Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/98

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xii. JULY 24 ,

Anderson, Librarian, Aberdeen University, has kindly reminded me that the records of the Aberdeen colleges do not bear out that the degree was of Aberdeen, and that so far as he knows Dr. Guild never used the degree before 1635 four years after he left King Edward. Perhaps some reader may be able to give information on these points. JAMES B. THOMSON.

" GALA BAG WHETHOW," MOTTO (10 S. xii. 28). The usual form of this motto is " Gala raggi whethlow." It is an old Cornish phrase, meaning " A straw for a tale- bearer " or "A straw for these tales." The Carminows of Fentongollan adopted it as their motto. Doubtless an incident in the history of this ancient family, whose last male member died after 1667, led to its appropriation ; but no authentic record remains by which it can be explained.


St. Day, Scorrier, Cornwall.

This motto should read " Gala raggi wethlow," and is the motto of the Carminow family of Tregarrick, Cornwall. The arms are a dolphin naiant or (Fairbairn).


' NOUVEAUX TABLEAUX DE FAMILLE ' (1) S. xi. 389). Auguste Henri Jules La Fontaine was born in 1759, and died in 1831. His ' Tableaux de la Vie d'une Famille ' were begun in 1 " 97, and continued to appear at intervals until 1804 ; see Meyer's ' Kon- versations-Lexikon ' and Larousse's ' Dic- tionnaire universel.* N. W. HILL.

New York.

"TUDOR" SPELT "TIDDER" (10 S. xi. 347, 453). Among a long series of Court Rolls in the custody of Mr. Charles Green- wood, Registrar of the Manorial Society, 1, Mitre Court Buildings, Temple, is a Court Roll of the old manor of Paris Garden in the parish of St. Saviour, South wark. Under 1646 occurs the item :

" Anne Tudor alias Tedder, widow, a customary tenant, surrendered her customary cottages to Adam Brush."


GIRDLESTONE (10 S. xi. 448). See ' A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames,' by C. W. Bardsley, 1901, wherein the com- piler derives the name from a place Gridle- ston.

A village in Hertfordshire on the borders of Essex was named Gedleston, corrupted in the seventeenth century to Gilston.


THACKERAY : ROUNDABOUT PAPERS (10 S. xi. 141, 210 ; xii. 33). Surely the joke half hinted at in Thackeray's ' Roundabout Paper ' is so obvious that it requires no explanation; It is evident that Hood would say, " Perhaps Mr. Cuff has got it up his sleeve," alluding to the mislaid snuff-box ; Mr. Cuff being the landlord of " The Freemason's Tavern," where the dinner was being held FRANK KID SON.

MR. HEBB'S anecdote has appeared in print. It is in ' The Serious Poems of Thomas Hood,' Moxon, n.d. (c. 1880).


HERRICK ON THE YEW (10 S. xii. 7). In order to obtain the sense of crisped as applied to the yew, it should be noted that the poet in the same verse uses the epithet youthful in regard to box. The train of thought is consistent in describing the quality or condition of the tree or shrub rather than any peculiar formation of the leaf. Therefore the term crisped rightly characterizes the yew as being hale and crisp, fresh and firm, as if it would last for ever. TOM JONES.

" BRANNE AND WATER " : BREAD AND WATER (10 S. xii. 9). In the seventeenth century none but the very poor drank water, and that only of necessity. In 1641 it is recorded that Sevenoaks "is a place con- sistinge of many poore Inhabitants, whoe through theire poverty are constrained to drincke water instead of beere " (' Pro- ceedings in Kent,' Camd. Soc., p. 184).

W. C. B.

ABBOTS OF EVESHAM (10 S. xii. 28). Kynach is entered in the c Monasticon/ vol. ii. p. 2 (ed. 1846), as the fifteenth Abbot of Evesham, and a reference is made to a MS. formerly in the collection of Sir Simonds Dewes and transcribed by Dugdale. From a note at the bottom of the page we gather that it is now in the British Museum/ Har- leian MS. 299. N. M. & A.

The fifteenth abbot was Kinath, and the seventeenth another Kinath ; the nineteenth was Alchelm, 941. See the ' Chronicon Abb. de Evesham,' Rolls Series, 1863, p. 77.

W. C. B.

Tindal's ' History of the Abbey and Borough of Evesham * (1794), chap. ii.> gives a list of abbots, with notes of many. ROLAND AUSTIN.

Gloucester Public Library.