antonio) quoted by Burton and Fitz-

Gerald, 185

Urllad on Capt. George Farmer, 9 Ursula (Lady), how many now living, 110 Usher of the Green Bod, the office, 208, 377

V. (Q.) on bibliographical technical terms, 204

Compositor's " case," 330

Court for actors at Chester, 267

Court of Bequests, 272

Mauraden, its meaning, 378

Printers' proofs, 490

V. (V.H.I.L.I.O.I.) on " Correct to a T," 376 Vache a Colas, meaning of the term, 48 Vachell surname, c. 1700-50, 48 Vacuum cleaning, its introduction, 308 Van Dyck, supposed picture by, at HighWycombe, 108, 273

Van Lier (Rev.) and William Cowper, 347

Vanessa, her burial-place, 346

Vanneck (Mrs. and Miss) and the Prince Regent,

188, 251, 318, 377, 417, 456, 498 Vaughan (W. H.) on derivation of Butterworth, 9 Vaughan (Capt. W.), c. 1631, biography, 350, 474 Vegetarian, derivation of the word, 427, 511 Verantius (Bishop Faustus), his ' Novae Machinae,'


Vere. See De Vere.

Verus on Jennens or Jerningham family, 449 Vilain XIIII. (Vicomte), peculiar form of numeral,

409, 451, 498

Villages and mansions, disappearance of, 189 Vincent (Henry), Westminster scholar, 188 Viner memorial brass, 207

Vintners' Company, its early days, 30, 153, 477 Viretot, Scott's use of the word, 267 Virgin, Blessed, her death-bed in pictures, 329, 376 Virgin Mary's nut, superstition, 187, 256 Volksbiicher, ed. G. O. Marbach, 9, 58, 133 Voltaire and Carlyle, literary parallel, 486 ' Vortigern and Rpwena,' 1795, 508 Vossius (Isaac), his library, 487


W. (G. H.) on Capt. Thos. Boys, 38

English Navy during the Civil War, 496

Essex fatal to women, 136 W. (H. B.) on " And he was a Samaritan," 177 W. (J. F.) on authors of quotations wanted, 88 W. (L. A.) on V. De Vos, 127, 274

" Everywhere heard will be the judgment

call," 110 W. (T. M.) on Charles II. 's mock marriage, 90

Comets, 15

Dish of tea, 287

Flying machine in 1751, 272

Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, 390

Macaulay on Dryden, 329

Macaulay on literature, 171

Walking in two parishes, 89 Wainewright (J. B.) on authors wanted, 335

Clarionett as a surname, 98

Episcopal scarf or tippet, 135

Gilbert (Sir Humphrey), his last words, 391

Pole (Margaret), Countess of Salisbury, 16

St. Bartholomew and the Benedictines, 312

Slade (John), 14 Wales, moon superstitions in, 406, 518 ; Christmas

custom in, 1774, 507

Wales (William), residence at Hudson's Bay, 488 Walker (B.) on " Castle Inn," Birmingham, 258

Emblin (Henry) and Theodosius Keen, 37

Gainsborough, architect, 18

Military Canal at Sandgate, 377 Walker (John), and the lucifer match, 56 Walking in two parishes on the same day, 89 Wall (E.) on ' Short Whist,' 318 Waller (A. R.) on authors wanted, 158 Walloon etymologies, 405 Walsh surname, its philological interest, 446 Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland, temp. Wil- liam L, 447 Ward (B. M.) on Buckle's ' History of Civilization,'


Ward (H. P.) on Paine's remains, 197 Ward (H. Snowden) on Caxton's birthplace, 327

Comether, its meaning, 77

Dickens : Shakespeare : woodbine, 334

Marriage relationships, 315

" Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," 154

" Scomer upon the Hope," 118